The Motorcycle Wave....

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In Alaska everybody waves unless they're too busy with driving...HD folks included and most all are good folks...but some HD owners can't wave as the scooter can take two good hands to control or the bitch is in the ditch...owned a couple since 1960 and they can have control problems at speed...last week while cruising I passed a HD rider off the road in the bushes (saw his wrapped head was all)...turned 180 and stopped...his Sportster was 20' down the bank in a Willow patch but ok...said he lost his hat and reached to pick it up and bingo!...willow time...we hailed two trucks and pulled him out with a rope stopping all traffic Alaskan style...great fellow and thanked us all...and he left without his "hat" as I recall.

Gary in Fairbanks

In my experience the only Harley guys who don't wave (most do) are the young men in the tight t-shirts and the bad-ass expressions on their faces, whose attitude seems to say, "No, it's NOT about the two wheels. It's about me being a bad-ass and you being a pussy." :glare:
Okay, seriously now, who don't I wave at: scooters and riders on ANY kinda bike who are wearing shorts, t-shirts, and tennis shoes. And I don't wave at anybody when I'm in a foul mood: "Ridin' a motorcycle?--F**k you." :D (I know, I shouldn't even be riding if I'm in a foul mood, but I got no other method of transportation.)
JB- You dont happen to be on the ClubWRX boards as well do you?

AE riders are true wave ambassadors because we are unrestricted in our freedom to relenquish the left hand forearm exerciser. It really gets some looks when you do one of those long low "I'll do it, but I'm not excited about it" waves while the exhaust reveals a shift or two! :)

I'm a pretty friendly guy and I will wave 99% of the time. I've recently decided however that I'm not waving to those ********s wearing Nazi helmets - Yup, ain't doing it. Most folks here in VA will wave - crotch rockets always; Wings most of the time; HDs; well, when alone they mostly wave, when in their "pods" mostly not, but you usually get a couple that will break the "bad ass" code and sneak a wave in. Great one on Friday, fat bad ass on his HD passes me while in the HOV lane, no wave, no look, just the usuall "I'm just too bad ass to even look at you" look of his bloated head. Well, I get off the HOV one exit before it ends because I know that the odds are the HOV will be backed up, when backed up it takes probably 2 to 3 times longer to get where you're going. He stayed in the HOV - passing him while he crawled along - priceless!

I never wave unless waved to.

Always willing to return a friendly gusture, but not friendly enough to offer one!

When I ride with my Harley buddies, I noticed that THEY get waved to, but not me. Yeah, I may get the, "Well my hand is already out, so I'll leave it out" sometimes when I am in the back, and I may get an early catch of one when I am in the front, though I know it is not really for me.

Who cares, that is weak, like Drone's post above: Getting waved at for having the same bike is stupid - the bike doesn't drive itself, it is the rider who gets the wave, and the bike type should not matter.


I've noticed that just about every biker waves to me when the air temp drops below 30 or it's raining really hard :unsure: Of course I normally don't see very many bikes under those conditions :lol:

I've noticed that just about every biker waves to me when the air temp drops below 30 or it's raining really hard :unsure: Of course I normally don't see very many bikes under those conditions :lol:
Same here... I mean +1... I mean Gunny. I think the reason for that is there aren't normally posers riding in those conditions. It's similar on the commute.
EDIT - Sorry about that - question doesn't really deserve a response.

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I know exactly what you mean. We went to Gettysburg Bike Week today. FJR and 3 sportbikes. about 20% of the harley riders return a wave. We showed them though, we went straight to their hang out, Battlefield Harley Davidson...
I was there - got in Friday night and came back home yesterday morning. You on a red 06/07? I had someone on an FJR pull out behind my dad and I on York Road Sat. night, but traffic was insane, so no time to really look around or try and chat.

I waved when I remembered it @ bike week, but there's just too many around.

I had to ask a friend if Battlefield H/D sold bikes. Looks like a big t-shirt store to me.

Give this man the prize...its the lousy handling of the HD...or its the drunk owner that doesn't allow a wave back.


I like to give a goodbye wave as I launch past them at warp speeds.

Damn, I must be getting old or something. I hardly ever wave at riders anymore. Just the sport touring guys it seems. Old or just krusty??

I just don't pay much attention to the legions of tatooed, look-alike zombies on their bacon slabs.

Riders on cruisers not waving? No surprise there. I don't really care though. I'll throw a wave at pretty much anybody on 2 or 3 wheels. Most people wave back. . some don't. It's no big deal for me. I used to wave because people would wave back. . .and that made me feel cool. Now it's more about acknowledging that we're both experiencing life in a similar way at that point in time. . .and then it's gone. Nothing more or less to it than that. It doesn't mean I need to be your lifetime buddy or anything.

In my experience the only Harley guys who don't wave (most do) are the young men in the tight t-shirts and the bad-ass expressions on their faces, whose attitude seems to say, "No, it's NOT about the two wheels. It's about me being a bad-ass and you being a pussy." :glare:
Okay, seriously now, who don't I wave at: scooters and riders on ANY kinda bike who are wearing shorts, t-shirts, and tennis shoes. And I don't wave at anybody when I'm in a foul mood: "Ridin' a motorcycle?--F**k you." :D (I know, I shouldn't even be riding if I'm in a foul mood, but I got no other method of transportation.)
JB- You dont happen to be on the ClubWRX boards as well do you?
This is a setup, right? :glare:

No, I'm not. I mean yes! Yes I am. Not!

Harley riders are uppety? I just thought they were afraid their handlebars would vibrate off if they didn't hold on with both hands. B)


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