Take Off... To The Great White North!

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Well-known member
Oct 30, 2006
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Alaska Ride Extended Map-kin

T-minus one day until Dark Meat Snack rediscovers his love for motorcycling, Frenchy adds Vancouver Island and Alaska to the ever-expanding Kingdom of Rhode Island, and Sleeping Beauty... well... Sleeping Beauty does her part by looking beautiful once again perched on the back of my trusty FJR Rain Cloud Follows.

Phase One of my next ride - To Conquer Alaska! - kicks off tomorrow with Dark Meat and I slogging North from California to Seattle. A brief work interlude will ever-so-briefly interrupt (and help pay for) our trip; then, happily reunited at SeaTac Airport, the Expedition will once again mount up, and do what we do best. We'll also claim V.I. for R.I. in the process, then try our best to find the British highway that leads to Valdez.

If everything follows this very loosely defined plan, we'll turn around in Valdez, armed with boring tales and boring pictures of all the boring places we've seen, and head home through Jasper and Banff, Idaho and Utah and finally, sadly, back to the garage in California. If all that doesn't go to plan, well... the story might just turn out to be something other than my usual yawn-inspiring drivel.

This time I've done something completely different. I haven't planned a damn thing. Not one reservation; I haven't read a single ride or road report, I don't know where the fires are, where the must see places are, what to avoid, anything. I haven't bought a copy of Mileposts, hell, I don't even have a map of British Columbia yet. Though it may be hard to tell, I completely improvised on my Canadian part of the Map-kin, relying mostly on the remnants in my tiny brain of Mrs. Cannon's fifth grade Geography class. I'm pretty sure Canada is above Abraham Washington State...

Yep, even though my lovely girlfriend Fiona thinks I have it all planned out, this time I honestly don't. And I am pretty confident that ignorance will make this the Best Trip Ever.

In other words, we're completely winging this trip.

Wish us luck.

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Ahhh....since you've purposely missed all the important factoids about traveling thru that part of Kanuckistan, better pick up a copy of this Clicky

It's all they speak up there north of Seattle :D

Hope you have a great trip.

...if it's as good as your map...yer in for a great "adventure". Just make sure you don't use the mapkin for a nose rag...or BC (Canada Part 1) may fall off the face of the earth. :lol:

Have a great time! ...and remember, the bears aren't tame up by dere. :clapping:

Can't wait for the ride report on this trip Frenchy! No plan is sometimes the best plan...ride safe and watch out for the wildlife.


Eh that part labelled Upper USA, is Yukon Canada, never has been or will be part of the USA <_<

Oh please use your best french, the folks up there will respond in kind.


Ahhh....since you've purposely missed all the important factoids about traveling thru that part of Kanuckistan, better pick up a copy of this Clicky
It's all they speak up there north of Seattle :D
Uh dont think you will need that up this part of Canada :nono:
Kinda reminds me of the 60's and 70's when American tourists would cross at Niagara Falls with ski racks & skis on their cars......... I would think the French is more in Manitoba and points eastward....

Kinda reminds me of the 60's and 70's when American tourists would cross at Niagara Falls with ski racks & skis on their cars.........
I believe that 100%.

Back in the mid 70's we were at camp (cottage) and a vacationing couple from Ohio arrived via float plane for a fishing trip. I'm guessing husband told wifey that accomodations were 5 star resort type of deal, because I actually saw them depart the plane with her wearing a gown and heels and looking none to impressed.

Hell I've had conversations with tele-coworkers who've never be north of Steeles and they 'heard' about polar bears roaming the streets and 'snow snakes' that live in abandon mine tunnels in Sudbury LOL!

Ya, we had heat wave one year and we were all homeless after our igloos melted. True Story.

Don't worry, I am fully prepared to return to Canada. I've got my kilometer-to-hectare conversion chart, I've learned the rules of hockey, I know that, while in country I will be expected to say thank you to ATM machines just like the natives do, and yes, I've even watched Geddy Lee's authentic Canadian video on toboggan safety!

For those that can find nothing better to do, I will have my SPOT tracker on starting on Thursday. The link to the oh-so-thrilling map is here:

SPOT Tracker

Almost time skedaddle on up to Seattle!

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Ahhh....since you've purposely missed all the important factoids about traveling thru that part of Kanuckistan, better pick up a copy of this Clicky
It's all they speak up there north of Seattle :D
Uh dont think you will need that up this part of Canada :nono:
Ah...sorry, I should have put in more smiley's. Just trying to mess with him with his "unplanned" adventure.

Kinda reminds me of the 60's and 70's when American tourists would cross at Niagara Falls with ski racks & skis on their cars.........
I believe that 100%.

Back in the mid 70's we were at camp (cottage) and a vacationing couple from Ohio arrived via float plane for a fishing trip. I'm guessing husband told wifey that accomodations were 5 star resort type of deal, because I actually saw them depart the plane with her wearing a gown and heels and looking none to impressed.

Hell I've had conversations with tele-coworkers who've never be north of Steeles and they 'heard' about polar bears roaming the streets and 'snow snakes' that live in abandon mine tunnels in Sudbury LOL!

Ya, we had heat wave one year and we were all homeless after our igloos melted. True Story.
Jesus H. Christ, Bungie! Whatever you do, don't tell them that we put our dying elders out on the ice floes in winter so they can rejoin the spirit world naturally. They'll think we're fukn savages!

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Don't worry, I am fully prepared to return to Canada. I've got my kilometer-to-hectare conversion chart, I've learned the rules of hockey, I know that, while in country I will be expected to say thank you to ATM machines just like the natives do, and yes, I've even watched Geddy Lee's authentic Canadian video on toboggan safety!

Frenchy - Your off to a bad start. We don't spell it kilometer but rather kilometre or metre. Good luck on your trip good neighbour.


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Safe travels, Frenchy.

Your ride reports are some durn good readin, dere, eh?

Get yerself some good, authentic poutine, while yer up dere too, eh?


Safe travels, Frenchy.
Your ride reports are some durn good readin, dere, eh?

Get yerself some good, authentic poutine, while yer up dere too, eh?

Poutine?? Well, I think it's a great idea, I mean, a man's gotta have some poutine and all, but Fiona's coming along too...

She might have something to say about me getting some poutine on the side while she's around...

And that would be the end of the ride reports...
