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Well-known member
Aug 14, 2007
Reaction score
Cheshire, Connecticut
My wife has always gotten me interesting things for my birthday from a climbing belt (for my old amateur radio tower climbing) to my First Gear jacket and now this. It was a surprise - sort of - she had it delivered to where I work. I had to make arrangements with one of the drivers to bring it out to the house & help me get it inside my basement garage.

The crate inside:


Of course, after the driver left, I realized it was upside down. As it weighs almost 500 lbs I had to improvise:


Now right side up & out of the crate:


It is air operated to had to put a quick connect onto the foot control (not included) - put the blue pipe dope on the threads, the stuff that never comes off your skin:


The basic lift hooked up to air & tested - goes up!


Put in the rear wheel drop out panel to make easy removal of the wheel:


The drive on ramp (the down height of the table is about 7 inches). This ramp is actually too steep for the fjr. I ended up putting a 1x12 'extension' under it, about 2 feet long:


The ramp mounted (hooks on with 2 bent pieces of steel rod):


The front wheel clamp components:


The clamp mounted:


another view:


And the finished product:


The lift brand is Complete Hydraulic sales & Service ( and it comes with a jack to fit under the bike while on the table. The only problem is my wifey didn't get the side extensions. I made the completely stupid mistake of riding the fjr up onto the lift. When I flipped the kickstand down it was dangling in air. . . I managed to get the front wheet into the wheel vise & dismount but the bike would fall over if I let go. I was able (with the wife's help) to back the bike down without dropping it. I have to get those extensions on order! All in all a pretty nice bday present from the Misses!

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My wife needs to talk to your wife! You are very fortunate to have a spouse that surprises you with things that YOU really like. My hats off to her! And to you :)

My wife has always gotten me interesting things for my birthday from a climbing belt (for my old amateur radio tower climbing) to my First Gear jacket and now this. It was a surprise - sort of - she had it delivered to where I work. I had to make arrangements with one of the drivers to bring it out to the house & help me get it inside my basement garage.
The crate inside:


Of course, after the driver left, I realized it was upside down. As it weighs almost 500 lbs I had to improvise:


Now right side up & out of the crate:


It is air operated to had to put a quick connect onto the foot control (not included) - put the blue pipe dope on the threads, the stuff that never comes off your skin:


The basic lift hooked up to air & tested - goes up!


Put in the rear wheel drop out panel to make easy removal of the wheel:


The drive on ramp (the down height of the table is about 7 inches). This ramp is actually too steep for the fjr. I ended up putting a 1x12 'extension' under it, about 2 feet long:


The ramp mounted (hooks on with 2 bent pieces of steel rod):


The front wheel clamp components:


The clamp mounted:


another view:


And the finished product:


The lift brand is Complete Hydraulic sales & Service ( and it comes with a jack to fit under the bike while on the table. The only problem is my wifey didn't get the side extensions. I made the completely stupid mistake of riding the fjr up onto the lift. When I flipped the kickstand down it was dangling in air. . . I managed to get the front wheet into the wheel vise & dismount but the bike would fall over if I let go. I was able (with the wife's help) to back the bike down without dropping it. I have to get those extensions on order! All in all a pretty nice bday present from the Misses!
Hmmm Cheshire, CT huh.....Now I know where to go for my next tire change :D . Very nice gift, good luck with it.

Nice! Not only does my wife not buy bike gear for me, she whines when I buy it for myself. You are a lucky man.

Well, nice. But not sure what one needs with a lift like that for a brand new bike. Perhaps if you owned an old Harley or something I could see it being very usefull, but given the tank-like qualities of the FJR , not sure what you'd all be using it for to go work on.... kinda like buying rust remover for your stainless steel...

Jeez, is my jealousy really that bad? ...sorry.....


Well, nice. But not sure what one needs with a lift like that for a brand new bike. Perhaps if you owned an old Harley or something I could see it being very usefull, but given the tank-like qualities of the FJR , not sure what you'd all be using it for to go work on.... kinda like buying rust remover for your stainless steel...Jeez, is my jealousy really that bad? ...sorry.....

Hey Eric - next time you ride out this way I can recipricate with the oil change. I decided I'm too old & fat to roll around on the floor!

Tell me, did she decide to buy that for you on her own or did you coach her?
Actually it was all hers with some help from one of my sons who also rides. I didn't know anything about it until I emailed him that I was bidding on (and got) a lift on ebay. My wife ordered this one the same day & by the time I reached her it had already shipped.

Know anyone that wants an all electric Handy Brand lift - 1000 lbs capacity?

What a thoughtful spouse. Now you can get it up any time you like. :dance:
Were it only so!

Way nice gift. Congrats!

Now, how are you going to pickup your 600+ lb bike and get it on that thing? :crazy:
