Throttlemeister install problem

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Active member
Oct 11, 2005
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Howdy FJR dudes. Newbie here.

Got the adapters to install my existing TM bar ends onto my new FJR. Problem is, I cannot get it to work at all. I got the inserts removed

with no problem, and then inserted the new adapters and the plastic thing on the throttle side.

I have no idea what I am doing wrong, in all the searchs I've done no one has had a problem. Im at my wits end. I am unable to tighten down the screws, the entire unit just spins inside the bars on both ends.

What on earth am I doing wrong???????

Man..I thought it was clean in there.... So what do you recommend. Blasting contact cleaner in there?

I guess I just don't follow how the whole thing works. How can those O rings hold the entire thing in place????? Do they expand or something?

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I used contact cleaner. As the TM tightens it expands the o-rings. On mine it loosened up after a couple hundred miles and I had to re-adjust it but haven't had it happen since (~4K miles).

Clean the o-rings too, if they got any WD40 or whatever you used on them they will still slip.

Ok, I'll try the CC. I didn't use anything on the O rings to insert the adapters, but I guess I'll wipe em down anyway. I take it they will go into the bar when eveything is really dry? Just push hard?

Thanks for the input.

Well I @#$@ give up. Jeezus, this is beyond frustrating. If I could I'd reinstall the old ends I yanked out I would.

No amount of cleaning has helped. The stupid @@#$ just spins and spins. And that's on the "easy" side, I haven't even attempted the throttle side.

Anyone know of the stock ends can be reinstalled after the inner thing has been removed?

Ive had it.

Yah, I already have a TR.

Was mainly interested in just heavier bar ends for the FJR, figured the TM install would have been easy. Man was I ever wrong.

Are the the right size for your bike.. they make them in all different sizes....

if you can just slide them in easily, they might be the worng size....

I have a brand new bike, and Throttlemeister is right in my home town... Milwaukee

I drove right over there and gave them a check, and they did the install for me for free.

But watching them do the install, they used a soft hammer to tap them into the bars..

Just thinking that could possibly be your problem... ?

Just a thought..


Im am pretty certain they are the right ones. They don't slide in without some pretty good "help" from me.

I tried again last night. This time I was able to tighten the left one down. I did it using a couple of spacers that were in the package (which the instructions never mentions) and it tightened up nicely. But when I try to screw it in the the bar end on there, it starts spinning again. All I can figure at this point is that it's the grips that are protruding to far over the edge. I will try to cut it back some and see if that helps.



Where are you? Maybe someone who has installed these allready is near you and can stop by and check your installation.

Im in the SF Bay Area. Penninsula area.

I've got a buddy who's very mechanically able (unlike me) and I'll have him give it a go if I can't figure it out tonight.

