Talk about Hi-Viz Helmets

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On further consideration, since Scorpion doesn't seem to have much of a presence in motorcycle shops at this time, having agroup buy (or even making an individual mail order purchase) for these helmets is going to be tough. I can't see laying out a couple hundred clams on any helmet and not being able to try it on and test fit for it first.

Availability should change in 2010 as Scorpion EXO is being distributed by Tucker Rocky for the new year. Many bike shops use TR as their accessories wholesaler. So, assuming that Scorpion continues with the HiViz EXO700 for 2010 I may try to pick one up after the big trade shows over the winter.

There also may be better options available in 2010 in HiViz, maybe something meeting the new Snell2010 standard.

In the meantime, I'm calling this idea as

Unfeasible at this time.

How hard would it be to paint your exsisting helmet this color?

After seeing this thread I really have been thinking of finding some simular paint and perhaps not painting the entire helmet, but adding some stripes and shapes. (I have a silver gray RF1000)

Figured I would cut out some stencils and go from there. If the paint wore off a bit, I could just save the stencils and touch up when needed.

Guess I would try the rattle can approach first, and see how it goes.


Not a bad idea.

The key would be finding a paint that is fully compatible with the helmet shell materiel. I know lots of folks put various retro reflective stickers on their helmets, but I'm not sure if paint would effect the integrity of the shell.

On further consideration, since Scorpion doesn't seem to have much of a presence in motorcycle shops at this time, having agroup buy (or even making an individual mail order purchase) for these helmets is going to be tough. I can't see laying out a couple hundred clams on any helmet and not being able to try it on and test fit for it first.
Sheet, get off yer arse and come to Columbus - the Iron Pony's super-duper-ultra-mega superstore has a HUGE layout of Scorpion helmets, including boxes and boxes of the hi-viz EXO-700's. The missus and I both got ours there.

Thanks for your efforts with the GB, though.

Well, you got me there...

Actually, since I've retired from coaching this year, I'm going to try and hit the slopes a bit more this year and get out on the XC skiis some too. So that's something to look forward to.

The key would be finding a paint that is fully compatible with the helmet shell materiel. I know lots of folks put various retro reflective stickers on their helmets, but I'm not sure if paint would effect the integrity of the shell.

Well , this is what I heard and all understand that I am not suggesting it is right :

Many companies used to warn owneers not to paint their helmets. The chief reason I was told was just them covering their ass...but is was found that some paints did have solvents that could effect the shell. Later is was shown that this was mostly true for polycarbonite helmets, and that most fiberglass helmets would not be damaged by paint.

Many makers still warn about using paint on their helmets, and some do provide information on what not to use.

Awhile back I talked to a rep from Bell helmets, and he told me that their fiberglass helmets should be fine to paint...using store bought spray paint. The reason was he said that unless you are sanding the original paint completely off..the exterior of the shell should handle just about all paints fine. He told me that fiberglass helmets were basicly layers of epoxy and fiberglass cloth, and that the epoxy used was pretty impervious to most chemicals.

But what he did say was that the lining of the helmet, which is more or less a styrofoam material, could be damaged quiet easily by the vapors of some chemicals and paints. He said if you want to paint one of our helmets, you should remove the liner before painting it.

Anyway, that all said, I picked up a can of Rustoleum "Fluoresecent Neon Yellow" paint at Lowes, along with a can of "all surface" flat white paint, which I will use as a primer. I plan to paint not ny 300 buck RF...... but my old KBC:


It's the one on the far right. I'm going to tape off the vents, remove the liner if possible and see what happens.

Will post photos when I am done.


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Somewhere in the back chambers of my cloudy brain I recall having heard or read similar such warnings. That was the basis of my hesitation to take paint to helmet. But I too have an expendable helmet, just perfectly suited to such experimental, ummm... experimentation. I have a KBC VR1 that I bought and wore for a grand total of 1 week before I deftly dropped the bastid off my mirror. I subsequently replaced it with an exact copy, and that is the helmet I wear now mostly.

Think I'll go shopping for dayglo paint and see what I can come up with.

As to the vapors, being that the inner shell is expanded polystyrene (fancy version of coffee cups), I can see where their concern comes from. I just wonder how many of the "custom helmet painters" out there do actually remove the inner foam? :unsure:

And, hey that helmet 2nd from the left is sort of HiViz in it's own special way, huh? ;)

PS - nice helmet shelf. My friggen trophies don't have a shelf half that nice... :p

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As promised, here is some photos of my do it yourself Hi Vis helmet paint job.

The stock KBC helmet:


I found that I could not remove the liner without tearing out alot of glued in pieces, so instead I closed off the inside of the helmet with several layers of tape along with the taped off areas that were not to be painted:


After a few coats of white "all purpose" paint :


Then a few coats of the Neon Yellow:


And a shot from a distance of my messy garage. Can you find the helmet?


Will post a pick of the helmet when it is done drying and the visor is reinstalled.

I have to admit the paint does have that "Home made" look about it, and I think I would have been better off not rushing the job as I had a few flaws in the paint do to this, but the effect is the desired result, and even my neighbor came over and asked if that was a new christmas it is definitely attention getting.


As promised, photo of the finished item:


The finish is "flat" and I think I will keep it that way instead of going over it with clearcoat. I think the effect of the Hi Vis might be diminished by making it shiney. It also allows me to touch up the paint more easily if it scratches.

I am very happy with the result. There are a few , uh , goofs in the paint I plan on covering with reflective tape or stickers, and I am glad I used my back up helmet instead of my fairly new RF1000. :)

I think if you like the idea and have an extra helmet that you do on occasion should give it a try. Some of my riding is in heavy traffic , and I can only see a helmet like this making me more easily seen.


Thanks KM.

Yeah, it does look a bit amatuer, but so what? Are you a pro painter or sumpthin? :rolleyes:

(edit) - to Garauld, should you stumble upon this thread... How much to day-Glo paint a lid?

The color is perfect for safety. The only reason I can think of to clear coat over it (which is what I was considering) is for durability of the outer finish with handling, and so it doesn't get all smudged up in use.

I intend on doing something similar on a KBC. Can I ask for more details? Did you scuff up the surface of the helmet at all for adhesion? Any other prep steps besides the taping?

[edit] I see that you base coated with white primer of some sort. I think that was a good idea (based on prior work with DayGlo paints) to make the Day-Glo as bright as possible.

I was looking at my helmet and I think I can strip most of the rubber and vinyl trim from the bottom and the eye port. I think that will make it look a bit neater after the fact. Definitely plan on stuffing the innards with newspaper and taping off the bottom and eyeport openings to try and keep the fumes outta the styro liner.

Thanks again for being a pioneer.

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For what it is worth, that FS Hi-vis jacket I sold you was actually a red one that I taped up and then rattle can sprayed the hi-vis.

I used a water based paint in case I didn't like the color, so you may have to touch it up after it gets wet.

Should be pretty easy to do.


Several of the dealerships in the Austin area carry the EX700. I wanted one badly, but its too narrow for me. :(

For what it is worth, that FS Hi-vis jacket I sold you was actually a red one that I taped up and then rattle can sprayed the hi-vis.
I used a water based paint in case I didn't like the color, so you may have to touch it up after it gets wet.

Should be pretty easy to do.

Son-of-a-bitch!! And here I thought I cut myself and got all that red on there... :blink:

...only one helmet is currently available in HiViz Neon Yellow/Green. That is the Scorpion EXO-700.
Fred, WebBikeWorld also shows this NEXX helmet in HiViz, though I suspect you'll have similar issues trying to find one to try on.

I'm holding out for a modular in this color, or something of a compromise. I saw some guy pass on the freeway the other day in a green & yellow helmet that looked more or less HiViz. It definitely got my attention. I'm more prone to plain-ish looking helmets, but this one was sharp. Haven't been able to identify it just yet.

Edit: Looking on the NEXX site, there is no HiViz model... Fred, you may be right. Swear I saw more day-glo helmets in Europe on my last trip, though.

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There is another option - the Schuberth C3 in the same exact color as that Scorpion. I currently have a Schuberth S1 which is wonderful and have ordered a C3 in the neon yellow color, which is reportedly even better than the S1, even though it's a flip-up. Problem is the C3 is not DOT-approved because it's not sold directly in the U.S. I bought mine from a company in Germany (it's made in Germany) and it should arrive sometime in December. I'll post pictures when it does.

I painted a vintage metal tank with Rustoleum because the shade of red I wanted was just right. Came up good. But then I tried to clear coat the thing with rattle can also, and it orange peeled everytime.

I took it to the local paint shop and asked WTH. The "man" there said that Rustoleum paint contains Whale, well, weil whatever oil, and this will not accept clear coat with out heavy additives. He took pity and shot some clear coat on for me . Looks great.

I do not know if that applies to all Rustoleum paint. Some one on the Forum might be able to shed informed light on the subject.
