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Pathetic review by both yamaha reps and two wheel tuesday editorial calling the FJR a commuter, maybe we should make our own video at the WFO and call it crazy on 2 wheels? Anybody want to volunteer stunts and burn outs?
IMO, It was marketing and nothing else. They only have a few minutes to make a value proposition and they were trying to appeal to the masses. What are they going to say 'this is the bike to be on if you want to do 5 straight 1000 mile days?'. Sure, they could have thrown a blurb in about the bike being a great platform for the extreme LD rider, but, there are many more commuters than LD riders and that's who they're trying to market the bike to. They also said that they introduced the concept of Super Sport Touring with the FJR, they just didn't dwell on like they did the commuter aspect. Just my opinion...I could be wrong (won't be the first or last time).

You guys crack me up, bitchin' about the quality of the report. Haven't you all ever heard the old saying "any publicity is better than none"?

And complaining about the FJR being dubbed a "commuter bike". It is. I commute on it every day. 60 miles round trip. Sure, some of you...a very a thousand miles a day in IBA events, but how many of you? Careful now, no sweeping generalizations...there are 2217 forum members as of 1400 EDT 6/21/06. Would you say 10% of forum members -- 221 -- were IBA/LD riders? Howzabout 1% - 22?

Even if 221 of you are certified numb-butt loonies, you are a HUGE minority on this forum.

I swear, some of you would bitch if we hung you with a new rope.


I wonder what percentage of the FJR owners on this board actually use the bike as their primary commuter vehicle and not just as a weekend toy?

My commute is 52 miles round-trip and I drove the car to work four times all of '05 and only twice so far in '06 - the rest has been a very nice ride on the ultimate commuter bike - the FJR.

I wonder what percentage of the FJR owners on this board actually use the bike as their primary commuter vehicle and not just as a weekend toy?
My commute is 52 miles round-trip and I drove the car to work four times all of '05 and only twice so far in '06 - the rest has been a very nice ride on the ultimate commuter bike - the FJR.

I CAN tell you 100% of all RadioHowies on this board use their FJRs as a commuter, except when I'm using my ZRX.

Sad thing is we're losing Two Wheel Tuesday. This was the last show according to Greg White.
When Speedvision was bought out and became Speed, we sent out the heads up to everyone that it was going to become "All NASCAR all the time". We even wrote Speed with our concerns and were assured that would not be the case. When the bike programs started shrinking (Motorcyclist TV, etc.) and then getting stuffed into just a Tuesday line up, we again spoke out (along with writing Speed). We were again assured that we would always have "Two Wheel Tuesday". They then created a program with that name so they could nibble away at the rest of the Tuesday line up while not breaking the letter of their word. Then TWT went from an hour to thirty minutes. All the while, Dave DeSpane is getting heat as he was a stalwart of endurance riding and got much of that content on the air when it was Speedvision. Dave even spoke about it on his new "car" talk show whn he told everyone to cut out the crap; implying that we should understand that he was more interested in keeping his job that walking out because of the content of the shows he was hired to host.

True to all the predictions, Speed is become All NASCAR all the time. As if TNT wasn't enough.

Another item, in life, above the median of the bell curve is again forced to conform to the tepid nature of the mass market. "Striving For Mediocrity" should be the moto of the "age of the common man".

["We" being almost everyone I know on the various forums and mail lists.]


Good catch, TWN. I'd forgotten about the ePetition.

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...funny thing about "time" ...everything changes.

I'm going to miss 2 Wheel Tuesday kept me company all those months while waiting for my bike to arrive.

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Good points Bounce, but to add that there was that E-petition, too, a while back.

Being a long time NASCAR fan, I too have grown mightily tired of the NASCAR mega overlap of programs on Speed.

Yeah, All NASCAR all the time. I was amazed at the four hours of MC racing on Sunday and the six hours on Tuesday.

Pretty good for a sport/passion that is a niche within a niche in the US of A...

I commute 5 days a week 52 weeks a year on my FJR and am up in the hills carving the twisties almost every weekend with my liter bike buddies.....can't ask for much more than that! TWT was a great show...sad to say goodbye to it :dribble:

I commute on mine 5 days/week.

No parking problems, traffic is a non-issue, 40MPG is not too shabby either.

The 2WT FJR show was ok... anything with motorcycles AND FJR is worth a peek. :)

For those who don't have Tivo, cable, Speed TV or just plain missed it you can stop by and watch mine.


For the less tech savvy folks out there you will need Apple Quicktime to watch the 4min clip.

New MC show being promo'd tonight on Speed:
Superbikes! on Tuesdays.

Looks a bit squiddy.

- Ebert
I saw it last night... it WAS squiddly. A bunch of 30-somethings stuck in their reckless 20-somethings with very little tatoo-able space left enhancing the image of motorcycling by terrorizing the streets of Oakland. B) pfft.
New MC show being promo'd tonight on Speed:

Superbikes! on Tuesdays.

Looks a bit squiddy.

- Ebert
I saw it last night... it WAS squiddly. A bunch of 30-somethings stuck in their reckless 20-somethings with very little tatoo-able space left enhancing the image of motorcycling by terrorizing the streets of Oakland. B) pfft.
From Speed TV's program description:

"SPEED translates the exciting world of high performance motorcycles to television on “Super Bikes!”, a thirty-minute television series dedicated to the high revving, tire shredding, wheel standing world of sport bikes, the most exhilarating machines on the planet."

Sounds like squid central to me. I watched it and thats 30 minutes of my life I'll never get back :(

New MC show being promo'd tonight on Speed:

Superbikes! on Tuesdays.

Looks a bit squiddy.

- Ebert
I saw it last night... it WAS squiddly. A bunch of 30-somethings stuck in their reckless 20-somethings with very little tatoo-able space left enhancing the image of motorcycling by terrorizing the streets of Oakland. B) pfft.

Oh that was a horrid piece of shit! I had to Tivo it and was sorry to waste the storage space...


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