The words you hate to hear from a non-rider

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Got the "bikes are dangerous" comment 1 hour reply....."Ya well we all can't lead boring safe lives....what will people like you have to talk about then?"....the lady & group of people she was with looked stumped :D

-got 'the question' the other day...

was outside doing some maintenance on the Feejer, when my next door neighbor (an accountant who drives a beige Toyota...oops, so do I :dribble: ) sees it, walks over, is eyeing it lustfully...

How fast does it go?


155?! You're kidding!

'Uh, no I'm not...its rated at 145 Hp...

The eyes open wide, the jaw drops....he walks away..probably thinks I'm the Antichrist now...TOO BAD! :D

Got the "bikes are dangerous" comment 1 hour reply....."Ya well we all can't lead boring safe lives....what will people like you have to talk about then?"....the lady & group of people she was with looked stumped :D

Zinger! I like that :clapping:

Q "Arn't you hot wearing all that stuff"

A "Yea and you are pretty cute too"


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I had 3 surgeries back in 04, right shoulder, left knee and left foot. Not accident related--just wore out old age. At the end of recovery period I was back riding and had never told my Dr. that I rode a motorcycle, this particular day I had my helmet, crash jacket, etc. in hand and into his office. He made the comment that he hoped all his work would not be waisted. He is a orthopedic and repaired countless motorcycle injuries yadda, yadda. "If you could just see what I've seen...." Poor choice on my part to bring that stuff in--it was a hot day--I hate putting on a hot helmet, I never cool down. Anyway, I felt like I was 13 again, being lectured by my dad. :glare: He's the best ortho around here, so what cha gonna do :huh: but sit and let him vent.

Well, you can let the air out of his tyres after you leave his office......

No one's ever said it to me. Either I

1) look like I would kill them, or

2) look like I would take it as a compliment, or

3) look like I wouldn't get it, or

4) all of the above.


Geez it pisses me off when someone that has never ridden before comes up and says "How could you ride those things? They are dangerous; I had a friend that got killed on one of those."
I am very aware of the dangers of riding but geez why is that always the topic of discussion when approached by a non-rider? When was the last time any of you got the same response when getting out of your car? I've never had someone tell me "How could you drive one of those things? My friend got killed in one of those."

Living is dangerous, that doesn't stop you from breath'n does it?

Long ago while stationed in Japan, I highsided on a dirt bike and landed flat on my back. went to the military hospital to get checked over, and they sent to the bone doctor on the 2nd floor. As I walked in the room first thing I saw was a large sign that said Support Your Local Ortho-Doctor buy A Honda.

i tell them: yes, and i've seen honda civics kill 17 y/o girls, and civics are safe...

or, i try to remember a fatality i've seen while on-duty in their car model, and tell them the gory details about their 'safe' ride...

Geez it pisses me off when someone that has never ridden before comes up and says "How could you ride those things? They are dangerous; I had a friend that got killed on one of those." :angry2:
Once I actually had a drop-dead gorgeous chick say that to me. It gave me the once-in-a-lifetime chance to reply with...

"It ain't nearly as dangerous as riding you!"


I still have the bike.


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Just say, "If I have to explain, you wouldn't understand." Says it all to me, and also implies that they are idiots.

i tell them: yes, and i've seen honda civics kill 17 y/o girls, and civics are safe...
or, i try to remember a fatality i've seen while on-duty in their car model, and tell them the gory details about their 'safe' ride...
LOL -- sounds like that may deter them from making the same stupid comment again. :lol:

"Man, you're lucky! I wish I had a motorcycle!"

I hate hearing that, damn near brings me to tears every time someone says it...

I get the comment and question all too frequently- sometimes from loved-ones who genuinely care (and who don't understand), and from "aquaintances" who are truely clueless. :dribble: To to the loved-ones I take the time to try and explain; to the others I simply say "Yea, its not for everybody" and leave it at that. And I think half of them are envious, and I think the other half are living life in the shadows. At the end of the day, I don't really care what they think.

And, am ultimately thankfull that, for whatever reason, I've felt the thrill and passion of racing go-karts at 120 mph, done 360's in a glider, and love to ride the FJR. Its living life, isn't it?? :rolleyes: Jay

It's really simple. Mass US "political correctness". Just like it's politically correct for severely obese people to complain about other people smoking.

I had 3 surgeries back in 04, right shoulder, left knee and left foot. Not accident related--just wore out old age. At the end of recovery period I was back riding and had never told my Dr. that I rode a motorcycle, this particular day I had my helmet, crash jacket, etc. in hand and into his office. He made the comment that he hoped all his work would not be waisted. He is a orthopedic and repaired countless motorcycle injuries yadda, yadda. "If you could just see what I've seen...." Poor choice on my part to bring that stuff in--it was a hot day--I hate putting on a hot helmet, I never cool down. Anyway, I felt like I was 13 again, being lectured by my dad. :glare: He's the best ortho around here, so what cha gonna do :huh: but sit and let him vent.

You could always tell him that you only plan on breaking stuff he hasnt' fixed yet...


I think we all come across that. When I want to give a response other than the eloquent 'yeah, whatever', I'll respond with something along the lines of 'statistics show that most motorcycle fatalaties are due to improper or inadeqate gear, alcohol, or lack of training. I don't drink when I ride, I wear my gear, and I've had my training, so, the odds are with me'.
Most motorcycle forgot errant car drivers, to which I respond. "My daughter already has the legal papers in my will and my cousin is an attorney so that will hopefully take care of that issue". They almost always don't like this answer.
