This can't be right!?

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Well-known member
Feb 21, 2011
Reaction score
Denver, CO
So I am doing my spring maintenance and I decide to change out the air filter (1st time). When I go to put in the new one, I have difficulty getting the cover to go back on and then I notice a wire (branching from the harness) that's preventing me from getting the cover back on properly. No problem, I'll just push it aside. Wait! It's coming out of the air filter compartment. What's that all about? So, I get a flashlight and follow the wire and it skirts the filter itself (but gets in the way of the cover's screw hole) and is routed up through a crack under the rider seat to eventually plug into the tank. Well, this is weird, I think. Why route it under the air filter cover when there's a crack it could have gone through and gotten there without that complication? Maybe during assembly they had alread put the connector on and couldn't get it back out, so they just forced the cover on?

Take a look at the photos. Tell me this is normal. Is this the same on all Gen2's or did I get a Friday afternoon bike? Thanks!


Notice the wire coming out of the air filter compartment.


Here's the wire coming out and going to the tank.

It's normal, don't panic.

A silly bit of engineering.
Thanks for the info.

Not just silly, it's stupid. I am tempted to cut the cable, splice in an extension and reroute it. It sure makes puting the cover back on a PITA... :angry:

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I just did air filter change on my 2008. Same thing on mine. Don't cut it. I unbolted the tool box, slid it rearward and was able to re route through a space next to the tool box. Took me all of 5 min. Air box cover went on easy after... I was wondering why or how this could have happened from the factory....must have been built on Friday afternoon.

Forgot to mention that you will have to unplug and remove from clip at the left of your photo. Once you get it re routed you can replace the wire back into the clip after plugging back into your tank. Takes a little patience, I needed a second pair of hands just to keep wire in place while snapping clip..........

Forgot to mention that you will have to unplug and remove from clip at the left of your photo. Once you get it re routed you can replace the wire back into the clip after plugging back into your tank. Takes a little patience, I needed a second pair of hands just to keep wire in place while snapping clip..........
Thanks for the tip. That sounds like a great solution.

I saw that on mine. Thought it was fracked up too. Actually until your post, I didn't know it was normal.
