The Return of a Dear Friend

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What a great thread for two wonderful peeps

Tyler, my dear, simply WOW gurl.. WOW.

Cdog - really really great to see you posting / riding again.

I admit I didn't know what happened to you - sometimes folks here just fade away, and I've learned to accept that - then something like this happens and all I can do say Woot-phooking-WOOT!

Just f'n wow...

Good on ya, Tyler. That's the closest I can come to putting words together...

Robin - I'll be riding with you in spirit. Ya don't by any chance have a SPOT tracker so we can follow along with ya, do ya?

I dont have a spot tracker. but I do have an android. phone.. I perhaps could set up something there. I know it has the ability.. I will have to look into it a bit

Leaving Tys house at 0, Dark thirty Sunday morning.. .. Anyone know what to expect for Donner Pass that time of year.. 1.5 weeks hence.. You local boys ??

*happy dance*

Pretty cool, typical though of those who cling to the "old ways" of this place-always was a giving place.

I will be eating Beef Jerky.. and sucking on my Hydropack.... We are having dinner Sat evening.. if peeps wanna get together I would love that.. Ty knows the area far better than I do so I would have to say she is in charge of it. I am just happy as a pig in mud period..

THERE you are. Man Robin...Just the other day I was thinking that I had not seen anything from you in a while. I guess I kind of lost track of stuff. I don't even think I knew you had a crash! Of course, the way things have been lately, I may have just frigging forgot. Enjoy that Triumph. They are absolutely fun bikes!

Hey Robin,

I have an Android phone and use Google Latitude with a few FJR friends and it works great, For a free app.

All you have to do is give out your email address to people you want to follow you, And that is it!

My email: galaxyblue one thr33 zro zeero [at] :)

Good to have you back buddy!

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Yes.. I have that.. and I have Latitude.. I need to get the Droid to charge on the bike.. it wont last that long.. May have to get the leatherman out and fix that.. Take a car charger down to hack apart

Tyler, I new by the chats we had your a sweathart, just way cool young lady way cool.

Best of luck with the new ride Cog, enjoy.

When you pick a dinner spot for Sat. night, Tyler, please post up the location and time, and try to pick a place near--walking distance, that is--a couple motels in case some of us (me) find out we can make it. It'd be good to see Robin again, and you always, Ty; giving this some serious thought.

p.s., post the motels too so we can make a rez. Thanks.

