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Bustanut joker

Well-known member
Sep 14, 2005
Reaction score
Owosso, MI
For anyone interested in Yacht racing and endurance this is the ultimate. Vendee globe .org is the site to get all the goods.

lots of newbies this running and a couple of vets.. Josse should his luck hold may be the guy to beat this time.

If you really want a good perspective of what kind of ordeal this is check out the book Godforsaken Sea.

Though I do appreciate what you iron butt guys go through :clapping: this thing kinda overshadows it.


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For anyone interested in Yacht racing and endurance this is the ultimate. Vendee globe .org is the site to get all the goods.lots of newbies this running and a couple of vets.. Josse should his luck hold may be the guy to beat this time.

If you really want a good perspective of what kind of ordeal this is check out the book Godforsaken Sea.

Though I do appreciate what you iron butt guys go through :clapping: this thing kinda overshadows it.

Thx,for the info !

I couldn't carry a conversation about yachting,but love to watch it.I have a limited knowledge of stealing air,and other maneuvers,but that's about it.My Brother took me on his sail boat a few times(22 ? 1 footer)and had me doing all the different stuff;putting sails up/down;tacking;etc.

Thanks for the info. I do follow sailing and have done quite a bit myself. There are three things in life that turn me on (If you know what I mean). My wife (always first) motorcycles and sailing. I especially like the solo around the world races and in my younger days had the idea that I would do that one day. I realized that I was getting old when I gave up that dream.


Thanks for the info. I do follow sailing and have done quite a bit myself. There are three things in life that turn me on (If you know what I mean). My wife (always first) motorcycles and sailing. I especially like the solo around the world races and in my younger days had the idea that I would do that one day. I realized that I was getting old when I gave up that dream.

I think mid thirty's is old for this race. It's quite a test of man and machine, not to mention a persons mental state :dribble:

I see where three are out and three are damaged... And it's only been three days. It's only going to get tougher :blink:


For anyone interested in Yacht racing and endurance this is the ultimate. Vendee globe .org is the site to get all the ...
Brother Barry, you are a freaking enigma, wrapped in a contradiction, sprinkled with finely grated -----

-------ass cheese.

I mean all this in a good way.

Who'da guessed you were a yachting enthusiast?

Thanks for the link. :blink:

You're welcome!(<<<<Vendee Globe Website)

Brother Barry, you are a freaking enigma, wrapped in a contradiction, sprinkled with finely grated ------------ass cheese.

I mean all this in a good way.

Who'da guessed you were a yachting enthusiast?

Thanks for the link. :blink:

You're welcome!(<<<<Vendee Globe Website)
Jackass! Because I like my enemas' with moist ass cheese, I can't enjoy this kinda stuff? You narrow minded ass sack licker!!~!!

Go inseminate a goat ya old fuk :****:



Another sail fan here !! B) Almost have as many sailing sites in my favorites as I do bike sites !

Vende is badass, but how about Joyon ????????? He's no spring chicken either !

...........averaging about 20 knots and reeling off near-500 mile days

Francis Joyon has absolutely crushed the record for a non-stop, singlehanded circumnavigation. Joyon sailed his 97-ft trimaran IDEC across the finish line off the Brest inlet in 57 days, 13 hours, 34 minutes and 6 seconds — not only was it the fastest non-stop, solo lap around the world, but the second-fastest circumnavigation . . . ever!


What happened with Thiercelin? I see he's unranked as of today but haven't seen what happened.. Then Dejeanty and his damaged rig.

How'd ya like to make that call? Once ya get South of the cape area your as good as dead if shit isn't right.


Looks like they're about halfway through the race and down to 18 boats. Desjoyeaux is having a good run.

I still think Josse is gonna take it. Way to early though as the roughest parts is just getting underway.

How about Elies and that broken Femur?? Damn! two days before help arrived. Ya know he had to be about crazy with pain rocking around like that..


How about Elies and that broken Femur?? Damn! two days before help arrived. Ya know he had to be about crazy with pain rocking around like that..
No shit! That could have turned out much worse.

Amazing how close the top 4 boat are together after 44 days.

My company is sponsoring two boats in the Volvo ocean race.

They're spending a fortune on it. Oh, and they're closing the facility that I work at next year, so come February I'll be out of a job, but hey at least they're doing well in the race. :angry2:

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My company is sponsoring two boats in the Volvo ocean race.

They're spending a fortune on it. Oh, and they're closing the facility that I work at next year, so come February I'll be out of a job, but hey at least they're doing well in the race. :angry2:
To bad they didn't sponsor a Nascrap car.. They coulda pulled out an saved face.

Oh well, you need to advertise to make money, to bad it's at employees expense. :(


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Hell, Bust did his own circumcision single handed also...........

:blink: Damn, I'm surprised you remember that! It was pretty drunk out that day. :dribble: You still have my foreskin on that necklace?

Oh, an thanks for the hand that day... made the job a wee bit easier :lol:


This thread is getting painful to read.......and no bust.....we don't want any pics.........
