Think I've lost my pillion

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The odd thing is that yesterday I rode with the helicopter pilot that flew him down from the mountain and a guy who recently got a ticket and lecture about the 30 mph guy who ended up in a coma, from the ranger who was there. Small world....


My thoughts and prayers go out for that poor man and his family.

During my above mentioned performance award lecture I pointed at the deer sticker on my windshield and told the little Forest LEO (5' 0") I killed a deer the first day I bought this bike, thus it is a deer slayer :D

ALSO, I have made peace with my higher power and I am ready to go at anytime (this part is probally against the Forum rules)

I would keep on typing but my wife, who dislikes the danger of motorcycles and refuses to ride, wants to go to her favorite resturant for champange brunch now - it's all about balance and keeping her just as happy as I was friday - cruising with you & the guys through Sonora pass for my first time.

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"On Wednesday night the Governing Board approved a year-long leave of absence from Clovis Unified for Rick to allow ample time for his convalescence. Please keep Rick and his family in your thoughts as his recovery continues. "

TC - Sounds like Clovis Unified is doing the right thing, not so common these days. Let Rick know I'd like to visit him when I'm in Fresno, if he wouldn't mind. It's not often I get to visit with patients after the fact and I have a vested interest in his case. Thank goodness I don't pick up that many riders (although one is too many).

It was a hoot riding with you guys Friday, so much so that I went out yesterday and put another 350 miles on. One thing BBIII didn't mention is that his "I support Law Enforcement" sticker next to his license plate didn't even draw a raised eyebrow from the LEO. Dunno for sure, but he might have been too short to see it!
