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Suddenly kinda hungry for some fish.

Hmm, wonder if MickeyD's is open for a good fish sammiewich?

Excellent RR - got me dreaming again..

Thanks for reading my report - I suppose those of us hibernating up North can appreciate a little greenery these days.
R/H - the camp I stayed at is on the Falgout Canal about 150 feet East of the Theriot bridge. Typical lock jaw, day after a front, rising barameter, 1" visibility muddy water, 20 mph windy winter day - we manage to hit a few in the head, but this was more about enjoying the day than filling the ice chest. Shoot - I had a blast just watching the birds and riding down there. The ride back OTOH was a bit chilly and that cross wind was pissing me off. I found Hwy 90 and tucked behind a kid in a mustang going about 85 and just ripped it straight home.
Excellent report. I Love to ride to fish.

I'll make a mark on my bucket list to ride to Louisiana on my bike to fish one day.

Great that you actually ate the catch.

Have pole, will travel.

Great Ride Report both boat and bike. My bike sits looking at the snow, while I gently weep. Couple more weeks and we will be back on the road again.

Thanks for the read


Thanks for reading my report - I suppose those of us hibernating up North can appreciate a little greenery these days.
R/H - the camp I stayed at is on the Falgout Canal about 150 feet East of the Theriot bridge. Typical lock jaw, day after a front, rising barameter, 1" visibility muddy water, 20 mph windy winter day - we manage to hit a few in the head, but this was more about enjoying the day than filling the ice chest. Shoot - I had a blast just watching the birds and riding down there. The ride back OTOH was a bit chilly and that cross wind was pissing me off. I found Hwy 90 and tucked behind a kid in a mustang going about 85 and just ripped it straight home.
Excellent report. I Love to ride to fish.

I'll make a mark on my bucket list to ride to Louisiana on my bike to fish one day.

Great that you actually ate the catch.

Have pole, will travel.
There are few things better than eating a fish for supper that you caught that day. If you ever do get down here, I will see if I can make that happen for you.

Oh yeah - the culture here is best experienced first hand. Sure, we don't have any "dragon roads", but our riding is picturesque in it's own right. And our cuisine is very good as well. BTW - there's a misnomer about Cajun Food - it's not as spicey as you may think. Real cajun food is flavorful, without being over bearing.

But the proof's in the pudding - ya'll come 'on down and git u some!

Thanks for reading my report - I suppose those of us hibernating up North can appreciate a little greenery these days.
R/H - the camp I stayed at is on the Falgout Canal about 150 feet East of the Theriot bridge. Typical lock jaw, day after a front, rising barameter, 1" visibility muddy water, 20 mph windy winter day - we manage to hit a few in the head, but this was more about enjoying the day than filling the ice chest. Shoot - I had a blast just watching the birds and riding down there. The ride back OTOH was a bit chilly and that cross wind was pissing me off. I found Hwy 90 and tucked behind a kid in a mustang going about 85 and just ripped it straight home.
Excellent report. I Love to ride to fish.

I'll make a mark on my bucket list to ride to Louisiana on my bike to fish one day.

Great that you actually ate the catch.

Have pole, will travel.
There are few things better than eating a fish for supper that you caught that day. If you ever do get down here, I will see if I can make that happen for you.
Thanks for the fishing offer.

I've never caught a Redfish before

Just got to this......... WOW! Excellent ride report. Except now I am really hungry. I would love to spend some time in your area of the world. Never have been there.

Great time! Etouffee? Someone doesn't know what that it? Really? Thanks for the cooking tip. I love it! I have a constant supply of andouilli in the fridge for breakfast but can't find boudin locally. Last time i was in LA (Houma) i picked up about 20 pounds of it. It's nearly gone and, since i've retired, getting back on the company's tab ain't gonna happen.

Great people but don't bad mouth The Saints.

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khunajawdge - A bad day fishing beats the heck out of any day at work. Plan a trip to our coast and if you have time, I'll take you fishing. I can usually find a few and if not, we'll have a great boat tour anyway.

Bounce - I wasn't going to nit pick Shawn about the sutle differences within the Cajun Cuisine. Most say I'm a pretty good Cajun cook, but he cooked it, he called it Etouffee', it was "slap ya mama" good, and I wasn't in a position to argue. Besides, as you surely know - down here, it's all good anyway regardless of what you call it.

Skooter - you (and anyone else FTM) are welcome in our great State. I would suggest your visit come between November and April as our summers here can be brutal for the rider. However, please give me a couple days notice, so that I can put out a proper APB to our livestock farmers. No point in giving CNN something to report.

Regardless, my open invite will always stand. I only guarantee 2 things - we will eat like royalty, and we will find adventure. I always do.

Pants do remember that Skooter is based out of Arizona. I am not sure our summer heat will hurt him. Of course there is the humidity. And if Khunajawdge should make the trip, I am sure Lewis and Harp Charters can spare a boat for a day.
It would be a fine excuse for us to fish together!

Being as Mardi Gras is scheduled for March 4th in 2014, that is a good time for me to pencil in a trip for riding to the south (weather permitting???). Probably plan on staying a coupla days.

Are there any restrictions on carrying (a fishing rod) in Louisiana?

ti's on my bucket list

When asking a friend how he was dealing with the loss of electricity during a major storm, his reply was that he was "Making gumbo". That pretty much sums up how to make gumbo... use whater you have (or all that you have in that case).

There used to be an annual crawfish boil for Iron Butt folk. I sure miss them. Good people and good food.

Bounce - I wasn't going to nit pick Shawn about the sutle differences within the Cajun Cuisine. Most say I'm a pretty good Cajun cook, but he cooked it, he called it Etouffee', it was "slap ya mama" good, and I wasn't in a position to argue. Besides, as you surely know - down here, it's all good anyway regardless of what you call it.
Being as Mardi Gras is scheduled for March 4th in 2014, that is a good time for me to pencil in a trip for riding to the south (weather permitting???). Probably plan on staying a coupla days.
Are there any restrictions on carrying (a fishing rod) in Louisiana?

ti's on my bucket list
Khuna the Louisiana weather is as reliable as a Louisiana politician. That is to say you never know exactly what it will do but there is a good chance you won't like it. It's Feb. 23 and today's Hi/Lo is 67/45. I should be riding right now. The temp is probably not going to be an issue, the rain might be. You can buy a Non Resident license for a few days that is relatively cheap. If Pants cannot acomodate you and I have to step in you get a discount on the already cheap Non-Resident pass for fishing with a charter captain. I have not held a captain's license for several years so I don't remember what the prices are. I will be going to the coast tonight and will ask Dad.

This time of year is my least favorite for fishing. The fish are still lethargic due to low water temps and it can be difficult to find clear water due to the incessant winds. From mid April to mid January I have a higher confidence level. Of course there are other fishermen who can do better than I in different conditions. Pants may feel differently.

One little thought on carrying your own rod: Within the group of Charter Captains that I deal with routinely a customer with his own rod is a recipe for failure. There are exceptions but normally the line is too small, the drag is either set too light or is locked up. The string will be old and brittle, it will break, the reel is never well maintained... You get the idea. If you bring your own please have everything in good condition. This will save you and your guide some misery.

Since you are over a year away you have plenty of time. Feel free to PM me for anything else you can think of. I hope that you get to fish with Pants, as much fun as he is on a motorcycle he must be wonderful in a boat.

R/H gives good advice. The fishing this time of year is tough. But if you come down for Mardi Gras, please make plans to join us at least for a day. If the weather will cooperate, I'll arrange to have my dad bring my boat to the landing. We could ride to the landing, enjoying a little bike scenery. Then hop in the boat and do a little fishing. The ride back and feast on some good cajun cuisine.

Even in the fishing is touch, the scenery is beautiful and we'll have plenty of opportunity to look at birds, wildlife, etc.

Or something like that...

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