The future of NAFO

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Some interesting perspectives here. (Is that how RenoJohn puts it?) Here's my two cents, FWIW.

My preference is to spend my limited vacation time and $$ on smaller, local events and be able to go twice or more each year. The best thing that I enjoy about FJR events is putting faces to the names I've seen online. and enjoying getting to know those folks better.

The big, national events are great for the people who like to pack a lot of miles into a weekend. More power to them. It's not for me, but I respect the fact that a large proportion of this group will feel that way. I applaud the hard work that the organizers put into all the events. NAFO in Golden was a great event, but I've enjoyed the smaller events more.

So...My question is this: During NAFO years, should we reduce the number of regional events, in the hope of luring (bringing) more people to a national event? That may be a ****** idea, as I too like the regional events, but dayum...We get spread thin.
Just remember it's an INTERnational event. It was deliberately named NAFO with an "a" for a good reason at that first meeting. ;)

And your point is one of the reasons that when a particular region hosts the NAFO they can skip the regional component. It's something we talked about hosting first as WFO when there were a few than wanted to do both, but most wanted to do just one. Smart move!

To go a step further as you ask.....that may be something WFO ponders for 2012 actually. I'm certainly going to bring it up for consideration. I'd personally like us to get behind NAFO 2012, but then I may be speaking as an FJR rider living at the 46th parallel and not at the 32nd. It's a big region.

Ultimately, though it's a decision for each regional event organizer staff to ultimately answer with input from their regulars I think and not one this forum will decide........but a fair question.......which I'm partially loathed to admit to HotRod. :blink:

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I wanted to go to NAFO in Golden, ... IF I had known then what know now, I probably would have gone.

During bad ecomonic times, it ends up being the lesser priced ones that get attended and the more expensive trips that get put off.

So...My question is this: During NAFO years, should we reduce the number of regional events, in the hope of luring (bringing) more people to a national event?
Interesting idea. Of course, when it is CFO's turn to host there will need to be zero other regional events to lure people to a national event.

Someone will always have a reason to cry; ...I just really hope it was not become of some ******** "rift" between the Forums.
The rift is between GenI owners and GenII owners, clean bikes vs. Somali owned bikes, Dark siders vs. MC tires, LD guys vs. CBA guys. We have plenty that divides us.

Unless somebody figures out a way to get Yamaha involved with, at a minimum, some demo bikes... I don't see any reason to continue the NAFO concept.


Those that can attend regional events outside their home area simply will. Those that can't, simply won't.


IMHO, the concept of aggregating FJR owners from all across the country in these economic conditions is foolish and possibly financially painful for the organizers.


Here's my Litmus test for NAFO...

If Yamaha doesn't feel it warrants their presence, then there's probably no better reason to call it off. When they change their mind, I'll consider changing mine.

I also believe Yamaha needs to have some involvement in a large event, preferably in some sponsorship role. But, perhaps they don't see a large enough market in this platform to participate.

Seems that another attraction for many is having a variety of vendors promoting their wares and farkles, like in Salt Lake City.

My two cents...

EDIT: Looks like I have lost my knowledge of using the quote feature, which was from "Haulin Ashe"

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Unless somebody figures out a way to get Yamaha involved with, at a minimum, some demo bikes... I don't see any reason to continue the NAFO concept.Here's my Litmus test for NAFO...

If Yamaha doesn't feel it warrants their presence, then there's probably no better reason to call it off. When they change their mind, I'll consider changing mine.

I also believe Yamaha needs to have some involvement in a large event, preferably in some sponsorship role. But, perhaps they don't see a large enough market in this platform to participate.
...from "Haulin Ashe"
Cypress, U.S. Yamaha importer, may be persuaded if P.D.P. were instituted (for their involvement)...? :unsure: ;)

Let's face it -- they're only going to support cruisers and cruiser events in America (that's where they believe they're going to strike it rich...). The "numbers" for other types of bikes (apparently?) just don't pencil-out for them.

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i live in TN just a bit north of memphis. i made it to NAFO 08 in colorado but couldn't make it to knoxville which is only a 6 or 7 hour ride away. why??/ i'm broke. i think i'm still trying to pay off the tab for the 1st NAFO. :blink:

Please let me wade in here. I have been very fortunate to attend 13 FJR rallies. From the biggest to the smallest. From highend accomodation to a tent. At the end of the day, it didn't matter to me one bit as to what it was called. They were fun. That's what it came down to. So call the rides what you will just don't call me late for the dinner!!


I live West of the Mississippi and I know of 4 others in attendance at Knoxville from Texas and Oklahoma as well so I don't think I can buy into the regional affair mentality.

I did offer to help in advance in two emails but was never called upon so I'm not sure what the deal was with that. Maybe my reputation proceeded me. As a multi-year BMW MOA and RA rally attender I can assure you that the more volunteers there are, the more there is to do. Personal ownership is what makes any gathering grow and I feel like outside involvement was not wanted at the 2010 NAFO. I would have enjoyed working at the bike wash like the one at Golden,

If there is a 2012 NAFO I plan to attend regardless of location.


For those still interested. NAFO 2012 was mentioned some where on the forum as being in Canada. BC again. FJRGUY out of Alberta has been seen standing and waving his hands franticlally in the air.

Over to you Jeff.


While I think the economy is the #1 reason that NAFO attendance is down this particular cycle,
It was a purely financial decision for Annette and I; what was going to be the "best bang for the buck" in putting together our fall trip. I just could not invest $600 into 3 days of our trip.

So, my question is, why does attaching "NAFO" to an event name double or triple the rally fee? It has already been pointed out here that most have felt the pinch in today's economy. Stands to reason that if fee's are lower, more members of this community could attend, right?

What steps can be taken to put NAFO 2012 within reach for more of us?


Should we continue NAFO? Absolutely! It's great concept a Continent wide gathering. Should we expect a hugh highly sponsored event? Not in this life time. That's not to say we can't have a large and well supported NAFO but let be realistic here the FJR isn't a cash cow for Yamaha. Nor is the sport touring segment a large part of the over all market. We've just taken the first two baby steps to build a larger event there is now finally a very short track record to bring in some vendors and sponsors. Over time NAFO will be known to more and more riders and potential sponsors.

Someone mentioned that we need to get the word out beyond the FJR forums, a great idea. I'm not sure just how to target FJR riders that aren't a part of this internet community but I'm sure with the collective WOTL we can come with a boat load of ideas. Spreading the word is a good thing.

Interesting idea. Of course, when it is CFO's turn to host there will need to be zero other regional events to lure people to a national event.
Oh, and Joe2Lmaker thanks for you support of CFO :finger: You are so thrown out of the rally :p

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For me distance was a issue, at 2,650 miles direct to Knoxville. That's five days out and five days back without being able to do a lot of sight seeing and then four days there. At least when I went to NAFO in Golden I was able to make it a sight seeing trip both ways with the stay in Golden mostly kicking tire's a side trip to Mount Evans. My trip to Golden was about 2300 there and 2300 home, direct would have been 1,400.

I don't care about all the bling, but it is nice to meet the new folks who do ride to the event from different areas.

So my take would be to make it a more central location.
I miss the people I've met along my rather "extensive" FJR travels to other regions. I wish there was an easy solution for meeting up with them at least once per year. Unfortunately, Kansas is a damn boring place to hold a motorcycle meet. Eastern Colorado on the other hand, isn't too far from Kansas, and is one helluva place to hold a motorcycle event.

There's an underlying current to these type discussions, caused by some people's belief that this, or any other forum, or group of traditional organizers holds the power to decide where people will aggregate. If you want to be democratic about things, list the possible locations/date offered by each group and give each FJR VIN number one vote. Publish the results and let people question the "chad". :)

And FredW, I have no problem with you questioning anything, but in fact, appreciate you showing the cojones to start the open discussion. Next time you should tag the thread "White Elephant in the room" or something like that. :D

I think it's a lot like family reunions. There's always the same ones who wind up driving long distances each year, just so everyone can get together. Evolving the reunion each year in order to adapt changing conditions is a constant battle.

Having babbled all the above, I'd be willing to send a small check as advance reservation for a North American event held in Colorado. Anybody want the job???


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...... NAFO 2012 in Western Canada sounds great and We Stanley Boys will be there! ...
:yahoo: Always great to see you and Seth!

...Are they going to make us eat poutine? Again!!!
More of a Quebec thing! We'll just offer you Glacier fresh beer! ;)

...So call the rides what you will just don't call me late for the dinner!!
Dinner is in 630 days... Give or take! Don't be late! :p

...If there is a 2012 NAFO I plan to attend regardless of location.

:yahoo: See you there!

Well I think the question has been answered! We bother because it is the will of the comunitity! :p

...Whether it is a NAFO or a CFR or just a bunch of old dudes getting together to eat back bacon and drink beers, BC in 2012 is a GREAT idea. :yahoo: ...

I been thinking the same thing. Well, except for the back bacon part, I prefer jowl. :eek: ;)
Are they going to make us eat poutine? Again!!!
You only get proper poutine in Quebec. When in BC you go for the salmon. Alberta has the best steaks anywhere. The prairie provinces are about perogies and kobassa. Pick up bottle of Reisling from the Niagara region of Ontario and some good cheedar from Eastern Ontario. I've already mentioned Quebec. The Maritimes is seafood heaven and you can finish it all off with a bottle of Screech on George St in St John's, Newfoundland.

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Eastern Colorado on the other hand, isn't too far from Kansas, and is one helluva place to hold a motorcycle event.
Exactly which Eastern Colorado are you referring to???

'Cause my definition of Eastern Colorado looks exactly the same as Kansas and Nebraska

...What steps can be taken to put NAFO 2012 within reach for more of us?

We're thinking of an option for a Happy Meal in a nearby vacant lot with a simulcast of the 'Banquet' proceedings! :p

Oh, and in negotiations with OPEC to over produce to reduce the cost of fuel for the ride in and out. :blink:

Seriously, I have yet to hear any complaints as to the value of a CFR registration. I don't expect this to change with our hosting of NAFO.

...There's an underlying current to these type discussions, caused by some people's belief that this, or any other forum, or group of traditional organizers holds the power to decide where people will aggregate. If you want to be democratic about things, list the possible locations/date offered by each group and give each FJR VIN number one vote. Publish the results and let people question the "chad". :)


Having babbled all the above, I'd be willing to send a small check as advance reservation for a North American event held in Colorado. Anybody want the job???

:rofl: Thanks for the laugh Jeff! Do you really think so little of the FJR community that they just go where there are told? :p (rhetorical)

The way I see it, it's all about providing our fellow riders with a place to "aggregate". It has to start with people willing to put in the effort to make it happen. I proposed a bidding/voting process for future NAFOs but didn't get a lot of support from the membership. Kind of moot until we have more people putting up their hands with a proposal.

Oh, and suggesting a location and asking someone else to do it doesn't count! :rolleyes:

This has been an interesting read.

As a non-participant (yet) to any of the rallies/meets I thought the initial thread title was okay..brought a "shock" and actually

stimulated my interest to read the entire thread. Perhaps word choice could be scrutinized, but for the most part

all contributors saw through any 'thin-skin' rhetoric and focused on the question.

As a company leader, I like folks who do not have a 'pessimist' character, but can offer a pessimistic viewpoint...

That is what brings better thoughts and participation to any successful planned events.

You want honest feedback, not fluff and then turn privately and 'bitch' about it..I thought that is what this forum

is all about. Something I learned long ago, you can better your company/event better by listening in on the break room chatter.

I think someone struck upon something even broader than just a NAFO event.

That is Forum participation or even awareness of it's existence. Maybe this idea has been brought up.

Perhaps the forum(s) could approach/develop a partnership with dealers and offer some type of brochure/membership information

to any and all perspective/new owners. Many buyers/interested Sport touring guys don't even know it or any forums exist.

Many come to the forum either by word of mouth or stumble through internet searching(me)

and decide which bike to buy. However a great multitude do not. Getting more people involved in the Forum, would increase the

amount of participants at any local/regional/national meeting. I am sure any/all dealerships would welcome some type of brochure

or pamphlet stand explaining the FJR Forum(s) and where this valuable wealth of information and bike knowledge can be found;

better yet that it exist. Perhaps then people won't get shunned when they try to introduce themselves as a forum member.

It would be a mutual benefit to the dealership due to the fact that the forum and it's support would encourage a buyer to

buy one of their premier bikes.

Hope I am not out of line by jumping in here by being a virgin to a FJR meet. That will change soon. Almost made this one, but

Aunt got the C-diagnosis; that couple with $$$ well, just did not happen.

Best to the event planners, it's a daunting task. Hopefully being the planners they are, they will definitely appreciate some constructive viewpoints.

I think the idea is to get better and better.


ps..never heard of the "Honda Hoot", either until I saw it on this thread. There, see it was helpful in many ways.

The rift is between GenI owners and GenII owners, clean bikes vs. Somali owned bikes, Dark siders vs. MC tires, LD guys vs. CBA guys. We have plenty that divides us.
I think that is what's known as "diversity" in these politically correct times.

And it is what makes things... ummm, interesting. ;)

FJR Remington is a smart guy and saw through the ruse.

I am pleased that this thread has stirred up the kind of discussion it has. That was my intent on starting it to begin with. I obviously care about the future of NAFO and am already getting excited about the opportunity to go to BC (and beyond?) in 2 years. It'll definitely take me that long to get a trip of that magnitude arranged. As was pointed out, not everyone can drop everything and ride across country, for anything.

In private conversation (is PM now PC?) with Iggy, he pointed out that my divisive technique of devil's advocacy may be misconstrued by some folks and actually become destructive in the end. That was not my intent at all. So keep the great ideas coming.

That which does not break us, makes us stronger.

CFR 2012 is scheduled to be in Western Canada and we plan on hosting the best NAFO ever!

I think that's great news, am an absolute supporter of the third installment of NAFO, am thrilled the good folks in Canada are banding together to show off their venue, and looking over my vacation schedule, finances, and will look forward to details in the next year or so. :clapping: I'm hopeful (and appealing for) united support for this event.
I already have Sept 2012 pencilled in the diary for my next trip to the PNW. Perhaps I should think about June and including BC and/or AB?
