The Crap Just Won't Go Away.....

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Benevolent Dictator
Jun 8, 2005
Reaction score
Tri-Cities, WA
*sigh*... YGTBSM!

Oh, well..... guess I'll be banned shortly... whatever....

I've heard it said that those you count as your enemies says just as much about you as those you count as your friends. Not that we're at war or anything so serious, but I think that statement has a lot of credibility at many levels/degrees of intensity.

Yeah, that about sums it up.

It's interesting to note that outside the off topic, technical and parts sections of The Other Board II, that posts have pretty much dried-up. Plus, with all of the 'antis' chiming in, how much longer will Marc put up with all the shit?

By the way, WC... Is it 'choad' or 'chode'? I've seen it spelled both ways and I don't have a copy of Merriam-Webster's 'Bull Halsey' Dictionary of Navyisms, 10th Edition... Thanks.

I haven't been tracking the animosity between the two forums although I am a member of both. I just migrated here, after seeing a post at St.N, because it looks nicer and works better.

After reading the thread your link lead to I am glad I no longer hang there. It appears that some folks are just not thinking clearly. I am sure that the attitude and environment on the EZboard with lead to its eventual demise.

The Boss Man at That Other Forum II has left me dazed and confused. Can you say Bunker Mentality ?


"EZBoard sucks the major ROOT

the forum speed sucks bald dog

the EZBoard software blows chunks in a major fashion

a dog-@#%$ product

the EZBoard sphincter-squeezings

piece of curdled ass-cheese

the forum's limp-dick, flacid performance

a sub-optimal platform and it's abysmal- performance

No need to ban me, 'bro, by the time you read this, I will have deleted my account.

Edited by: mknewman at: 7/5/05 4:28 pm"

Wow and double wow! Some classic Wilsonisms there. Entertaining and informative as always and, no I am not being sarcastic (who, me?). The last two statements are positively mind blowing, however.

How to say this without it sounding too damned respectful ('cause irreverence rules, right)? Okay, I will preface the following by reconfiming that I am a serious skeptic/cynic and I disapprove of the worship of almost all of the gods that modern day society has chosen. That being said, however, whatever success the EZBoard site has enjoyed is due in no small part to DW/WC's input - not becuase he is some kind of nut case god but becuase he has earned the status of some kind of nut case guru (lower case, please). His advice, and the exprience he freely shares, though not perfect, certainly ranks in the 90th percentile. Rare, rare, rare. Don't let this go to your head DW (some of us saw the photo in MCN) but if you have f'ing deleted your EZBoard account then that's significant. A paradigm shift, even, in new age silly-speak.

And what oh what was in the message that compelled Mark, for whom I have nothing but respect despite the recent dust up (years of managing EZBoard as the best FJR forum around and does anyone remember the FJR Banner/RogDeb incident?), to edit someone else's post?

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(anyone remember the FJR Banner/RogDeb incident?)
Give me a snapshot on that one, please...

And, Marc edited the this forum's name out of wc's post... Same ole, same ole. I hear taps blowing in the distance...

When RogDeb went down in Idaho wasn't it Mark who took his FJR Banner off the wall and started everyone signing it to send to them in the hospital? I have never understood why, but FJR Banners seem to be more sought after by this crowd than cheese sandwiches and cigarettes in San Quentin.

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Hey Dale...

Good ridance. WC, I've put up with your attitude for a long time and frankly wasn't unhappy at all to see you leave.
I'm sure you're broken hearted. Marc still doesn't understand that it's about the membership... not the forum. :wacko:

Even though I was a relative new-comer to the EZboard, I am, make that disappointed to see the schism and obvious demise of the board. I learned so much and had so many questions answered, it is like seeing an old, helpful friend fall apart and become cantankerous, obstreperous, irrational and ornery. :(

Here, with the continued contributions by Warchild, radman, bobvail, twowheelnut and other knowledgable individuals, I have found a new buddy, young, lively, non-confrontive and reasonable. Thanks, guys. :D

