Test Ride Nightmare!! Could use some advice please...

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Congratulations and nice work! I followed this thread from its inception and I'm genuinely happy for you. I hope you enjoy many safe and happy miles! :rolleyes:

Been following the thread like others here but haven't posted in it. Can't say anything that anybody else hasn't said already. That aside, congratulations and I'm glad a bad situation worked out for the best! You will not have any regrets as you own a fine motorcycle!

You did a good job of making a questionable situation satisfactory for all.

And you got the bike - the best part of the deal.

Actually the forum got the best part of the deal - you joining.


Congrats on your new bike, as far as sliders you might need the 905 stunt cage w/ bag protection bars..lol

Way to go Dave, I also have an 08 AE and love it. Your story was quite an ordeal and I was taken by how frank you were about every detail. Your honesty and openess certainly paid off and in the end it appears that all involved are pleased with the outcome...a lesson for all to learn from...bigjimbiker :yahoo:

Way to go Dave, I also have an 08 AE and love it. Your story was quite an ordeal and I was taken by how frank you were about every detail. Your honesty and openess certainly paid off and in the end it appears that all involved are pleased with the outcome...a lesson for all to learn from...bigjimbiker :yahoo:
+1 :yahoo:

WOW!! I Just want to thank all of you for your support and welcome to this fjr "asylum"......oops, I mean community!!! :lol: I can't wait to get the bike home and give her a totally upright tour around my neighborhood.

Sorry I couldn't make the meet up at Jimmy's Saturday before the Motorcycle Show but I'm sure I'll be meeting some or all of you (PNW feejers) eventually. I did manage to make it to the show he next day and I enjoyed looking at all the toys......so much eye candy.

Good for you David! :yahoo:

Glad all worked out and you're happy with the deal. The best part is, you're an FJR owner!!! :clapping: :yahoo:

Now get out and ride and post up the ride reports.... and stop crashing bikes. :p ;)

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You learned quick (like I did and most others) that this forum (and the people on it) is invaluable when it comes to anything FJR-related (and most other things, too).

I'm in Oregon, but look forward to seeing that beautiful 08AE!

Congratulations from another FNG, reading this thread is what actually pushed me into becoming a member. I'm glad it worked out to everyones satisfaction, especially yours. Have fun on your new baby!!!! I love mine.

Tailwalk - glad to hear all has worked out for the best. I am sure it has been a tough time trying to decide what to do and how to make it work. Nice present you bought yourself.

Good for you. I had sliders, but I took them off when I put on my 905 Racing protection front and rear. I like these a lot.


I'm now the happy owner of a 2008 FJR AE...............YeeeeeHawwww!!

Thanks to all of your advice and knowledge, some hard work, stress and a little luck I managed to negotiate a good, fair deal with the dealer. $10598 price for the bike(matching the best local deal I could find), $636 for the repairs at his cost no labor, $200 for the 2 year YES contract, tax and license for a total of $12600 OTD. Financed zero down 6 years at %6.99.


I've been looking at these bikes for about 2 years and this was my 3rd test ride. While I was doing the test ride I knew this was the bike I wanted.......I just didn't expect to be buying it quite the way I did.

It will probably take a couple weeks before I can pick it up, so in the meantime, I'm going to get some new winter riding pants and start the "farkle" list. Oh, oh......

I'm making the first farkle purchase tonight.....can you guess what it will be?

Ahhhh, I figure I probably should put some OES Frame Sliders on......ya think :rolleyes:

I look forward to many future rides and meet ups with many of you on this fantastic forum.


Glad it worked out in a way with which you feel comfortable. Enjoy the new ride.

Great news!

I kept out of the debate because I know the people involved plus I spend a LOT of money at that particular dealer (they're about 6 blocks from my house).

I personally will go to no ends to support this dealer.

Many times I could have gone mail order, but I elected to spend my money there.... not all, of course, but a goodly number!

Example: I just ordered a new Cortech Latigo racing suit tonight from them. I paid about $30 over mail order price (sales tax). No big deal.

Example: I purchased a cheap set of tires there for my FJR. The front tire ended up to be defective (less than 2000 miles on it). They replaced the tire NOT with an identical tire but with a NEW Pilot Road, a much more expensive tire.... no cost to me!

Example: They continually 'tweek' the custom parts and labor that they did on my ZX-14.... no cost to me.

Example: They thought of me when they needed to hire entertainment for their special holiday event. I got the gig.

Example: A free latte or meal if I'm waiting for service.

There's a lot more but you get the idea.
