The Best Damn Place in the World to Live is...

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Fred W

1 Wheel Drive
FJR Supporter
Nov 9, 2006
Reaction score
Eastern VT
So, as you Sutherners may have heard, we've got the white stuff down up here in the North Country. Yes indeedy, it's cold as a witch's titty pretty much every day. My big "fun-time" for the past couple of weekends has been jumping on the skinny skis and busting some trails through the woods the last 2 Saturdays. Fun. But not wicked fun. (see New England translation of "wicked")

The bikes are looking quite forlorn just hanging out in the unheated garage. Forum folks are starting to get cabin fever already and it's only January!! (Hint: it gets much worse in Feb. That's why they made up a holiday where you get to fornicate in the middle of that month).

So it all gets me to wondering...

Where on earth is the absolute best climate?

Not just in winter, year round. We can't be migrating like a bunch of them there Caperstraner swallers!

I would submit that, for the short time that I lived in the San Fransisco bay area, that was purdy damn close to fine. The winter was warm enough to play golf in. The summers not overly hot, (like further south). But here's the problem: Too many (of you) damn people!!

So, maybe there's a hidden spot somewhere, where the climate is temperate like central Cali, but there aren't quite as many humans clogging things up?

Where's the best deal?

Central coast of Cali. Anywhere from Ventura north and the weather is just about right most times of the year. FYI though, watch for earthquakes, fires and mud slides.

I sure do miss the coast... :(


I believe Fred said "on Earth" which case I've got to go with Fiji. High's around 85 and lows around 77 pretty much year round.

I can see Fred opening an FJR rental shop in Fiji and marketing it to the snowbound.

Best weather on earth is in Costa Rica. Hands down. 75 average year-round. No seasons really. Coldest it ever gets is probably in the low 50s at night way up in the mtns. Beautiful beaches, lush rainforests rich in wildlife. It gets warmer as you get closer to the coast, and it usually only rains at night on the Pacific side of the country. Water in the ocean is always warm, no matter what month you visit. Purda vida (pure life) is the saying down there. Lots of American retire to this tropical country. My wife is from there and she hates it up here in Chicago, but thats where the work is. Although the weather is perfect the country really isn't for me- too relaxed and too many goddam hippies

Now as far as riding goes - that is another story, probably somewhere in Socal

Well, if you're asking what is the best climate on earth, you've got a couple of suggestions, but are they any good for riding? Having lived in the Sillycon Valley for most of my life, I do love what the area affords... coast in one direction, mountains in the other... and pretty much year round riding. That being said, at some point in the next couple of years, I'd prefer to move away from the hustle and bustle of big city life and find something quieter, more peaceful, a little piece of land somewhere... not sure where that will be but I will find it (my folks have a house on 40 acres in Somerset that is a little slice of heaven on earth... probably on the inheritance... ;) ). Oh, did I mention that this was a week ago Sunday? Just sayin'... :D


I believe Fred said "on Earth"..
Which is exactly the question posed to Wiki, see link in my first post. They say it's in California*, so don't be hatin' the playahs....

*Redwood City is about three hours from my place, and Yosemite is less than two. You can probably pick up a decent place around here in the mid-hundreds. Jus' sayin'

I believe Fred said "on Earth"...
Yes but for what "on Earth"? Riding? Snorkeling? Skiing? Just all around general living? Details, we must have details!!! :D

*Redwood City is about three hours from my place, and Yosemite is less than two. You can probably pick up a decent place around here in the mid-hundreds. Jus' sayin'
Redwood City is 20 minutes from my place, Yosemite about 2-1/2 hours if I high tail it... hey, Toe, let's go for a ride!! :D

Being born & raised in Fresno, CA, I'd have to say either northern or southern CA is the place to be. But, southern CA is clogged with people. There are several other places my wife & I have considered retiring to. Southern Washington State, most anywhere in Oregon, or Flagstaff, AZ.

I like AZ for it's roads and warmer climate, the wife likes Flagstaff for it's cooler winters (it snows from time to time).

High deserts of socal. Just got over our 6 week winter and man was it brutal. Grass is already turnin green and the moutains are as well. We have the Angeles mountains 25 miles to the south for riding, more canyons than you can shake a stick at. IF you get to missing your snow there is wrightwood with a ski slope about 40 minutes from where I live and Mammoth which is up the road about 2.5 hrs. On the way up there you can be awe-inspired by the Sierras and the natural beauty of SOCAL interior.

Summers tend to be a bit on the warm side but, having commuted a 3 sentence (tour of duty) in Brunswick ME, I welcomed the feel of the sun on my skin and haven't turned back.

SO, we have snow close enough to see and still wear shorts. Mountains to play in, rivers to raft/fish and swim. Ocean is close enough that if you really want to go, you can. Which bring on a whole new set of roads to ride and sights to see.


Place sucks. Maybe you and other ought not come here.

I vote for the central California coast, the Monterey/Big Sur area to be precise. If they'd just learn to speak English the Italian riveria is nice.... :buba:

Wow. Thanks for all the replies.

Perhaps the most germane one was Tyler's question: "Best place on earth for what?"

Well, for living obviously. And the climate is what prompted the discussion. All the nasty white stuff, etc. But for me, the biggest part of not liking winter has to do with PMS. So how many of us would be willing to give up our motorcycling passion for an awesome climate (like say in Costa Rica or Fiji)? Clearly the climate is not the only consideration and the the local roads and motorcycle scene have to be part of the equation.

A big part of "living" has to do with quality of life. Now some folks think the greatest thing in the world is living in a big city with lots of cultural stuff to do. I'm not one of those. I prefer quiet and solitude to hustle and bustle, both on the road and in my general surroundings. So that has to be factored in.

And then there is always the "best value" angle. You have to be able to afford a big wood box to put all your stuff in (aka house) and a few measley acres of land so you aren't living on top of your neighbors. That messes things up in those less desirable (to me) urban California areas.

The final variable is probably the availability of employment. But that one is somewhat optional as many of us are approaching our retirement years, so maybe job availability isn't so important at that point in our lives?

The deep south is TOO hot and humid for me. I could never cut those summers in FL, LA or TX. Surprised nobody has suggested somewhere in the Carolinas.

So far, the front runners seem to be:

North Coast of Kali (above the bay area congestion)

High Deserts of Kali? (don't know enough about the area)

Arizona / New Mexico

By God, West Virginia (fails the employment test)?

BTW - in case anyone was wondering, this is purely a cabin fever mental exercise.

I'm not really looking at being able to move for another decade at least. :angry:

If I make it that long... :blink:

[edit] Of course DCarver gave the correct answer. But what would you expect from the guy that owns the Honderosa...? ;)

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