My friend, who will be a new rider, is convinced he should have a Harley V-Rod. I have tried to talk him out of it, especially because it is his first bike. He just insists that he loves the look of the bike.
I tried recommending a yamaha warrior (also probably too fast for a first bike) a honda shadow 750, a yamaha vstar 1100...
I keep telling him it's very likely he will drop it or go down within the first 6 months of riding (6 months, that's optomistic!).
Any ideas, anyone know any stats about vrods that may help my argument?
Speaking as a Newb rider (well, potential rider as I have the bike bug, but not the bike cash

) I can certainly understand the allure of "One Particular Bike". Where I guess I lose contact with your friend's thinking is that I also understand the worth of a "beginner bike". Not to mention the value of the MSF course.
Just shopping around, I was amazed at just how unwieldy many bigger bikes are, at least as someone with zero experience. These bloody things are heavy! I also have the distinct displeasure of having helped pick-up the pieces (both mechanical and "organic") after coming upon multiple bike accidents. (I'm only 60 miles from the Dragon and even closer to the Smoky Mountains and love to run both in my cage.) Too much power + too little experience (and/or brains) = rider sausage.
I'm a fairly good sized fellow, but I'm thinking something like a V-strom 650 or Ninja 650-R will be my first bike. Plenty of people have recommended 1000cc bikes due to my size, but I guess I’m just too cautious. Plus it gives me a trade-in if I do decide to get something bigger in the future.
Just my ill-informed $.02