The words you hate to hear from a non-rider

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Well-known member
May 3, 2006
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Torrance, CA
Geez it pisses me off when someone that has never ridden before comes up and says "How could you ride those things? They are dangerous; I had a friend that got killed on one of those."

I am very aware of the dangers of riding but geez why is that always the topic of discussion when approached by a non-rider? When was the last time any of you got the same response when getting out of your car? I've never had someone tell me "How could you drive one of those things? My friend got killed in one of those."


I just smile and nod. I used to try and explain it, but have long since given that up. Just not worth it, to be honest, and less agrivating that engaging in debate.

I think we all come across that. When I want to give a response other than the eloquent 'yeah, whatever', I'll respond with something along the lines of 'statistics show that most motorcycle fatalaties are due to improper or inadeqate gear, alcohol, or lack of training. I don't drink when I ride, I wear my gear, and I've had my training, so, the odds are with me'.

I just smile and nod. I used to try and explain it, but have long since given that up. Just not worth it, to be honest, and less agrivating that engaging in debate.
+1, but I usually also roll my eyes and then shake my head as I walk away.

Some people simply do not live life fully; some people live in fear of their own shadows. Some of us realize that our lives are much richer doing things that physically involve us in our environment, even if they involve some additional risk. I know people who have been killed in car accidents, but that doesn't stop people such as you mention from traveling in cars.

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Kinda depends on who it is that's saying it to you. If it's a friend or relative, I'll explain my opinion on why I ride, and hope they understand. If it's someone I don't know, I let it roll off my back, or hopefully don't even hear them through my earbuds...

Never even heard the word "FJR" once in this thread. Moving to it's new home.

BTW, I just smile and look at them as if I know something that they don't.....because it's true.

It's called quality of life and freedom to choose and I intend to remember it if I ever do get smucked and layed up in a hospital bed.

How fast does that thing go? :russian_roulette:

I just give them a dumb look and say, "I dunno. :huh: How fast?" Like they're going to tell me.


It is funny what people will consider ok and what is not.

After I broke myself on my dirtbike my HR person was in town.

She just had to voice her dislike for bikes and how this is why she never let her kids ride them.

So my questions to her were:

Did your kids ride skate boards?

Did your kids ride bicycles?

Did your kids ever ride horses? (They live in Colorado)

Did your kids ever ski?

Breaking a collarbone is common in so many sports that it can't be associated only with dirtbikes.

Also some of the worse bone breaks I have ever seen has been in soccer. Did your kids ever play???

People just have a dislike for these things and there is nothing you can do about it...

There was a video on the gsxr forum about racing. One of the guys mentioned how people like to call racers crazy. He said they are far from it, they are some of the most focused, highly trained athletes there are and to be that good he is absolutely correct.

Don't let it get ya to much, they have no clue...

"How could you ride those things? They are dangerous; I had a friend that got killed on one of those."
They might as well be saying, "I'm a stupid pussy, and I'm talking out my ass." Or "You are much more of an adventurer than I could ever be, because I am a narrow minded dolt."

Insert Charlie Brown's teacher: " Wa wa wa wa wah...."

Fortunately most people say to me, "That's a cool looking BMW. How fast does it go." Ok, now I've circled and joined the other pointless thread. :p

Funny what some people come up to you and say out of the blue.

Of course isn't that what this forum is about? Un/solicited opinions?

I just take them aside and tell them gentlely, thats its like diving, sking, sky diving, it can't be explained, you ether get it, or you don't.

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When I brought my fjr home the neighbor kid who is about 14 came over and asked why I didn't get a Hyabusa. He expressed that when he grows up that is the bike he is going to get because it is the fastest.

I just kept going, no use...

When most of us were still on SleazyBoard, I started a topic about something a non-rider said to me. It was in the elevator at work, me with my jacket & helmet in hand. One of the executives gets on the elevator, spies my gear and asks, "Do you ride a motorcycle?"... which was a brilliant deduction on his part. I simply say "Yes." Then he says, "Well, you're stupid." To this day I'm proud that I didn't lash out at this fucker, it wasn't easy. But I just said, "Yes, well I'm careful". I wonder if he would've been so bold outside of the office, just me and him.

When most of us were still on SleazyBoard, I started a topic about something a non-rider said to me. It was in the elevator at work, me with my jacket & helmet in hand. One of the executives gets on the elevator, spies my gear and asks, "Do you ride a motorcycle?"... which was a brilliant deduction on his part. I simply say "Yes." Then he says, "Well, you're stupid." To this day I'm proud that I didn't lash out at this fucker, it wasn't easy. But I just said, "Yes, well I'm careful". I wonder if he would've been so bold outside of the office, just me and him.
Motorcycles or not that is just plain rude!!!

I usually just point at their children and say "how could you give birth to those things? They are dangerous; I had a friend that got killed by two of those."


you ether get it, or you don't.
I think that sums it up beautifully!

It's the same argument Harley riders use to justify their choice.

Here's a reply no one thought of:

Apesadumbrado, no hablo mierda del toro.
It's happened a couple of times and I just ignore them. I suppose if somebody pushed for an answer I'd tell them to mind their own business and go f**k themselves. :assassin:
