The Crap Just Won't Go Away.....

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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I went from waiter to rider over there. I'm tired of all that pansy-ass bitch-slapping from both sides. Truth: ezboard blows, it's obvious.

What I enjoy is the MIGHTY FJR, the mutual knowledge of all of us pilots, and most of all, the on-line buds and duds contained here now.

Here is to the future gentlemen...... :fans: :thumbup:

Oh, Bounce, you are soooooooo mean, bitchslappin' Neuman like this!

Quit being an ass or we'll tell everyone how pissy you got when you screwed the pooch during the Waltz.

Who the bejessus is Marc Neuman anyhoo? Sounds like a fair pain in the Glutamus maximus :eh:

I've read a few things about the dude but he seems like a very unfriendly chap :beee:

Well I agree with everyone here. I am now sick of EZ and I am just plain leaving.

I donated to that site, because of the people and the info there.

I kept going there for the people and the content, just like all the other boards.

EZboard just sucks a$$ now, continually has problems, and the admin has demonstrated some questionable behavior.

To the EZSpy who is reading....yes this place is better. The f**ked up attitiude is what drove everybody away. :****:

Anway, I will terminate my EZ account within a few days. (No sense in explaining on EZboard....maybe just a "what the hell is with this place, goodbye")

I read the entire thread over there.

That Mark character is a condescending a$$hole how he talks down to people.

We have always been a group because of the BIKE, not the forum! ("Gee, I just love that forum, I think I'll buy me one of them FJR's because of that neat forum"--NOT!) The forum is just a TOOL to communicate as a group. If this forum ever gets crappy and someone comes along with a better one, I'm confident that most will go to(or at least add) the better forum, as it should be.

Remember, the bike is the awesome FJR and the PC is just a tool :D

I'm only middle aged if I live to be 116!

It doesn't matter that I feel like I'm 35.


WarChild and TWN are :haha:

Keep it up you two and we'll have a new bunch of comedians(spelling) only the newbies over there maybe some of them will find us here, only trouble is we cant link this with ez. :beee:

rogerfjrfaster :D

All I can say is that this forum is now on my favorite list, and the other has been deleted.

I appreciate the tips, info and the humor.

I have said it before and I will say it again,

Thank you Warchild.

I don't know you but I would follow you anywhere, on the FJR that is!

Thanks for the new forum and I plan to hang out at this "bar" for a long time to come.

Bounce has been bounced!  Atta boy! :clap:
Heh.... he's not the only one who has just been banned.... :D
Me too:


Ya know, since this whole brew-ha-ha started, I only have posted two messages, and IMHO, they were not that bad, especially cosidering all the others that have been posted. Nor did they violate his stated "Banning" paramaters.

So what's the deal Marc - mein furor?

Well, whatever, C'est la vie!

This is all so ridiculous. What planet is he living on?


I'm starting to get bugged because I think this really is a constitutional issue. I've been going through the eZboard Terms of Use (TOU) and don't see where he has the authority to stop people from linking. If it's not codified in the TOU, against the law, or somehow specifically prohibited--then the 1st amendment would kick in you think.

I asked him for how posting violating the TOU and got some references to the eZboard staff, but not him as a board admin.

I sure hope he doesn't violate my right to free speech or I might have to defend my rights...... :shock:

Warchild,Did I read correctly "banned from viewing" ??

Correct. Banned from viewing, and of course, banned from posting.

Pretty funny... I can be banned from viewing/posting in the forum, but I can't delete my forum account due to being an EZBoard supporter..... oh, the irony!

So after 3 1/2 years, countless hundreds of hours of work and thousands of posts to help the FJR community, this is how it ends for me.... why, I shall loose sleep tonight over this.... <_<


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I still like cheese.
Not the 'moist ass cheese' variety, I hope!

This is all so ridiculous. What planet is he living on?

FNG says that Mars is coming close to earth again. Maybe Marvin the Martian has taken control... "Mmmmmm, you made me very angry...."

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