He rocks!
Hey all... I've been toying around with the idea of disconnecting my main throttle return spring. I've done some research, read some posts, irritated pilots via email, etc. Still got a couple of questions though...
Some wrenches have stated that when they've pulled the spring off the metal tang, they've "let it unwind a bit". How do you let it unwind a bit? I'd imagine one you let go of that puppy, it's gonna unwind all the way in less than the blink of an eye.
Others have mentioned using a wire or cable or something to "tie the spring down". I assume this means running a wire or smthng to smthng else on the throttle body and latching the spring end on this wire. My question is... what did you attach the cable/wire to? I can see lots of places I could attach one, but no where that I should attach it. I want to do this because we have state safety inspections here in Virginny and I can see someone getting bent out of shape because of the spring return not being in place. If you ran the wire/cable to another screw or something, which one was it? I don't want to go unscrewing stuff that I don't understand if I can help it (not that I'm above such tactics, I just prefer to do it one someone else's bike first).
Some wrenches have stated that when they've pulled the spring off the metal tang, they've "let it unwind a bit". How do you let it unwind a bit? I'd imagine one you let go of that puppy, it's gonna unwind all the way in less than the blink of an eye.
Others have mentioned using a wire or cable or something to "tie the spring down". I assume this means running a wire or smthng to smthng else on the throttle body and latching the spring end on this wire. My question is... what did you attach the cable/wire to? I can see lots of places I could attach one, but no where that I should attach it. I want to do this because we have state safety inspections here in Virginny and I can see someone getting bent out of shape because of the spring return not being in place. If you ran the wire/cable to another screw or something, which one was it? I don't want to go unscrewing stuff that I don't understand if I can help it (not that I'm above such tactics, I just prefer to do it one someone else's bike first).