The Motorcycle Wave....

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Very funny!~ It is true though, here in Salt Lake (home of the original tough-guy...(?)...The cruisers only "want" to wave at other cruisers, unless waved at first, the sportbikers, same thing... but since I've had the FJR I've noticed something... they almost ALL wave back, no matter the ride, when I wave or nod.

Gotta be like Cesna pilots dipping their wings to the oncoming F-22... or like having Bruce Lee show up at your kids' karate class... their first reaction is respect, then it's back to being "macho"...

I accept that burden... and love it, haha...

I wave at them all, if they don't wave back, well too bad.

I have been waved-nodded to by all types of riders and ignored by same. No rhyme or reason.

Life goes on, I'm gonna ride anyway.

I know exactly what you mean. We went to Gettysburg Bike Week today. FJR and 3 sportbikes. about 20% of the harley riders return a wave. We showed them though, we went straight to their hang out, Battlefield Harley Davidson...
I was there - got in Friday night and came back home yesterday morning. You on a red 06/07? I had someone on an FJR pull out behind my dad and I on York Road Sat. night, but traffic was insane, so no time to really look around or try and chat.

I waved when I remembered it @ bike week, but there's just too many around.

I had to ask a friend if Battlefield H/D sold bikes. Looks like a big t-shirt store to me.

Actually that could have been me. I was the guy on the side of the road flipping the bird to all the Harley riders. ;)

I don't know if Harley riders wave or not because most of the time I'm passing their fat ***** so if they are waving it's at my butt. Second point, I think they should pass a law banning the sale of the Harley T-shirt with the "If you can read this the bitch fell off" logo on the back.

Other then that I have no opinion. :D

I meant to add a comment about the wave. I came into my FJR after riding a Suzuki Harley clone ('03 Volusia). I got my first bike in 1969 and have seldom NOT owned one (or more) since. I always enjoyed the feeling of camaraderie the "wave" always conveyed. It was always something built into the riding experience. (Used to be the "riding brotherhood," but we've been corrected.) I've always noticed the stereotype "biker" guys didn't wave; the harder they're trying to look like badasses, the less likely a wave. But in recent years, it seemed to be getting less universal. I figured it had to do with young riders not understanding the old etiquette. The older I get, the more I notice that generation thing everywhere--clerks in stores with "attitude," young snowboarders who crash downhill and cut off two-boarders, etc., but I don't think it's that either, especially since I got the FJR.

On the Volusia, the sport bikers were the ones not waving, or waving back. Figured they were the youngsters, the ones who shoot past you on the freeway at 90 or 100, splitting lanes, in a big hurry to get to the hospital. Wasn't till I'd put a few miles on the FJR that I saw it. Now it's the cruisers who don't wave. So I guess it's mutual, but I'm starting a crusade. Gonna wave at EVERYBODY. We're all out there riding. If you see a bike broken down in the middle of nowhere, would you pass it by if it's a Harley? Or a Lambretta? Would you REFUSE help from anybody who wasn't riding another FJR? Hope not. I'd love to see that old feeling of fellowship for ALL riders come back.

I wave to everyone. If they don't wave back (mostly badazzed cruisers) I give them the 1 finger salute. They don't actually see it but it sure makes "me" feel better.

One day I had a guy in a car staring me down. He thought that I gave HIM the finger when in all actuality, it was for the cruiser that just went by w/o returning the glad tiding.

For real, if'n they don't wave back to me, it's ok. It's not like I'm going to hunt that person down.... although I could... but after all, I'm just a girl.


I "wave" to every rider. Don't seem to be any one group or bike type that is lacking more in the return wave than the other around here. I have also learned that some sportbike riders are uncomfortable taking their hand off the bar , but will nod their head instead. So, I nod to the sportbikes, do the "two fingers pointed down at 45 degrees with arm straight" Harley wave to HD riders, do the same thing but with open palm to cruiser riders and a higher bent arm wave to GW and sport touring bikes.

So far, pretty much a 98% reply across the board. If any "group" seems to be less likely to wave back, it is scooters and oddly ---- New BMW riders...

If they don't wave back I just figure they don't get it, and being clueless , they will likely crash badly after puting Armor All on their tires to make them look new again..................


Big wave- :yahoo:

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In a blatant act of plagerism I submit the following:

I love motorcycles, and I love riding. Like many of you what first drew me to bikes was not just the experience of riding, but the feeling that I'd become part of a special community - a brotherhood, really. Nothing calms me more than a long ride down the interstate, waving to the members of my beloved clan. Except when I pass Harley guys. I hate Harley guys. Hate, hate, hate. When they pass me on the highway, you know what I do? I don't wave. With their little tassel handlebars and the studded luggage and the half helmets - God, they drive me crazy.

You know who else I hate? BMW guys. Oh, do I hate those guys. I don't wave at them either. They think they're so great, sitting all upright, with their 180 degree German engines. God, I hate them. They're almost as bad as those old bastards on their touring motorcycles. You know what I call those bikes? "Two wheeled couches!" Get it? Because they're so big. They drive around like they have got all day. Appreciate the scenery somewhere else, Grandpa, and while your at it, I'm not waving to you.

Ducati guys - I don't wave at them either. Why they don't spend a little more money on their bikes? "You can have it in any color as long as it is red." Aren't you cool! Like they even know what a Desmo-whatever engine is, anyway. Try finding the battery, you Italian-wannabe racers! I never, ever wave at those guys.

Suzuki guys aren't much better, which is why I never wave at them, either. They always have those stupid helmets sitting on the top of their stupid heads, and God forbid they should ever wear any safety gear. They make me so mad. Sometimes they'll speed by and look over at me and you know what I do? I don't wave I just keep going. Please, don't get me started on Kawasaki guys. Ninjas? What are you, twelve years old? Team Green my ass. I never wave at Kawasaki guys.

I ride an FJR, and I'll only wave at FJR guys, but even then, I'll never wave at a guy in full leathers. Never, never, never. Yeah like you're going to get your knee down on the New York Thruway. Nice crotch, by the way. Guys in full leathers will never get a wave from me, and by the way, neither will the guys in two piece leathers. And I'll tell you who else I'm not waving at - those guys with the helmets with loud paint jobs. Four pounds of paint on a two pound helmet - like I'm going to wave back at that! I'll also never wave at someone with a mirrored visor. Or helmet stickers. Or racing gloves. Or hiking boots.

To me, motorcycling is like a family, a close knit brotherhood of people who ride FJR's, wear jeans and a leather jacket (not Vanson) with regular gloves and a solid color helmet with a clear visor, no stickers, no racing gloves and regular boots (not Timberlands). And isn't that what really makes riding so special.

:lol: :lol:

i wave at them all .There is a very big difference from n.y.c most of the harley guys will not wave in n.c. everybody waves

I dunno, I wave, too! As Andrew use to say..."Like a parade Princess." :bye: I've noticed that on an early Spring day in the Sierra foothills, everyone waves. The same is true while riding through a rainstorm...I notice that everyone waves. The rest of the time, who cares? I'm having a good time and I wave. Heck, I'd even wave at odot! ;)

If you see a bike broken down in the middle of nowhere, would you pass it by if it's a Harley? Or a Lambretta?
Nope. In fact, I have stopped and was glad I did. The Harley rider was stopped on a back road in 100+ degree weather with no water. Luckily I always carry extra bottles of water, so while he was hydrating I finished re-attaching his broken positive battery cable and he was on his way.
While out riding today, noticed an interesting attitude involving the motorcycle "wave"...come on, y'all know what I mean...whether it be the full hand extension, the peace sign or the casual laying out of the hand...we each have our own style to it. I have been riding a '06 Harley Ultra Classic for the past 2 years and just recently purchased a '05 FJR. During the past two years, about 95% of the other riders would always return the wave. Over the past 2 weeks, I have put almost 600 miles on my FJR, riding the same haunts as always, and surprisingly, about half the people on cruisers will not return the wave when I am on the FJR. Most of these non-wave types tend to be older men, riding single. Now, I am not offended nor really care that these people don't return the wave, but I find it interesting that people who would return the wave when I am on the Harley, choose to ignore me while on the FJR. Anyone else ever experience this cruiser "snob" attittude? :unsure: Maybe this is just something in Western WA??? At least now, I can turn around and run them down on the FJR and chastise them for their rude behavior! :assassin: Just kidding.... After all, we are only talking about a wave......

I live and ride in the northern Virginia area. I get the same kind of responses. No big deal but it gives a little insight to the cruiser crowd. I used to own a K Mean Streak, but waved to most bikers anyway. I don't understand why folks do what they do.

I pretty much wave to everybody unless traffic dictates otherwise. Most of the time I get a return wave except when I ride my Vmax. I get about half as many return waves compared to when I'm on the FJR. Guess they don’t like Vmax’s.

Just found this thread since I am new to the board. Lots of funny and insightful replys! I currently own a 02 Honda VTX1800 and have found that the "Harley Guys" will give the wave/oh, $hit, that's not a Harley ,I take it back wave, after I have initiated "the wave". This is in Midwest Iowa, and I find it endlessly amusing. I will wave to anyone on two wheels: Harleys, scooters, mopeds, oh wait, NOT bicyclists! I find them to be bent on self destruction, pedaling down the middle of the road in their spandex tights, with the attitude of "I have as much right as you to be on the road". :glare:

Anyway my point is: I am going to be trading off the VTX this spring for an 08 FJR, but it will not change my attitude about waving to fellow two wheelers.

Just thought about this now: Have you ever not bothered to wave to a fellow motorcyclist for whatever reason, only to have him wave to you too late for you to respond? Maybe this is the reason the Harley riders don't wave. In the interest of human interaction, give a wave to ALL two wheeled travelers when safe to, yes, even bicyclists. We are all in this together!!

I can't wait for this winter to end so I can go deal on my FJR waiting at my Friendly Neighborhood Dealer!

The Sport-Tourer category is not represented. Are we the only ones who wave?

The cops rarely wave back at me. I guess they're too busy being professional, or jealous....

seeing the same in Texas...its Harley superiority complex...Or they are just in a bad mood because they paid too much for a mechanicly inferior Motorcycle, thats always breaking down? :D

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