"Therapy" Ride

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+1 on therapy. And we middle age ashles need lots! ;)

I've never actually commuted on a bike. I don't actually even have one (commute that is), as I work outta my own house. And the company I work for they actually forbid business travel via motorcycles, as they are self insured. I can't complain too loud as they do give me a Co. car. All of that said, I don't think that a commute to w*rk (pardon my French) could possibly be as therapeutic as a few hours of aimless rambling. But I bet it beats riding to w*rk in a c*ge. ;)

Keeps me sane too. After about two weeks of not riding, I get this feeling like bugs are crawling under my skin. I live in Chicago so its going to be a loooong winter. PS3 to dull the senses till spring arrives. I need to move.

I just want to say for those of you who live in SoCal - I envy you. Visited my brother out there in August and rode around the areas you mentioned for three days. Man you guys got it made! Probably some of the best riding in the U.S. However I didn't see "Cerro Noreste" mentioned. East of New Cuyama I believe. That was by far my favorite road out there. You must check it out if you SoCal folks haven't already.

I've found that I "need" to ride a fairly long day every two weeks or so just to keep my sanity.

There's just something about it. I don't know how to explain it to anyone who doesn't ride... but I'm SURE that you folks can at least relate?

I sure can relate to your Rx for preserving sanity. Glad to hear the 2-wheel therapy is working for you. It worked for me too, by making my last few working years an absolute joy - riding and actually getting paid for it! Stay safe.
You lucky California bastard. I feel you on how great the FJR is. I've owned a bunch of bikes and I've basically just left them alone - no farkles, no obsessing. I've never loved a bike more than this one. I keep wondering if it will wear off but it never does. :D

btw, many here ride down to freezing and some below if no moisture is present -black ice and such.
I have no problem riding when temps are below freezing...but all this snow is killing me :aaskull: :bye2:
It's only my wife who doesn't come with me when it's below 45-50F... I'll ride down to freezing and a few below (but only when roads are dry). I try to get out a few times a week even in the dead of winter here in the SW corner of Germany.

BTW... did a couple-week solo tour through Norway last June, and it got down to about 3 above freezing for many of the higher crossings... here's a link to pix if anyone's interested:

Scandinavia in June

btw, many here ride down to freezing and some below if no moisture is present -black ice and such.
I have no problem riding when temps are below freezing...but all this snow is killing me :aaskull: :bye2:
It's only my wife who doesn't come with me when it's below 45-50F... I'll ride down to freezing and a few below (but only when roads are dry). I try to get out a few times a week even in the dead of winter here in the SW corner of Germany.

BTW... did a couple-week solo tour through Norway last June, and it got down to about 3 above freezing for many of the higher crossings... here's a link to pix if anyone's interested:

Scandinavia in June
Hey DE; what do they use to treat the roads out there? This brine they use now is a real killer. I'm sitting here watching car programs on SPEED and just found out that it turns to an acid.

Hey DE; what do they use to treat the roads out there? This brine they use now is a real killer. I'm sitting here watching car programs on SPEED and just found out that it turns to an acid.

In Germany, they still use salt on higher-country roads... a couple years living up a mountain and my pipes showed the rust, even when riding mostly after the roads dry up. Even alloy rims get spot marks that look like a droplet of hot solder was applied... that was on my old Honda. I'm trying to be more careful with the FJR, and now live more in low country.

In Norway, I don't think they had to treat the roads in June, as the temps didn't get enough below freezing for ice on the roads. Hopefully those wet roads in the photos didn't have any salt residue left in them.

Don't know how I'd keep my job if I didn't have my "therapy" rides. Would go batshit insane if I didn't. I consider my bicycle AND motorcycle rides great therapy. Especially the bicycle; -the harder the ride, the better.

One thing that's really important... it's good and all to do long distance rides, but not at the expense of missing out on the good things inbetween. A co-worker on an Alaskan trip intentionally forced herself to not do IBA days while on her trip, because otherwise she would have missed out enjoying the moment. Good advice in any case...

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