The Y chromosome is kaput!

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Naw, it's already happened.
My Y chromosome went kaput almost 30 years ago when I got married.
Nah, that was the removal of your testes. Very common in men... a right of passage. <_<

The loss of the ability to ever have said gonads -- very troubling.

:angry2: Did you notice the author of the research was a woman? ;)

I just checked with the boys, and they reassured me that my Y's are all OK. Not that it makes any difference, now that I'm going on 63.

I got one word/name/theorem for you all...



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I think the reduction of the Y chromosome is basically a genetic paperwork reduction act. Everyone agrees that wimmens is too complicated and men are simple, and now we know why.

I think the reduction of the Y chromosome is basically a genetic paperwork reduction act. Everyone agrees that wimmens is too overly complicated convoluted and men are simple, and now we know why.
I'm expecting Barb to post...."men are simpletons."

Every once in awhile I begin to think, though they (wimmen-folk) are "difficult to understand" it's worth it..... :huh:

.............then I apply some rational thought and come to my senses! :stop:

Guys - if you can successfully implement these rules, you may be able to preserve your Y chromosome ;) (have away at it Barb! :lol: )

The Rules by Men

We always hear "the rules" from the female side. Now here are the rules from the male side. These are 'OUR' rules!

Please note: these are all numbered "1" ON PURPOSE!

1. Learn to work the toilet seat. You're a big girl. If it's up, put it down. We need it up, you need it down. You don't hear us complaining about you leaving it down.

1. Whenever possible, please say whatever you have to say during commercials.

1. A headache that lasts for 17 months is a problem. See a doctor.

1. Sunday = sports. It's like the full moon or the changing of the tides. Let it be.

1. Shopping is NOT a sport. And no, we are never going to think of it that way.

1. Crying is blackmail.

1. Ask for what you want. Let us be clear on this one: Subtle hints do not work! Strong hints do not work! Obvious hints do not work! Just say it!

1. Yes and No are perfectly acceptable answers to almost every question.

1. Come to us with a problem only if you want help solving it. That's what we do. Sympathy is what your girlfriends are for.

1. Anything we said 6 months ago is inadmissible in an argument. In fact, all comments become null and void after 7 days.

1. If you won't dress like the Victoria's Secret girls, don't expect us to act like soap opera guys.

1. If you think you're fat, you probably are. Don't ask us.

1. If something we said can be interpreted two ways, and one of the ways makes you sad or angry, we meant the other one.

1. You can either ask us to do something or tell us how you want it done. Not both. If you already know best how to do it, just do it yourself.

1. Christopher Columbus did not need directions and neither do we.

1. ALL men see in only 16 colors, like Windows default settings. Peach, for example, is a fruit, not a color. Pumpkin is also a fruit. We have no idea what mauve is.

1. If it itches, it will be scratched. We do that.

1. If we ask what is wrong and you say "nothing," we will act like nothing's wrong. We know you are lying, but it's not worth the hassle.

1. If you ask a question you don't want an answer to, expect an answer you don't want to hear.

1. When we have to go somewhere, absolutely anything you wear is fine. Really.

1. Don't ask us what we're thinking - unless you are prepared to discuss such topics as baseball, sports, the shotgun formation, or monster trucks.

1. You have enough clothes.

1. You have too many shoes.

1. I am in shape. Round is a shape.

1. Thank you for reading this; Yes, I know, I have to sleep on the couch tonight, but did you know men really don't mind that, it's like camping.

Fall Classes for Men at the Adult Learning Center

Note: Due to the complexity and difficulty level of their contents, class sizes will be limited to 8 participants maximum.
  • How to Fill Up the Ice Cube TraysStep by Step, with Slide Presentation.

    Meets 4 weeks, Monday and Wednesday for 2 hours beginning at 7:00 PM.
  • The Toilet Paper Roll—Does it Change Itself? Round Table Discussion.

    Meets 2 weeks, Saturday 12:00 for 2 hours.
  • Is it Possible to Urinate Using the Technique of Lifting the Seat and Avoiding the Floor, Walls and Nearby Bathtub?Group Practice.

    Meets 4 weeks, Saturday 10:00 PM for 2 hours.
  • Fundamental Differences between the Laundry Hamper and the FloorPictures and Explanatory Graphics.

    Meets Saturdays at 2:00 PM for 3 weeks.
  • Dinner Dishes—Can They Levitate and Fly into the Kitchen Sink?Examples on Video.

    Meets 4 weeks, Tuesday and Thursday for 2 hours beginning at 7:00 PM
  • Loss of Identity—Losing the Remote to Your Significant Other.Help Line Support and Support Groups.

    Meets 4 Weeks, Friday and Sunday 7:00 PM

  • How to Find Things—Starting with Looking in the Right Places and Not Turning the House Upside Down While Screaming.Open Forum.

    Monday at 8:00 PM, 2 hours.
  • Health Watch—Bringing Her Flowers is Not Harmful to Your Health.Graphics and Audio Tapes.

    Three nights; Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 7:00 PM for 2 hours.
  • Real Men Ask For Directions When LostReal Life Testimonials.

    Tuesdays at 6:00 PM Location to be determined.
  • Is It Genetically Impossible to Sit Quietly While She Parallel Parks?Driving Simulations.

    4 weeks, Saturday's noon, 2 hours.
  • Learning to Live—Basic Differences Between Mother and Wife. Online classes and role-playing.Tuesdays at 7:00 PM, location to be determined
  • How to be the Ideal Shopping CompanionRelaxation Exercises, Meditation and Breathing Techniques.

    Meets 4 weeks, Tuesday and Thursday for 2 hours beginning at 7:00 PM.
  • How to Fight Cerebral Atrophy—Remembering Birthdays, Anniversaries and Other Important Dates and Calling When You're Going to Be Late.Cerebral Shock Therapy Sessions and Full Lobotomies Offered.

    Three nights; Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 7:00 PM for 2 hours.
  • The Stove/Oven—What It Is and How It Is Used.Live Demonstration. Tuesdays at 6:00 PM, location to be determined.


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Fall Classes for Men at the Adult Learning Center

Note: Due to the complexity and difficulty level of their contents, class sizes will be limited to 8 participants maximum.
  • How to Fill Up the Ice Cube TraysStep by Step, with Slide Presentation.

    Meets 4 weeks, Monday and Wednesday for 2 hours beginning at 7:00 PM.
  • The Toilet Paper Roll—Does it Change Itself? Round Table Discussion.

    Meets 2 weeks, Saturday 12:00 for 2 hours.
  • Is it Possible to Urinate Using the Technique of Lifting the Seat and Avoiding the Floor, Walls and Nearby Bathtub?Group Practice.

    Meets 4 weeks, Saturday 10:00 PM for 2 hours.
  • Fundamental Differences between the Laundry Hamper and the FloorPictures and Explanatory Graphics.

    Meets Saturdays at 2:00 PM for 3 weeks.
  • Dinner Dishes—Can They Levitate and Fly into the Kitchen Sink?Examples on Video.

    Meets 4 weeks, Tuesday and Thursday for 2 hours beginning at 7:00 PM
  • Loss of Identity—Losing the Remote to Your Significant Other.Help Line Support and Support Groups.

    Meets 4 Weeks, Friday and Sunday 7:00 PM

  • How to Find Things—Starting with Looking in the Right Places and Not Turning the House Upside Down While Screaming.Open Forum.

    Monday at 8:00 PM, 2 hours.
  • Health Watch—Bringing Her Flowers is Not Harmful to Your Health.Graphics and Audio Tapes.

    Three nights; Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 7:00 PM for 2 hours.
  • Real Men Ask For Directions When LostReal Life Testimonials.

    Tuesdays at 6:00 PM Location to be determined.
  • Is It Genetically Impossible to Sit Quietly While She Parallel Parks?Driving Simulations.

    4 weeks, Saturday's noon, 2 hours.
  • Learning to Live—Basic Differences Between Mother and Wife. Online classes and role-playing.Tuesdays at 7:00 PM, location to be determined
  • How to be the Ideal Shopping CompanionRelaxation Exercises, Meditation and Breathing Techniques.

    Meets 4 weeks, Tuesday and Thursday for 2 hours beginning at 7:00 PM.
  • How to Fight Cerebral Atrophy—Remembering Birthdays, Anniversaries and Other Important Dates and Calling When You're Going to Be Late.Cerebral Shock Therapy Sessions and Full Lobotomies Offered.

    Three nights; Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 7:00 PM for 2 hours.
  • The Stove/Oven—What It Is and How It Is Used.Live Demonstration. Tuesdays at 6:00 PM, location to be determined.

Barb I feel liking you are trying to say something here, but all I see is a blank post. ;)

Fall Classes for Men at the Adult Learning Center

Note: Due to the complexity and difficulty level of their contents, class sizes will be limited to 8 participants maximum. **

** Participants must be able to act like an adult. Once all classes are passed, participants may go on to advanced classes. TBA **


** Participants must be able to act like an adult. Once all classes are passed, participants may go on to advanced classes. TBA **

Sweet! I'm out thanks to that rule :lol: :clapping: :yahoo: You gays I mean Guys that can't handle yer own nutsacks, have fun ;)


The Toilet Paper Roll—Does it Change Itself?Round Table Discussion.

Meets 2 weeks, Saturday 12:00 for 2 hours.
Discussion....we don't need no steenking discussion.

It gets changed like "magic"...that's all we know.

See this class:

Learning to Live—Basic Differences Between Mother and Wife.Online classes and role-playing.

Tuesdays at 7:00 PM, location to be determined
Role playing....sounds a little kinky to me.

Health Watch—Bringing Her Flowers is Not Harmful to Your Health.
Au contrere...girlfriend. First one must answer, "Why?" Then, "Couldn't you order over the phone rather than stopping at the flower shop?" And, "Who did you talk to and was she pretty?" Finally, "How much did they cost?"

In the end, it just wasn't worth it! Admittedly, some ladies are NOT like the lovely and beautiful ex-Mrs. mm2!

** Participants must be able to act like an adult. Once all classes are passed, participants may go on to advanced classes. TBA **

Sweet! I'm out thanks to that rule :lol: :clapping: :yahoo: You gays I mean Guys that can't handle yer own nutsacks, have fun ;)


Yep. You're out. We all know you can only act like the "*******" that you are. :lol: You're just so proud. Aren't cha?


Role playing....sounds a little kinky to me.

S'truth! :thumbsup:

I've been thinking about sex, beer, and football all night. What was the question? :lol:
