Think I've lost my pillion

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It's hard to find a good woman... so put the riding on the back burner for a while if that's what it takes. My dos centavos.
An understatement on the "good woman" comment. More like winning the lottery. I've been in a few deals and around a lot more.
Present company excepted of course. I'm sure all the ladies here are top shelf. ;)

As for the bike, I'm not parking it, but I'm not gonna be out riding when Eve's at home. This will give me a chance to do some long overdue farkling. Almost finished....

I'm not even gonna ask about riding until it's time to pack the cage (and maybe her riding gear?) for the Mammoth/WFO trip.

Riding home from work today, I realized that it was something I would hate to give up, and resent it and anybody responsible if I had to. The bike IS the girlfriend. There just won't be any more threesomes, at least for a while.

I've said it before and I'll say it again; If I ever hit a deer (or bear, moose, cow, child, etc...) I won't blame the deer. It's their environment, we're the intruders. If I ever wake up in the middle of the night and find one (deer or intruder) in my house, I'll shoot first and ask questions later. It's just an inherent risk of our pasttime. I'm reminded of a book title I once saw. "Feel the fear and do it anyway".

Let's all be (maybe a little more) careful out there.

In the past several days our office has received many calls and emails from Clovis Unified staff members inquiring after the condition of Rick Gold, Administrator of Assessment and Accountability, following his serious motorcycle accident Saturday, June 17.
As of Thursday morning, Rick remains in ICU at Merced’s Memorial Medical Center. Following a CAT scan yesterday, doctors determined that the swelling on his brain had receded enough to allow for surgery to set his broken bones. It is anticipated that he will be in surgery for most of the day today, Thursday. His wife and two sons are remaining at the hospital taking rotations by his bedside. Over the week, Rick’s responsiveness has improved and he remains in an unconscious state, but able to move his fingers and toes, open and shut his eyes, etc. when prompted by doctors.
I wonder if Eve will change her opinion if/when Rick decides to ride again? It's such a personal decision. Whichever way Eve decides, 'stand by your woman'...

Just found out this morning that the former principal (recently promoted to district office) at the school where Eve works is in critical condition at a Modesto hospital with a brain injury, broken jaw, broken ribs and various other injuries.
According to the story, he and his son were riding their twin KTM 950's near Mono Lake when he struck a deer at 30 mph, according to the GPS unit info (not sure how they figured that out).

I don't have many more details yet, stuck at work until Wednesday morning, but I'll post more info as it becomes available.

Bottom line is, Eve has proclaimed that she's too scared to enjoy riding any more and she's all but done.

:( :( :( X1000

I think the dark forces have conspired to exploit her fears and drive a wedge between us. This one hit just too close to home without involving me directly. I'm not even the one scaring her (mostly), but I'm the one who's gonna be paying the price.

A little help here? I'm losin' the argument....

On the bright side, I had a real nice ride yesterday. 600 miles round trip through two states and two Sierra mountain passes to have lunch with Dad, then a visit with Skyway in Sonora before heading home. I was solo, as Eve wasn't up for a 600 mile day trip (Can't fault her for that. We did San Francisco the day before in the cage). Unfortunately, the empty rear seat may be all my future holds. Did I mention I'm :(
TC - I was wondering who the poor guy was I flew off of Crane Flat Helipad on the 17th. Everything fits the circumstances we heard except that Tuolumne Meadows was the location where we were told the deer encounter was. Another rider in AZ that had a similar fate at about the same speed (was wearing all his gear) so short of not riding, there is always a chance of not coming home the same as you left. The previous posts questioning how that slow of a speed (30) could cause all that damage would make sense to me if not for witnessing the AZ crash. Sorry to hear you've lost (hopefully temporarily) your co-pilot, but things have a way of working out and the healing process (time) may change her mind. Personally, I'd let her know that her companionship is missed, the pillion seat has her name on it and let her come around on her own terms. Some people get over it, some never do, just hope in your case that she does. Please pass on my best wishes to her friend and his family for a speedy recovery.

TC - I was wondering who the poor guy was I flew off of Crane Flat Helipad on the 17th. Everything fits the circumstances we heard except that Tuolumne Meadows was the location where we were told the deer encounter was.
Wow. Small world. :blink: Talk about being a member of the FJR Assistance Club!

The more official story stated it happened above the valley at about 8000 ft. Tuolumne Meadows fits the description. Coincidentally, the same place I had a near deer experience on Sunday.

The unofficial version also stated the ranger called for two ambulances, one from the East and one from the West. The story goes on that the one from the East was involved in an accident while responding. Hear anything about that?

Thanks for the info.

Personally, I'd let her know that her companionship is missed, the pillion seat has her name on it and let her come around on her own terms. Some people get over it, some never do, just hope in your case that she does. Please pass on my best wishes to her friend and his family for a speedy recovery.
O.K. - Eve, I miss you :cry:


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Sorry to hear your SO is off the bike. My wife has never rode with me as she worries if something happens to us both that the kids would be left without us. I have to respect her feelings and in no way would give her a bad time about that. We just have to find things to do together that can help keep a happy camp. Just hang in there and things could change. Blessings, PM. <>< :)

"The unofficial version also stated the ranger called for two ambulances, one from the East and one from the West. The story goes on that the one from the East was involved in an accident while responding. Hear anything about that?"

Afraid not. We were the second aircraft launched due to the first not being able to complete the transport. We did not hear anything about multiple ambulances, but with the delay of having to launch a second aircraft (us) and get to the helipad, we arrived the same time as the ambulance. Don't think there was any other delay except for the distance they had to drive to meet us at almost 7,000 ft. We did hear that his son was right there, but didn't get any details other than that he'd hit the deer at 30 mph. Keep your avatar, might become reality again sooner than you think!

i'm thinking there may be an rv in your future. of course you'll need a bike platform on the back and suitable communications system for when eav is driving the rig. it's sort of a comprimise but it's a good one. pack the fly rods, golf clubs, zodiac, hang gliders... no, wait. not hang gliders.


Well, one week after surgery Rick is still in a semi-concious state, in and out and when he's in, he doesn't appear to recognize anyone. I wonder what it's like for him? The doctors are still keeping him in Modesto.

It doesn't sound good. Now that vacation has started for all the school district employees, updates are going to be harder to come by. We haven't gone up to see him, as we figured the family wouldn't yet be comfortable with strangers dropping by to see someone who can't talk back, and maybe never will.

Sometimes, dead is better, IMHO. I better make sure I'm always at warp or better in deer country, just in case.

One really begins to question the whole risk/reward thing with a situation like this so close at hand.

Bro, my wife is too fat to sit on the bike so I don't have any advice to give.
How 'bout "Bro, count your blessings."? Apparently, yours doesn't read the forum.
I'm glad to hear you're still around. Missed your posts for about a month there. Gettin' plenty of mileage from the avatar pic, thanks again.

Look at the bright can now go as fast as you want, stop when YOU have to pee, carry 1/3 of the stuff you used to carry, split lanes and get the birds eye view of that hottie in the convertible next to you....the list goes on and on....

Well I joined this one late. TC, this is a bummer. I'm sorry to hear it and wish the fear factor would have been tilting the other way for you (Eve getting more comfortable rather than less).

I guess we'll get to see your new Toy in Reno?

I guess we'll get to see your new Toy in Reno?
Huh? What?. :lmaosmiley:
Comon, pay attention. TC and Eve got a new Toyota. :rolleyes:
Yeah, the new "Toy" will be in da house, but it's not what I originally went after. We got a Hybrid Highlander. For the pavement, it's pretty sweet. Not so much for off-road, but I kept the Land Cruiser for those duties.
Well I joined this one late. TC, this is a bummer. I'm sorry to hear it and wish the fear factor would have been tilting the other way for you (Eve getting more comfortable rather than less).
She started out comfortable and went south from there. I'm sure some of it was my fault. She was on the bike from the outset, and I should have left her at home until most of my wild oats were sown. It would have probably been okay until Rick got crunched. I think we'll be calling to get an update on his condition this weekend. Luckily, she's decided to be pretty cool about me continuing to ride. And I've taken caution up a notch at the expense of some thrill factor. Like I told her, the bike IS the girlfriend, and one girlfriend's enough for this married man.
Here's the latest on Rick. We'll be calling to visit soon, and I'll post up how that goes.

According to his family, Rick's recovery is progressing well, though it will be a long road back to his former health. He truly enjoys visitors, and anyone wishing to arrange a visit with Rick can contact the family...On Wednesday night the Governing Board approved a year-long leave of absence from Clovis Unified for Rick to allow ample time for his convalescence. Please keep Rick and his family in your thoughts as his recovery continues.
The odd thing is that yesterday I rode with the helicopter pilot that flew him down from the mountain and a guy who recently got a ticket and lecture about the 30 mph guy who ended up in a coma, from the ranger who was there. Small world....
And I've taken caution up a notch at the expense of some thrill factor.
I have done so as well and never thought I would. It got to the point where I am more interested in retaining my health than seeing what is around that blind corner at a high lean angle and rate of speed or seeing if I can dodge deer at high mach numbers. It happened this summer. For no particular reason that i can find either. Now I am going to save riding above 70% capabilities for the race track. It just isn't worth it to me anymore.

It sounds like you have been understanding with Eve, good job. :) You have a great mind set about her.

Hope Rick's recovery continues.


Joined this one late too... Hope everyone continues to heal.

It sounds like like you and yourn have worked it out.

Time heals, as others have said, no point in pushing it, and stuff happens that is beyond our control. My biggest fear when riding two-up is the fact that some numb nut could cause my kids to be parent less, but the reality is that could just as easily happen in a car as well. I know that, all though considering the vehicles we drive it is a lot less likely :)

However, C is certainly not a sport-tourer pillion in the sport sense, she's more the tourer type pillion. The twisties don't do anything for her. For two-up rides perhaps we need a wing, or an BMW/LT.

I don't push her, I just let her decide when she's ready for a ride and she lets me know. It's great when we can share each others passions, But I we both understand it's not always possible. While I do enjoy her horse and enjoy the animals, I don't need one of my own.

It's fun to get together on them as well, and you can end up just as dead if one of those 1200lb animals decides it doesn't like you.

Management Rule #1: People do not argue with their own data.

Example: We have family members who used to ride (cruisers w/o gear) and they lost a friendly couple in an accident. They won't get anywhere near a motorcycle today, but they will get out on a river and do some of the most idiotic stuff you've ever seen in a boat or with wave runners. They also have 4-wheelers and ride those (also without adequate protection). But street bikes are evil.
