The dreaded fork seal puddle

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jerome burley

Well-known member
Oct 17, 2008
Reaction score
Hailey, Idaho
I have an 05 with 22k on it. I had noticed a "slight" seepage on the left side fork tube, yet it never became anything more. Sure enough, while my bike sat all week while it rained and snowed, i noticed a small puddle :angry: I can now see the oil at the top of the seal. I am hoping my pads are not wet. Seems like I have seen alot of leaky forks here? Whats the deal? I know these forks have a alot of travel. How long should the seals last? Anyone have lots of miles without failure. Just curious? Thanks, Jerome

Sorry to hear that.

Is there evidence of fluid down the forks onto your calipers? If not no worries about your pads, they are easy enough to pull and look for sure.

I just had my forks rebuilt by Race Tech after 53+K miles with no leaks or issues, so.... It can happen, bad seal, real hard braking, heavy person lots of gear, huge bumps, etc, can all take there toll.

A seal is not real hard to fix. BTW - I'd do both fork seals at this time.

Sorry to hear that.
Is there evidence of fluid down the forks onto your calipers? If not no worries about your pads, they are easy enough to pull and look for sure.

I just had my forks rebuilt by Race Tech after 53+K miles with no leaks or issues, so.... It can happen, bad seal, real hard braking, heavy person lots of gear, huge bumps, etc, can all take there toll.

A seal is not real hard to fix. BTW - I'd do both fork seals at this time.
Don't forget the hard landing wheelies.... Those will fubar the fork seals also. :unsure:

Thanks guys, I weigh 160, occasionaly ride 2 up, she is 120, I travel light, try not to brake hard, yet the cell phone using cager and foolish deer has had me stop quick a couple of times. I am keeping the front wheel down. The one thing I do have is a long gravel drive at my house. I do hear small rocks being flipped about, but visually see nothing. I will try a feeler gauge and gently have a look. Other than that, Because I am pretty easy on the bike, I am suprised the seal is gone.

300 pounds with gear solo....56k miles....original seals....nary a seep nor drip. No wheelies, either, but I tend to late-brake so the forks get a workout.

I just had a fork seal leak at 33K. Brought the bike over to Traxxon and had the forks rebuilt along with stiffer springs and a new Penski shock.

I just noticed two leaking seals on mine with 17K miles.

I blame it on the previous owner who trailered the bike with the forks compressed fully....

Anyone have an idea on what a shop would charge to fix?

I would do it myself but am leaving for a 3 week trip soon and want to make sure it is done right.

Fork selas can be hit or miss. Just make sure the washer at the bottom gets replaced because it often gets bent when replacing the seal and it may not be noticable. Then less than 1k miles later you'll be elaking again....dont ask me how I know this.

Fork selas can be hit or miss. Just make sure the washer at the bottom gets replaced because it often gets bent when replacing the seal and it may not be noticable. Then less than 1k miles later you'll be elaking again....dont ask me how I know this.
Crap!! Maybe that explains why I had both fork seals replaced by a dealership at no cost in Sept '09 b/c the left one was weeping. Now they will be done again b/c they right one is weeping. Yami dealer (a different one) really went to bat for me on this one so it too will be done at no cost to me. I just printed this out and will swing it by in the morning to see what they think. Thanks!

edit: which "washer" are you referring to?


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Yup, been there... Re: re-flattening the washers or replacing them. If the originals go back in without being flattened, you'll be back in the shop within 1,500 miles.

My right seal was leaking with only 9k and change on the bike. Been sitting during bad weather for a few weeks, then it was puddle time. Ended up being "fixed" three times.

Told the wrench please carefully examine every thing on the third time. The fork tube itself was defective! Small imperfections were allowing oil by-pass, and also were at such a location that when on centerstand oil could bypass.
