Texas, Speed Limits Done Right!

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First of all, it's not about me. I can handle our Tahoes milage. It's about conserving fuel in general.

Second, I don't believe your Intrepid gets better milage at a steady 80 than at 60 or 70. Sorry.

You can believe anything you like. I am reporting an observed fact.

I didn't believe it when I first observed it so I have checked many times since.

It is happening. Every time.

I don't drive that fast all of the time due to the lack of tolerance of the local leos. I now understand that it is happening because the engine is reving about 2500 rpms at just under 80. at 60 the engine speed is lower but the engine is not nearly as efficent at lower rpms and the trans will allow slippage under a load (for instance up hill) at 60. This coupled with a MUCH better drag coefficent than your barge results in that particular vehicle getting better milage at the higher speed.

Observed fact.

Similar to the observed fact that you seem to believe that everyone is responsible for conserving gas but you. Since you can handle the Tahoes (poor) milage yet it is somehow "about conserving fuel in general." These are mutually conflicting concepts and therefore not rational. Unless you meant to say that everyone but you is responcible for conserving fuel but you should get to drive what ever you like without concern for fuel efficency. <_<


And I did say that this is the '01 Intrepid R/T. Same engine as the 300 that year and actually better performance (per Car & Driver tests)

People would consider buying more fuel effecient cars and avoiding the HUGE SUV's and Trucks with massive engines.
Horseshit! My 9 passenger (insert brand here) gets 171 people-miles-per-gallon. Your Honda Insight gets 132 people-miles-per-gallon.

I win.

Howie, that is only true if your vehicle is fully loaded (with people) every time you drive it. But, OTOH, you get to run over the Insight as needed so . . . . it balances out. :p :p

When I started driving it was a 58 Ford with manual steering & transmission with drum brakes. It had bias ply re-cap tires.

Cars with much faster ratio power steering, much improved radial tires, and better stopping virtually fadeless disk brakes are much easier and safer to drive at 80 mph then the fore mentioned package. On todays highways if you don't fall asleep or have the IQ of a hamster IMO these vehicles are easier than playing a video game to keep on the road. TJ

People would consider buying more fuel effecient cars and avoiding the HUGE SUV's and Trucks with massive engines.
Horseshit! My 9 passenger (insert brand here) gets 171 people-miles-per-gallon. Your Honda Insight gets 132 people-miles-per-gallon.

I win.

Howie, that is only true if your vehicle is fully loaded (with people) every time you drive it. But, OTOH, you get to run over the Insight as needed so . . . . it balances out. :p :p
It doesn't matter whether my (insert vehicle name here) is fully loaded or not. It's all about capabilities. If it's capable of carrying more people farther for a given gallon of fuel than some pantywaist hybrid, that's all that matters. It's bragging rights, not reality. :)

"there is a point at which we as a nation need to be doing more to conserve fuel. "

"First of all, it's not about me. I can handle our Tahoes milage. It's about conserving fuel in general"

If WE as a nation need to be conserving more fuel than why is YOU driving a Tahoe not about conserving fuel in general? :glare:

It's up to all of us to make changes in our lives and the way that use fuel. Driving a Tahoe and complaining that the speed limit being raised 5 MPH is being inefficeient is like owning a ferry boat and complaining that the row boats are dropping splinters in the waterand polluting it. :blink:
First of all, we have a Tahoe because I started driving truck based vehicles when I owned boats that could only be hauled by larger vehicles. Second, we don't drive that many miles, and we use it mostly for my wife commuting to work. With the recent changes in the fuel prices, I do hope to buy something more economical in the future.

But what you must have missed out on is where I said I was driving my Tahoe at 65mph in a 70mph zone when I do drive it on long trips. I'm trying to do my part. I'm the first to say that some people have needs for vehicles that are not fuel efficient, but that doesn't mean they can't do their part to maximize what they have. I was getting over 22mpg on the Tahoe driven like that. I can assure your that even many cars don't get any better than 22mpg driven at 85 or 90 mph. It makes a huge difference.

I have an idea. Lets change the law so that the better your milage the faster you can go. Tahoes can go 30 mph while FJRs can go 120. I think I like this idea.
In my '07 Tahoe, I can haul 7 people and a little bit of gear and get 21mpg (5.3 litre/320hp) on level interstate at a speed of 70-75 mph. MUCH more fuel efficient than the FJR (1.3 litre 145hp) toting a max of 2 people and 40-45mpg.

P.S. I have 4 kids so yes much of the time the Tahoe is nearly people maxed out.

I have an idea. Lets change the law so that the better your milage the faster you can go. Tahoes can go 30 mph while FJRs can go 120. I think I like this idea.

In my '07 Tahoe, I can haul 7 people and a little bit of gear and get 21mpg (5.3 litre/320hp) on level interstate at a speed of 70-75 mph. MUCH more fuel efficient than the FJR (1.3 litre 145hp) toting a max of 2 people and 40-45mpg.

P.S. I have 4 kids so yes much of the time the Tahoe is nearly people maxed out.

Yep...Tahoe (is that how it's spelled?) = 147PMPG


Tahoe (I swear that looks wrong) wins. Let's hear it for the SUV!!! :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:

Ta-hoe, Ta-hoe

it's off to the corner we go

Ta-hoe, Ta-hoe...

Ta-Hoe or not Ta-Hoe, that is the question...

And, Howie? It ain't PMPG that counts these days. It's MPD. Word.

Tahoe MPD = 4. FJR MPD = 11.5.

I win! :****:

Ta-hoe, Ta-hoe it's off to the corner we go

Ta-hoe, Ta-hoe...

Ta-Hoe or not Ta-Hoe, that is the question...

And, Howie? It ain't PMPG that counts these days. It's MPD. Word.

Tahoe MPD = 4. FJR MPD = 11.5.

I win! :****:
I just don't believe you can put eleven and a half dykes on your bike. Skooter, yes. You, no.

Double :****:

First car-49 Ford, Flathead 8, three on the tree, inop OD, no reverse. First real bike-66 BSA Thunderbolt, rarely started without pushing, rarely lighted if it did start.

First car-49 Ford, Flathead 8, three on the tree, inop OD, no reverse. First real bike-66 BSA Thunderbolt, rarely started without pushing, rarely lighted if it did start.
OK Rad....& this is going????.....(here we go kids) :yahoo:
