First off congrats! Very nice choice.
The only thing I can honestly say about color differences are:
1 - if you have a bass boat blue FJR, how many times do you mistake it for you bass boat and take it to the lake? I mean, it's an easy mistake. Same color, both are big, heavy items, etc.
This, coming from the owner of an '09 Caterpillar D25 just hit me as phunnee. Don't weigh that thing at the local DOT scale....they'll charge you for the damage your porker causes.
2 - I understand the flakes in the paint weigh down that model year, so obviously it's slower
Ain't half as bad as the flakes on the seat that weigh down YOUR model year.
3 - BLACK rocks, all other colors lick socks!
We'll all remind you of that as we drive by you while you're still parked in the driveway, trying to buff out all the swirl marks.
Now, all that clarified, I'll admit to LOVING the blue bikes!!!!!
No matter how you try, you just can't get it right, can you? Dark Cherry, Liquid Silver and Cerulean are the only colors Yamaha hasn't absoluely FAILED on.
These color "discussions" are a lot of fun. I remember back when I was shopping for my Feej. The local dealer had an '03 on consignment. I thought it was beautiful. That light silver was so gorgeous. But fortunately (for me) the bike was a "ringer". It looked great, but had tranny problems, head-shake problems, final drive problems, and I think may have been a "ticker" was awful noisy. The dealer gave me the typical "they all sound like that" spiel. I walked.
Then I was about to drop a dime on a new '05 in Galaxy Blue, but the dealer didn't have an ABS, which I truly wanted. I got the "we ain't sellin' no ABS murdersickle" speeches. The dealer was convinced (?) that ABS had no place on a motorcycle and refused to order any.
I was at the "severe disappointment" stage in getting a Feej since the PDP "window" was closed at the time I was shopping, and there wasn't an '05 ABS within 300 miles of me when I fouind my '04 on just an hour away from me.
When I saw that color shining in the sun, it was a jaw-dropping moment. In the 40 years of riding and owning motorcycles, I'd never seen what I thought was such an incredibly beautiful color, even though for those 40 years, if you cut me, I'd bleed Kawasaki green.
But like I said, color discussions are fun. At least with the color differences over the years, it's not TOO hard to identify a Feej's model year by its color.
Plus, if I see a Black one, I know to stay the hell away from it, since I know if I get too close, I might get sucked into the event horizon created by all that weight. Even GL1800 owners avoid you guys for fear of tidal effect.
edited to add: We REALLY don't know what color the '09s are, 'cause they're so freakin' overweight that reflected light can't escape, hence the term "Black Hole".