Thanks Everyone, I'm truly touched!
1 card from my 'family', most 'friends' don't even know, so I really appreciate my extended Forum buds shining on through! :clapping: for all of us!
As a birthday present to myself, I finally fixed Crzy8's leaking fork seal, then, in a true Odot moment, spent 5 hours cleaning and polishing the old girl <gasp>. For a 'ridden' bike, the old gurl dressed up pretty nice. For a 'ridden' guy with 52 revolutions around the sun, I don't dress up as good, LOL.
Thanks again guyz n galz, I hope this new year brings you many miles and smiles, chances to make new friends, see old buds again (Canada, eh?) and possibly challenge yourself to something this year you didn't think you could do... I plan to... :blum: :biggrinsmiley: ..
And this I post for someone who would if he could... :****: