Sure sure. The Shoei is a great helmet. I have a 1000 and I loved everything about it except the fact that it was one size too small and it wasn't ECE 22-05 certified. So, I did some research (thanks Toecutter) and bought a Shark RSI for both myself and Anne Marie. We both love the fit, weight, look, and the ECE 22-05 cert.
My only complaint, and it's a small one is the top vent. A little noisy when open and the airflow is hardly noticeable. Given plenty of riding in 90 to 100 degree heat it didn't bother me a bit. When it's hot it's hot.
Anyway, do some research, especially regarding Snell vs. ECE and try on a lot of different helmets. My eyes were opened to the fact that heads and helmets come in different shapes. Who knew?