The smell of burning rubber

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It does. Car or bike. Unless the system is defective.

I believe that ABS braking provides shorter stopping distances than non-ABS braking, in all conditions and all types of pavement.
This is only my opinion, although I've read extensively about it. Too lazy at the moment to look up statistics.
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Uncle Hud posted: ^^^^ Dayum. 'Zilla knows physics? Startling. :coolsmiley02:
OK, maybe he doesn't. Reassuring. :umnik:
Don't worry dork. You wreck your shit, I'm pretty good at putting it back together. Well, I used to be anyway. Now I have "people" that do it for me. Haha...I used to be useful, and now, I'm just here.

I suppose you can't really expect the average policeman to be able to deal in decimals
Thank Gawg we aren't using the Metric system too! Then we'd all be as confused as our Fave LEO is!!

Kidding aside, anyone who doesn't believe that ABS is beneficial has never had to make a hard braking weave on a chip sealed road to avoid a forest rat. ABS has saved my butt more than once. I'm baffled it's even allowed to be a discussion here, you know, "just the facts ma'am."
