They Almost Got Me This Time

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Not Safe For Work
Nov 5, 2007
Reaction score
Sacramento, CA (honest)
I was over at a friend's today. When I left I made it about two blocks and that was damn near all. Stopped for a red light, waiting to turn left behind an SUV. Light turns, he goes, I start off too. I look left and see the guy in the curb lane coming to a stop, and suddenly, here he comes, the guy in the fast lane, that is. Coming through that big ol' red light about 50 mph. I hit the binders hard, felt the ABS pumping, and he shot right in front of me--never even slowed down. White Jeep Cherokee. Plenty big enough to do the job. I just sat there and watched him zoom away, then I looked up to see my green light go yellow before I finished my turn.

I've had some close ones before, and I've had at least one good wreck, but I NEVER felt as vulnerable as I did right then. For one thing, there's no doubt he'd have killed me if I hadn't stopped. He was RIGHT THERE and going WAY too fast to stop or even swerve. I just thought "man, that's why you can never--never--take a damn thing for granted on a bike." You do all you can, but sometimes, well, you've just got to be a little lucky too. Shit. Sure pays to look, though, no matter what, 'cuz "right of way" doesn't always mean much.

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Hi Mike,

what a pleasure to be able read of your near miss than read of the terrible alternative.

Keep alert you all.

Best regards


Upright not Uptight


I was over at a friend's today. When I left I made it about two blocks and that was damn near all. Stopped for a red light, waiting to turn left behind an SUV. Light turns, he goes, I start off too. I look left and see the guy in the curb lane coming to a stop, and suddenly, here he comes, they guy in the fast lane, that is. Coming through that big ol' red light about 50 mph. I hit the binders hard, felt the ABS pumping, and he shot right in front of me--never even slowed down. White Jeep Cherokee. Plenty big enough to do the job. I just sat there and watched him zoom away, then I looked up to see my green light go yellow before I finished my turn.
I've had some close ones before, and I've had at least one good wreck, but I NEVER felt as vulnerable as I did right then. For one thing, there's no doubt he'd have killed me if I hadn't stopped. He was RIGHT THERE and going WAY too fast to stop or even swerve. I just thought "man, that's why you can never--never--take a damn thing for granted on a bike." You do all you can, but sometimes, well, you've just got to be a little lucky too. Shit. Sure pays to look, though, no matter what, 'cuz "Right of way" doesn't mean
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I've also been close to getting whacked by a red light runner. I followed him to the next light and gave him a piece of my mind, and sure enough, he denied running a light. It came out that he actually didn't see it at all, which is incredible, because every traffic light in town has at least two units for every direction suspended over the intersection. You just can't "not see them." He stated that the last light he went through was actually the intersection two lights previous.

He actually came up to me in a parking lot some days later and apologized, saw the bike parked and waited for me.

Something my dad said when teaching me to drive: "No red light has ever stopped a car. Ever."

Glad to know your head's on the swivel and your eyes are peeled. Only way to get around and keep getting around!

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I was over at a friend's today. When I left I made it about two blocks and that was damn near all. Stopped for a red light, waiting to turn left behind an SUV. Light turns, he goes, I start off too. I look left and see the guy in the curb lane coming to a stop, and suddenly, here he comes, they guy in the fast lane, that is. Coming through that big ol' red light about 50 mph. I hit the binders hard, felt the ABS pumping, and he shot right in front of me--never even slowed down. White Jeep Cherokee. Plenty big enough to do the job. I just sat there and watched him zoom away, then I looked up to see my green light go yellow before I finished my turn.
I've had some close ones before, and I've had at least one good wreck, but I NEVER felt as vulnerable as I did right then. For one thing, there's no doubt he'd have killed me if I hadn't stopped. He was RIGHT THERE and going WAY too fast to stop or even swerve. I just thought "man, that's why you can never--never--take a damn thing for granted on a bike." You do all you can, but sometimes, well, you've just got to be a little lucky too. Shit. Sure pays to look, though, no matter what, 'cuz "right of way" doesn't always mean much.
Glad he missed ya, but you really shoulda chased him down and busta cap in his ass! (It's only fair when people want to play with lethal weapons)

I'm glad you were paying attention and avoided getting run over by this jackass!
People like that should loose their license
I have a better idea. They should be pulled out of their car and lynched. Glad you are OK!

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I think another good future design goal for us is to mount Machine Guns on our machines - for douche bags like that ----- pepper the hell out of his car as he goes by if you can, and if not chase the bastard down and hit 'em from behind...

Yeah Mike...sometimes the lions will get you. So go burn some incense, mumble a prayer or two of thanks to whichever Gods you hold holy and slip this little piece of experience into the back of your mind for future reference.

Sometimes it pays to be lucky rather than good...right? So glad it's not anything more serious than some soiled shorts.



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WOW! Mike I'm glad you were alert and the only thing that happened was a diaper change. That's nasty. I agree with others, this ilk should not be driving. Was the guy texting maybe??? :dribble:

Keep staying alert my friend. ;) were lucky also that there wasn't another brain dead cager behind you to push you on into the moron's path. Go buy a lottery ticket!

It was probably the Governators wife on a cell phone!

Damn glad to hear that you were alert and only had the near miss!


Yeah Mike...sometimes the lions will get you. So go burn some incense, mumble a prayer or two of thanks to whichever Gods you hold holy and slip this little piece of experience into the back of your mind for future reference.
Sometimes it pays to be lucky rather than good...right? So glad it's not anything more serious than some soiled shorts.


Nicely put. Sure, it would be nice to see this (insert insulting term of choice) get what he/she deserves, but chances are either it's not going to happen, or you're not going to see it happen.

The best we can do is to be lucky, and make all efforts to continue to be lucky by doing the above, and being the very best rider that you can be.

Glad you're still here to tell the tale, Mike.

Mike, Sooooo glad you're here to post this up. Sorry about the pucker factor that surely musta been in full suction, but again, glad you're here and ok.

Oh, and BTW, Happy Birthday Buddy! Birthday Thread
