The Great Nova Scotia Expedition

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Well-known member
Oct 30, 2006
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Just completed a ten day trip from the Kingdom of Rhode Island to Nova Scotia and Newfoundland on my FJR.


As usual, I was accompanied by my girlfriend on the FJR back seat and my riding buddy Abi on his BMW Rockster. We were also joined by Keith, a newcomer, who flogged, beat and dropped my Harley.

I've started writing up our trip on my blog. The first installment can be found here:

The rest will be up in a few days.

Did you make it up to the Viking ruins in northern Newfoundland? I've been thinking about a run up there, but I've wondered about the quality of the roads. I'm not big on taking 650 pound touring bikes over gravel for any significant distances. How were the roads in Newfoundland?

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The roads weren't great, seemed like a lot of frost heaves and such did a number on them over the winter. That said, Route One and the Twillingate cutoff were all handled fine by my FJR - stock suspension and two up, loaded down with tons of gear. The roads were bumpy, and torn up in places, with potholes and all, but it wasn't THAT bad.

We didn't go up the northern peninsula this time, so I can't comment on those roads. You could post a question over on in the forum section.

I should also add that I enjoyed reading your first episode. You did a great job making it interesting and engaging. Thanks for sharing!

Thanks for the compliments!

I'll probably post something every day on the blog until the story is done. It was a great but cold trip.

Heading to Tennessee next, then probably California, to make a re-run at Baja sometime this fall.

Just completed a ten day trip from the Kingdom of Rhode Island to Nova Scotia and Newfoundland on my FJR.
As usual, I was accompanied by my girlfriend on the FJR back seat and my riding buddy Abi on his BMW Rockster. We were also joined by Keith, a newcomer, who flogged, beat and dropped my Harley.

I've started writing up our trip on my blog. The first installment can be found here:

The rest will be up in a few days.
No, no, no! This just won't do!

Look, no offense but I am *much* too busy to have to read another excellent motorcycle blog, even one, such as yours, that is filled with interesting characters, nice bikes, a very cute girl and trips through my favorite (and home) province.

I'm sorry but I'm going to have to ask you not to write so well and so interestingly. Please write the same crap everyone else is writing. Thank you very much.

Oh...and...umm...BTW....more pics of Sleeping Beauty. How do us ugly guys always manage to snag the hot chicks? Must be the bikes...

Been Reading your Rant!


I am headed up there in 4 weeks!

Meat Cove is the farthest North I am going though.

So... should I plan on dressing for cold weather?


Thanks for the compliment.

Yes. Bring an electric vest, long johns, thermal socks, a head sock, and a car with a good heater!

No, seriously, I'd just be ready for it to be chilly. Newfoundland was much colder than Nova Scotia is. I'd imagine it's better now than it was when we went up there. They say the best time to ride is August.

The Cabot Trail is incredible, and I have to say, the people I met all over Nova Scotia were friendlier than anywhere else I've been.

Have a great trip! I'll be looking for your report!

Been Reading your Rant!TYPE FASTER!

I am headed up there in 4 weeks!

Meat Cove is the farthest North I am going though.

So... should I plan on dressing for cold weather?

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No, seriously, I'd just be ready for it to be chilly. Newfoundland was much colder than Nova Scotia is.
Yeah, it never gets really hot in either place but it can get unexpectedly chilly.

They say the best time to ride is August.
Weather issues aside, I'd rather ride in the spring when the flowers and trees are blooming or the Fall for the leaves changing.

and I have to say, the people I met all over Nova Scotia were friendlier than anywhere else I've been.
I've lived and travelled all over the world and I can still honestly say that the people of my home province are still the friendleist I've ever met.....<sniff>....dammit...look what you've done me tearing up.... :sadsmiley02:

No, seriously, I'd just be ready for it to be chilly. Newfoundland was much colder than Nova Scotia is.
Yeah, it never gets really hot in either place but it can get unexpectedly chilly.

They say the best time to ride is August.
Weather issues aside, I'd rather ride in the spring when the flowers and trees are blooming or the Fall for the leaves changing.

and I have to say, the people I met all over Nova Scotia were friendlier than anywhere else I've been.
I've lived and travelled all over the world and I can still honestly say that the people of my home province are still the friendleist I've ever met.....<sniff>....dammit...look what you've done me tearing up.... :sadsmiley02:
Myself, I prefer the chilly temps rather than the hot ones. I will be leaving for a trip to my native province of Newfoundland in three weeks time, it will be just a short 10 day trip.

Mine was a short ten day trip as well... but we packed a lot into it!

I'll be looking forward to seeing some pics when you return!

The last installment of the Great Nova Scotia Expedition was posted on my blog today.

Thanks to all that took the time to check it out!

Next on the agenda is a return ride to Tennessee in August, then Rain Cloud Follows and I will be migrating back west to California for the winter, most likely heading through Northern Angle, Minnesota to handle part three of the Four Corners Mandate.

Then Baja in October, then who the hell knows? Keep checking the blog for all that, and other ridiculous things that pop into my head.

Life is short! Happy Riding!

Excellent report!!

My little group was just behind you, although we didn't make it as far north as Rhodefoundland. We did have perfect weather for the Cabot Trail ride.

Looking forward to more ride reports from you.
