Tank Heat

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Jun 26, 2005
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Like a lot of you I have been trying to get away from the heat the comes from contacting the tank.

While insulating the bottom of the tank will slow the heat down, at the end of the day it would always penetrate.

I came home from a weekend trip a couple weeks ago with 1st degree burns on the inside of my thighs,

(no I won't post any pics) something had to change or this bike is going away!

Then it hit me, the problem is not the tank getting hot, it's me getting hot. So here is my solution.

I bought some bubble wrap type insulation about 1/4 in thick with foil on both sides and cut it to fit around the back and sides of the tank, slightly smaller than my mag-knight bra. I glued a microfiber chamois to one side so nothing gets scratched and covered the whole mess with a vinyl tank bra.

Results? OUTSTANDING :yahoo:

I went for a 250 mile ride yesterday temps were from 98 to 104 degrees, no discomfort, when I got home

I checked the temps, bare tank 121deg., side of the tank where my leg rests 105deg.. it was 102 outside when

I was measuring.

I think I'll keep it


Like a lot of you I have been trying to get away from the heat the comes from contacting the tank. While insulating the bottom of the tank will slow the heat down, at the end of the day it would always penetrate.

I came home from a weekend trip a couple weeks ago with 1st degree burns on the inside of my thighs,

(no I won't post any pics) something had to change or this bike is going away!

Then it hit me, the problem is not the tank getting hot, it's me getting hot. So here is my solution.

I bought some bubble wrap type insulation about 1/4 in thick with foil on both sides and cut it to fit around the back and sides of the tank, slightly smaller than my mag-knight bra. I glued a microfiber chamois to one side so nothing gets scratched and covered the whole mess with a vinyl tank bra.

Results? OUTSTANDING :yahoo:

I went for a 250 mile ride yesterday temps were from 98 to 104 degrees, no discomfort, when I got home

I checked the temps, bare tank 121deg., side of the tank where my leg rests 105deg.. it was 102 outside when

I was measuring.

I think I'll keep it

This thread is usless without pics! Wasn't there an emoticon that said that?

On the surface it sounds like a good idea and I hate to burst your bubble but... What happens when your bubbles burst ?

Bubble wrap isn't known for its long term durability. Will that be much trouble to replace a few times during the simmer season ?

On the surface it sounds like a good idea and I hate to burst your bubble but... What happens when your bubbles burst ?Bubble wrap isn't known for its long term durability. Will that be much trouble to replace a few times during the simmer season ?

I used bubble type insulation because I happened to have it laying around, with the pattern cut it could be

replaced in about 10min. for 3 or 4 bucks. When this wears out I will probably look for another thin insulation, perhaps the "firewall" type I used on the bottom of the tank.


This thread is usless without pics! Wasn't there an emoticon that said that?

BTW: I think the discussion about insulating the rider has been talked and retalked since the Feejer arrived in the US in 2002. Perhaps some people don't absorb it so easily when it's phrased "wear good riding pants instead of Dockers, jeans, or t-backs".

This thread is usless without pics! Wasn't there an emoticon that said that?

BTW: I think the discussion about insulating the rider has been talked and retalked since the Feejer arrived in the US in 2002. Perhaps some people don't absorb it so easily when it's phrased "wear good riding pants instead of Dockers, jeans, or t-backs".
...and some peeps sit up to the tank and some sit back with space between...

...and some peeps sit up to the tank and some sit back with space between...
Yeah I'm always sliding into the tank. It's amazing how much difference sliding back 1" and moving your knees outboard 1" will make. My main tank heat issue is that my favorite LD riding position is laying on the tank with my feet "floating" below the bags. The obvious answer is a Bagster cover but I'm too stubborn to pony up for that overpriced British stuff especially when I already have another tankbag. In fairness it's not overpriced, just an under valued dollar and the "heat" just aint that bad to me. :blink:

The obvious answer is a Bagster cover but I'm too stubborn to pony up for that overpriced British stuff especially when I already have another tankbag. In fairness it's not overpriced, just an under valued dollar and the "heat" just aint that bad to me. :blink:
K-Drive (google) not color matched but that costs extra. The advantage is that the cover doesn't have to come off when you need to lift the tank.

If John (https://www.a-motorcycle-acc.com/) doesn't have it in remaining stock, he can hook you up with the current distributor.

The obvious answer is a Bagster cover but I'm too stubborn to pony up for that overpriced British stuff especially when I already have another tankbag. In fairness it's not overpriced, just an under valued dollar and the "heat" just aint that bad to me.

Just to let you know the bagster is a French product if it was British it would have a stiff upper lip and it wouldnt dare transfer the heat straight through in the way it does :yahoo:

Just to let you know the bagster is a French product if it was British it would have a stiff upper lip ...
There, you made me laugh so hard I spilled my Perrier all over ze keyboard... :p


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...and some peeps sit up to the tank and some sit back with space between...
Yeah I'm always sliding into the tank. It's amazing how much difference sliding back 1" and moving your knees outboard 1" will make. My main tank heat issue is that my favorite LD riding position is laying on the tank with my feet "floating" below the bags. The obvious answer is a Bagster cover but I'm too stubborn to pony up for that overpriced British stuff especially when I already have another tankbag. In fairness it's not overpriced, just an under valued dollar and the "heat" just aint that bad to me. :blink:
The admins need to look closely at your right wing crack about the "under valued dollar" as a pro W political statement. Just because the Fed had to crank up the printing presses to pay for this well reasoned war and tax cuts doesn't mean that the dollar is under valued. In fact, the dollar is over printed - and that is the Bush policy to help businesses pay off the middle class pensions and help reduce federal debt. It also effectively lowers the minimum wage and the wages of all working class people.

Oh while I'm expecting a wrist slap - screw those Frenchies too! All they did was ---


But we will not talk politics here! A little respect for the forum please. Please read item No. 4 again. <_<

While we are on the topic, where is the best place to buy those Bagsters?

This fix has been around for quite awhile (with excellent pics I might add) I have had the foil faced bubble wrap under my tank for over a year and it is holding up perfectly and really really helps on super hot days. I can't believe that some guys think wearing heavier riding pants are going to keep you from feeling the heat when it is 90 to 100 out and you are in traffic. Whew, I'm sweatin' just thinking about it. <_<
