The words you hate to hear from a non-rider

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10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1..... pshew......

Yo Jimbo you do Google?

Search "font of knowledge" and "fount of knowledge"... mine gets more hits... SCOREBOARD!

Roger that, Groo....

I Google all the time! Wikipedia is my friend...I'm just playin'...I have to do something for entertainment. That's why the smiley.

I have Googled and withdraw my nitpick, and yes, yours DOES get more hits, and is apparently on the way to becoming mainstream instead of "fount". (Source:

You win!!!! :p


What'd I ever do to you? Why did that elicit a surprise smiley? Maybe I should just stick to farkle and maintenance questions, but I digress...sheesh!!


Sure Mike will/can speak for himself but I will just speak of my experience with him.

We often disagree on things but Mike has always made it a point to pm me on a few occasions just to make sure we were ok with each other and even offer me a beer.

I would bet he was just goofing off like the rest of us. He seems to be a pretty good guy in my experience...

I love to argue back and forth but very rarely get upset unless you just out and out insult me. I am here to have fun and arguing does entertain me ;)

Joceyln Elders... surgeon general of the US under Bill Clinton...
Once, when testifying before congress on various medical issues important to the nation, she stated "we all gotta die of something". :huh: Great insight on her part...

Not to hi-jack a hi-jack,but oh well. Didn't they give her the boot after advocating masturbation? :yahoo: Or am I confusing my teenage heroes again? :D

You remember correctly... It was either the teenage masturbation, or advocating the legalization of some (ahem) recreational drugs, or any of a number of things... from Factmonster...

Elders briefly served as the surgeon general of the United States under President Bill Clinton. She was confirmed in September 1993 and angered conservatives from the get-go, as she was vocal in her support of sex education, the distribution of condoms in schools, abortion rights, and the medical use of marijuana. It was her December 1994 statement that “masturbation is part of human sexuality and a part of something that perhaps should be taught” that prompted President Clinton to seek and receive her resignation.

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10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1..... pshew......

Yo Jimbo you do Google?

Search "font of knowledge" and "fount of knowledge"... mine gets more hits... SCOREBOARD!

Roger that, Groo....

I Google all the time! Wikipedia is my friend...I'm just playin'...I have to do something for entertainment. That's why the smiley.

I have Googled and withdraw my nitpick, and yes, yours DOES get more hits, and is apparently on the way to becoming mainstream instead of "fount". (Source:

You win!!!! :p


What'd I ever do to you? Why did that elicit a surprise smiley? Maybe I should just stick to farkle and maintenance questions, but I digress...sheesh!!


Just teasing don't take it seriously ;) ....
