the new Evilmobile

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Well-known member
Oct 12, 2005
Reaction score
Not much to say, other than here it is! This definitely makes me feel better, lost my voice to a horrible stomach problem. That's a story for another day.




:yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:

I hate when that happens (still Friday)

OK, not really

congrats on the Beemer

wonder what happens if the feejer and beemer mate; geez my mind reels at the offspring possibilities


Mike in Nawlins'

Evilmedic=Dr. Evil???

Great bike.

Sing...(to the tune of Kung-Ku fighting)

Everyone is adventure ridin'

So, post up and let us know how you like the beemer. I've test ridden them, not for as long a distance as I would need in order to really tell if I liked it. But with Alaska calling my name, I know the dual sport would come in handy.

Ouch. Not in a bad way, any contraction that involves my diapraghm hurts. You made me laugh and laughing hurts right now.
Did I miss another crash report?


I heard somewhere, someone of self-appointed authority told someone else "that (GS12) will be the last bike you'll buy. It's sweet! At least cars won't pull out in front of you on trails.... :****:


As soon as I can give it a good ride I will definitely do a write up. I would've taken a ride today but I didn't want to mess around with this gastro problem too much, and I have to work tomorrow. So I'll just rest and recover today in exchange for better health so I can take a good ride soon.

Get better man!

Congrats on the cool aid bike!

And thats the way a garage should look. At least two bikes & a truck ...

PS: unless your that damn Carver. So many bikes that he does not have room for pickup ... but that's another story.

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Very nice EM. I've wanted one of those for a long time...but would never open the wallet far enough to make it happen. Do let us know how you like it. Congrats man!


and the top case has adequate room for a spare final drive should you take the long arduous trip to the Piggly Wiggly! :rolleyes:


Totaled my FJR last May and after recovering enough bought a 1200 GS Adventure the last of Day of August. Put 6,000 miles on it in the first 3 months then winter set in. The longest day was about 750 miles and had no problems. All that it really needs is a cruise control. I went down to Caterpillar and got one of their "O" rings that fits on the bar end and use it for a throttle lock.

One thing that you will find out as I did, it has an 8.7 gal. tank and no matter how large the tank is you will be running out of gas when you fill it up. I have had to put over 8 gallons in it 4 or 5 times so far. Last Sep. up in Northern Wisconsin where gas was high priced I put $34.75 worth of gas in it. Kick in the crotch for a motorcycle.

Last bike, I don't know but it is pretty nice and lots of places to tie stuff on. I would still like to have an FJR and probably will when I see what the next changes bring. I really liked my FJR and would not have sold it but after the crash wanted something different for now.


Schweet Dude! Damn, I am jones'ing for one of those things. Lucky bastard.

Now, all it needs is a Cubs sticker on it to make it complete!

Hey so what is your opinion on the BMW? Are you liking it? How are the ERGO's on it compared to the FJR? They look a little more roomie than the Feejay.... I have put about 5k on my FJR and am still not real comfortable on it.. I still feel to cramped up on it. Thought maybe the BMW would be a little more roomy in the cockpit and sit me up a little more upright... What's your opinion? Happy riding...

Here they are together. Yes, the beemer is much roomier in comparisin to feej, I definitely felt the difference when I finally took the feej for a lomg ride today. After 4 weeks straight on the r1200gsa, the differences are like having 2 girlfriends, one blonde and the other a redhead. Similiar, but pleasantly different enough to keep them both. :yahoo:


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