I think I have the correct kit. It's really nice of tankslapper to just send a box them in there. No directions, or even a hello!
Here is how I have been installing them.
1. Clean Surface
2. Take a spray bottle w/ water and spray surface.
3. Install with blue tool
4. Cuss.
5. Contiune to cuss adding more and more adjectives while chasing bubbles and areas that lay flat and then pop back up.
I must not be doing this right?
I didn't get my kit mailed to me, but talking to Lucas he skips the flashy packaging to keep the cost as low as possible. I for one kind of like that approach, I don't need to waste $$ on something I am going to throw away. Maybe you can print out the below page or bring a laptop out to the install area (WiFi)
I will say his web site is not the most user friendly in the world and as I write this I find myself at a loss of words how to describe to someone a technique that takes practice. I cut my teeth on window tinting so I have a feel for how to lay down a film and get the bubbles out without damage or tons of effort.
My advice:
-Make sure you have the right kit. (since there is no label on the package you will just have to test fit a few pieces, do the contours/curves match up)
-Dry fit the kit (measure twice cut once advice)
Follow the instructions here
This page has all kinds of tips and instructions.
I would rather have it here than rolled into a price increase he has to pass onto everyone else.
-Start with an easier piece (Tank where your knees go) something with less contours
-Make sure you use enough water solution, get about 90% of the bubbles out by lifting edges and smoothing out with your fingers as you lay it down.
-Push the water in as much of one direction as you can. This helps minimize "chasing bubbles"
-If you have some really hard bubbles, lift the edge and try it again, sometime it takes a few trys.
-If you have to lift an edge spray it again when you start over.
Bottom line I guess, it takes some practice, patience and a little skill.
Not everyone can do it.
Maybe you have a car stereo shop nearby (not sure where you are located your profile does not say)
Many car stereo shops do window tinting and have some kids with amazing skills & talents.
I would think the charge would be fairly cheap since it is pre-cut and you are supplying the material.
Maybe they will even let you watch.
Worst case have them do the pieces you find impossible (or all of them)
Good luck, hang in there.