The Wave

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Well-known member
Jun 14, 2009
Reaction score
Phoenix, AZ
OK, I'll start by saying that I've been riding for 14 years. More than some, less than others, I realize that. When I first started, I heard or read somewhere that it was common practice to give a wave to riders you encounter. So I've been doing just that. Aside from the cruiser/HD group, I almost always get a return wave. Just wondering what other people are seeing out on the roads.


nobody really waves here. A bit in the further islands, but nothing like other countries.

Right hand drive countries typically use the leg wave since the right hand is busy on the throttle.

I generally wave to any rider. To the HDs, I give a pointer finger wave down low, which seems to get more returns. If it's a high traffic day, I might just forgo the practice that day.

In town, if traffic permits AND I recognize somebody. Otherwise, I'd be riding around in traffic one handed all the time waving at a bunch of weekend warriors every 3 seconds.

On the hwy, often.

Always wave at other riders and most wave back. Back when I started riding in the early 70's it was a fist up 'power' salute.

Anyone on two wheels gets a wave/point from me.

Almost always returned by others. Really interesting when meeting a pack of 10 to 15 HDs going the other way, and every one waves back.

Most HD guys get a bum rap IMHO, as those I have encountered have been great folks - just like us.

There are bad apples in every barrel.


I wave as often as I remember. Most others wave back, regardless of what they are riding. Sometimes I realize too late that someone passing waved at me and I just missed it because I was paying attention to something else. I figure if I wave and they don't wave back, no big deal, maybe they were looking at something else too. I guess it's just a wave.

I wave if I can, if I'm passing a long line of bikes I'll wave to the first in line etc..

I do not wave across divided highways or roads however...

Most people are good about waving back, even HD crew :)

Sure I wave and most wave back. The only ones that don’t are the weekend warrior HD types that are too-cool going from bar to bar. Most of these guys see you and look the other way.


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I wave if they're wearing a helmet. If they're not, I don't want to be associated with them. Tends to filter out the k00l HD types too.
