Texas FJR Riders Fun Routes???

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Not unfounded. You did not merely claim that ticks ass is a great state, but the "greatest state" in the union. So I would like to know, why is ticks ass greater than the other 49 states? And in what way? All the stuff you listed above could be said about any number of other states. Quote or link to just one solid stat that would back your rather inflated claim. As they say, extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. I think maybe most ticks assians have heard this propaganda while growing up so much, that they just spout it out without really thinking about it.
Mostly just interesting facts but I bolded the SOLID stat that imho makes Texas the Greatest State!!
Beaumont to El Paso: 742 miles

Beaumont to Chicago: 770 miles

El Paso is closer to California than to Dallas

World's first rodeo was in Pecos... July 4, 1883.

The Flagship Hotel in Galveston is the only hotel in North America built over water.

The Heisman Trophy was named after John William Heisman who was the first full time coach for Rice University in Houston.

Brazoria County has more species of birds than any other area in North America.

Aransas Wildlife Refuge is the winter home of North America's only remaining flock of whooping cranes.

Jalapeno jelly originated in Lake Jackson in 1978.

The worst natural disaster in U.S. history was in 1900 caused by a hurricane in which over 8000 lives were lost on Galveston Island.

The first word spoken from the moon, July 20, 1969, was "Houston..."

The King Ranch is larger than Rhode Island.

Texas is the only state to enter the U.S. by TREATY, instead of by annexation (This allows the Texas flag to fly at the same height as the US flag).

A Live Oak tree near Fulton is estimated to be 1500 years old.

Caddo Lake is the only natural lake in the state.

Dr Pepper was invented in Waco in 1885. There is no period after Dr in Dr Pepper.

The Capitol Dome in Austin is the only dome in the U.S. which is taller than the Capitol Building in Washington D.C. (by 7 feet).

The name Texas comes from the Hasini Indian word "tejas" meaning friends.

Tejas is not Spanish for Texas.

The State animal is the Armadillo (An interesting bit of trivia about the armadillo is they always have four babies! They have one egg which splits into four and they either have four males or four females).

The first domed stadium in the U.S. was the Astrodome in Houston.

The population of Texas is 21 million, not including the 16 million cattle.

70% the population of Texas lives within 200 miles of Austin.

Texas possesses three of the Top Ten most populous cities in the U.S. -Houston, Dallas and San Antonio.

Texas' most populous county is Harris county with 3.4 million residents in Houston. The least populated county is Loving county with 67 residents.

Texas has 215 cities with a population of 10,000 or more.

The Dallas-Fort Worth area has more residents - 5,221,801 - than 31 U.S. states. For example, Arizona has about 5.1 million residents.

Texas' largest county is Brewster with 6,208 square miles. Connecticut (5,544 Sq Mi), Delaware (2,489 Sq Mi) and Rhode Island (1,545 Sq Mi)can fit inside this county.

Average yearly rainfall totals in West Texas are less than 8 inches while in East Texas totals exceed 56 inches.

The average January temperature for Amarillo is 36.7 degrees while in Brownsville the average is 61.4. On March 27, 1984, the temperature in Brownsville was 106 degrees while Amarillo reported snow and 35 degrees.

+1 Philip

If you ever find yourself down in Texas consider this an open invitation to stop in and have a cup of coffee.


Here's some more trivia about our big ass state:

Rural County Road Mileage:

1. TEXAS 221,589

2. KANSAS 127,591

Rural Federal Roads:

1. TEXAS 8750


Total Public Roads

1. TEXAS 303,176

2. CALIFORNIA 169,173

Good roads are out there they are just a little harder to find :D Besides the Hill Country you also have Big Bend. Granted you have to ride a lot more flat roads to get there but the roads that are there are well worth it. Right down the road from where I live I have Farm Road 4 as well as Hwy 51 just south of Granbury. There are also roads just as good surrounding FM4 and Hwy 51.

Edit- You can also check out www.grouprider.com they have a user generated database of routes that will overlay said route on google maps on their websites. I have a few routes on there myself.

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Sometimes the differences can be judged as better or worse. In the case of Texas Hill Country vs Arkansas, just being different is the appeal. Of course the biggest difference is that AR will keep you entertained for weeks where Texas might be a couple of days (if we're talking about ear to ear grin riding).

Did you get up into AR rt 16, 123, 341, 14. 9 and 27?
123 is the Pig Trail, right? Did a bit of that. I'm planning to hit all of the above and more in October when I'll be doing a 4 day ride there to coincide with the fall color changes. Hopefully the wife will come with me but she is a fair weather rider. 55 seems to be about the lowest temperature she'll ride in and it might be a bit colder than that.
