The Money Shot: Eddie Chan, SJPD, is The Man!

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James Burleigh

Well-known member
Dec 16, 2006
Reaction score
San Francisco Bay Area
This is a photo I shot today of Eddie Chan from the San Jose PD. He is an amazing rider! And he won the event. I had a half-hour interview with him that was for me like sitting in a university PhD course on riding style.

For example, to explain how gingerly he uses the rear brake, he said, "Imagine there is a small bird between your foot and the brake: You just want enough pressure to keep it from flying away, but not so much that you injure it. If you injure the bird, you will drop your bike."

I can't wait to share his insights with fellow riders in my article.


These Police Officers that ride like this impress me so much. Hope that you can place more details of your interview on this FORUM.

Highest regards


PR3s, 2 fingers on the front brake, 4 fingers on the clutch, look where you are going and always have your baton in the holster on the right side.

I definitely want to get my hands on this article so I can share it with my fellow motor officers. Please let me know what issue so I can try to buy one!

Some things motorcycle leave me slackjawed:

Valentino at Philip Island the year he had to overcome a 10 second penalty,

Observed trials

Motor officer contests.


Thanks, all. I do not have a deadline date from the editor yet, but I will share when known. I want to recommend to the editor a sidebar within the article that describes Eddie's recommendations. I think the best single gold nugget I came away from the event with, that will make the article worth reading all by itself, is his recommended exercise on the bike to learn how to do what he does.

This was the first time I encountered Eddie, but apparently he is a Bay Area motorcycle celeb on BARF (Bay Area Riders Forum) and in regional competitions. He was very generous with me with his time and comments during the interview; and after he won we chatted some more, and he told me to call or email him if I have any questions about riding, want more information for the article, or if I want to learn how to handle my FJR better. I said "Yes, to all that!"

I may talk to the magazine editor about an article on his riding techniques. I found this video of him on Youtube from a couple years ago:

BTW, I was able to interview the top riders on each of the bike classes: Harley, BMW, Honda (Eddie).

I also met and spoke with the deputy commissioner for the CHP (she used to patrol on a Kawi 1000), and with the CHP's head trainer regarding their training techniques. Did you know the CHP is going over to Harleys?

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I've always been curious about the courses and how the competitors know which cones to circle, etc. There are some obvious places where you can see the pattern but knowing where to go next, etc.? Do they get a layout ahead of time to study and then a dry run or two before the clock starts?

I've always been curious about the courses and how the competitors know which cones to circle, etc. There are some obvious places where you can see the pattern but knowing where to go next, etc.? Do they get a layout ahead of time to study and then a dry run or two before the clock starts?
Good question. I will try to address this, and will ask the event sponsor about specifics. But I can tell you that Friday was practice day: riders practiced with the course all day before competition on Saturday.

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I just watched the video. Gawd. I'd probably knock over a cone walking the course.

Yeah, CHP is going to HD. Insert puke smiley here.

What? No car tire seen anywhere? Hmmmm...
In my interview, Eddie talked to me about tire selection for this kind of competition, given the type of surface and weather--more evidence that if you want to be (at least one of) the best, you think about every variable.

I'd probably knock over a cone walking the course.
