Tail Of The Dragon & EOM

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no matter how long you leave a silver fjr in the sun, it will NEVER ripen to blue!!!!
bawhaaaaaaa!!! ;) :p :clap:
hmmm, some of ya' blue people just don't get it, do you? Us silver owners are GLAD of this fact. It's hard to tell when the silver is dirty (for those times when washing your bike isn't possible) ANNNNNND from what I hear it's the faster one. Uhhh, I don't know about this part for sure. Just the thoughts of many other silver freaks.

Well, you know what though? The number of bikes out there is really showing how this bike is taking off.

These pictures are very good. Thanks!

Dana, how ya' feeling these days?



I never got to see the board after saturday night as I left to ride back to Robbinsville were I was staying, I headed home Sunday. I do know that I was #50 on the sign-in board, how many were after that I can't say! :unsure:

I never meant for this whole thing to turn into a pissing contest, so for the sake of peace among the ranks why don't we just say there were "a lot" of FJR's at the EOM and you can define "a lot" however you choose since I'm not sure if anyone really knows the actual count. :huh:

Hey Luvtoride

My bike is blue but I like the silver ones too, when I bought my bike my choice of colors was a grand total of ONE, it was blue or buy something else ( I got my dealers last bike for the year) in fact, I had not even seen a silver FJR in person until the EOM :D


I never meant for this whole thing to turn into a pissing contest, so for the sake of peace among the ranks why don't we just say there were "a lot" of FJR's at the EOM and you can define "a lot" however you choose since I'm not sure if anyone really knows the actual count. :huh:
Hey Luvtoride

My bike is blue but I like the silver ones too, when I bought my bike my choice of colors was a grand total of ONE, it was blue or buy something else ( I got my dealers last bike for the year) in fact, I had not even seen a silver FJR in person until the EOM :D

Hey Chris... just playin' around with you guys. You guys hassle each other so's I'd thought that I'd try, too.

Yes, many bikes at EOM... that is by far the most Feejers I've seen in one spot.

BTW... Blue is nice... OMG!!!! Did I say that out loud???????? Hahaha!!! Just playing. The blue is nice, too. I DO hear that the silver is faster, though.

I don't think that I got to meet you. There were a ton of people that I didn't get to meet. I'll bet you were the guy on the blue bike, huh?


Hey Luvtoride,

Of course you can join in and hassle us! Most guy's enjoy a little light hearted banter no matter the source. :D I'm sorry I didn't get to meet you either as people were all over the parking lot & the lobby area. Did you stay for the Sunday evening dinner? How far did you ride to get to the EOM in Townsend? My ride was around 580 miles approx. I hope everyone had good weather for the ride to Townsend, my weather was great! :lol: :p

BTW: Your right, I was the one on the blue bike :D



They are just jealous that there bike isn't as pretty as ours :D

As far as which ones faster...I can't ride mine as fast as it will go, so for me the blue is the fastest :p cause I'll never ride a silver one faster :eek:

Though I do have to admit Jarmo was riding his silver bike with long floppy ears at mucccccchhhh faster speeds than me (then again many rode faster than me and I'm okay with that)--just wait 'till next year :ph34r:

Dragon1300:They are just jealous that there bike isn't as pretty as ours :D
Seriously Gary... when I was looking to buy an FJR (didn't know an overabundance about them at this point) I was asking dealers if they had an '05 in silver. Hahaha!!! um, DUH! I figured that the '05 must be available in silver... NOT!

My search led me to a used '04 instead of buying '05 blue... very pleased about that, too.

To each his own & true about the speed. To me, the bike... no matter the year, is scary fast.


I tend to agree w/ luvtoride...silver or blue, all these bikes can be scary fast. My only concern is the time warp capability of this machine...have to be careful when crossing paths w/ myself. :scare:

Hey Gary

The long ears were used to listen for trafic coming arround blind curves .

Not really necessary over here in flat country.

Motorcycles have been a big part of my life for quite some time.

I got my first bike late in the 60's and have not been without one since.

The FJR may be my last bike ,I won't out grow it any time soon

I owned an 84 Honda Nighthawk S for over fifteen years . I sold it and got a Harley. I sure did miss that old honda .

I hope to ride some hill country roads with you guys at the next EOM.

As lovetoride poasted earlier now is the time to loby for the EOM next year.

Jarmo :clap:

no matter how long you leave a silver fjr in the sun, it will NEVER ripen to blue!!!!
bawhaaaaaaa!!!  ;)   :p   :clap:
Dana, how ya' feeling these days?

hi heidi,

thanks fer asking.... i'm sore... :blink: :blink:

in addition to the hand and wrist, think the left heel is broken, too... :erm:

but, i'll heal, and an '06 is on order from d&h!!! :clap: :clap:

looking forward to seeing EVERYBODY at eom '06!!!


Dana, how ya' feeling these days?
hi heidi,

thanks fer asking.... i'm sore... :blink: :blink:

in addition to the hand and wrist, think the left heel is broken, too... :erm:

but, i'll heal, and an '06 is on order from d&h!!! :clap: :clap:

looking forward to seeing EVERYBODY at eom '06!!!


Well, that is certainly not good news about an additional broken bone. No rest for the weary, huh?

Really sorry about hearing that but glad that you are here to mend. Also happy to hear about the '06 purchase & perhaps we will be sitting in a lawn chair enjoying an adult libation together at EOM in '06.

So, you had a change of heart? I heard you saying that there wasn't an '06 on the horizon... there were too many '05's to be had & also what you wanted.

Good luck to you mister.

As for Mr. Jarmo... hey there Jarvis! Sent you an email awhile back. Will be PMing you.

Anyhoo... a thread has been started about ideas for EOM '06 in the EOM section. Stop over and leave some ideas.


Got my package from killboy today .

There were some nice pictures included of the EOM riding area.




Motorcycles have been a big part of my life for quite some time.I got my first bike late in the 60's and have not been without one since.
Jarmo, I could tell that from the way you rode...the wheelie in the middle of the Dragon in front of that "moto gp" guy was priceless...ahhh, memories :D

Jarmo, nice pictures of you and the bike! :D

I finally got my pic's from Killboy also, pretty cool.

Btw: I just received my travel box just like yours, thanks for info about where to order it, I'll have to paint it >>blue<< to match the bike but thats no problem.

I couldn't see spending $375.00 for something that will only be used 1 or 2% of the time and besides I didn't want the larger size :blink: One thing that will have to be changed is the backrest, its like a hard rubber brick and the wife did not care for it at all :(

A few pic's from the Dragon



Heres my new riding buddy :D :D


Have a hell of a time finding a helmet to fit him :haha: :haha:

Ride safe!!


David's FJR was not in the group pic. We had visions of a domino rally. I have a ton of pics from the EOM on my site.

My Blog site

Once there, click on the purchase/view all photos on the right side, then select the EOM from the list of events.

I loved the Talley Ho Inn. It was so nice! Can't wait to do it again!

David & Angie

P.S. And the mexican food was good too!

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David & Angie, there are lots of great pic's at your site, glad you pointed it out. I didn't realize Angie was taking pictures of the BUST on page 7, I wonder what those guys did? Oh well, your federal dollars at work :haha:

The mexican food was good and the ride to get there was good too!

Hope to see you again next year B)

Ride Safe


Great pictures everyone!

..and looks like y'all had great fun too.

Next year I'm planning to slay the Dragon myself :assasin: .

My wife and I will come in from Europe and stay in NC for a while and that's gonna be one of the highlights of our trip.

