tick fix

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Feejer/Weejer man

Well-known member
Jun 13, 2005
Reaction score
Fremont, Ca.
O.K. , help me out here. What is involved in the fix. Is it just the exhaust side that is being done? That what the dealer who is fixing mine has just informed me. Yamaha is doing nothing to the head or the intake side. Does this make sense> Is this is what is happening to all the tickers? If not I need to get on the horn to Yamaha and see why. Mike

Yeah, AFAIK, just exhaust valves, guides, seals. I'm sure they measure the intake guide clearances while they're in there, but the problem seems to be limited to the exhaust side.

dealer said that they have to do the whole thing and Yamaha won't authorize the procedure. They had to heat up the head to do whatever and told me that the seals on the intake side might not seal back up and the head gets no attention? So the deal is that they have to go back to Yamaha and discuss their fix to them. Where whould that leave me if cypress wont cover the whole thing?

dealer said that they have to do the whole thing and Yamaha won't authorize the procedure. They had to heat up the head to do whatever and told me that the seals on the intake side might not seal back up and the head gets no attention? So the deal is that they have to go back to Yamaha and discuss their fix to them. Where whould that leave me if cypress wont cover the whole thing?
Yamaha generally will cover new exhaust valves, guides, and seals as well as the associated machining and teardown work. The intake side is usually fine as is. I'm not a head machining expert, but I've never heard of any issue with just doing the exhaust side. Sounds like the dealer is trying to get you to ante up to additional and potentially unneeded work at your expense.

- Mark

I just had my 04 fixed. They are now diagnosing the problem by viewing the valve stems through the open exhaust port. If leakage is observed then Yamaha will authorize the fix. The intake valves have never caused a problem as far as I know. For a time it appeared that Yamaha would replace the entire head but not now. Parts for the fix include the exhaust valves, guides, seals, cyl head bolts, and various other gaskets etc. I have only gone through a tank of gas since the fix and have not really noticed any real change in performance. My bike had 10900 when it went in for the fix.

dealer said that they have to do the whole thing and Yamaha won't authorize the procedure. They had to heat up the head to do whatever and told me that the seals on the intake side might not seal back up and the head gets no attention? So the deal is that they have to go back to Yamaha and discuss their fix to them. Where whould that leave me if cypress wont cover the whole thing?
Ooh, sounds like BS to me. As I understand it (according to my local service dept.), the head gets disassembled (as in ALL the valves getting removed, along with the seals), then the naked head is sent out (along with valves) to the machine shop of choice (in my case a very well reputed cycle specialty shop), where they replace the exhaust guides and re-seat the valves (as in valve job). If the intake valves are indexed to their respective holes they don't need to be worked on. Remember, this is a motor that should go a couple hundred thousand miles before needing this kind of work. Then the head goes back to the dealer to be reassembled and strapped back onto the bike. You, I fear, may be the object of some shenanigans. "Yeah, we have to heat the systemic indemulator to preserve the integrity of the valves' molecular structure". Either they're doing it wrong, Yamaha just doesn't understand what's involved in fixing it properly, or there's some fuckery afoot. I'm betting on the latter. Bottom line- You don't pay for warranty work!

Shoot I thought it had some cussing inplications. thanks
See above text for cussing implications.

Mine was just done. They replaced all valves, guides and seals. Galling was observed on all valves. The head was done in the dealership. There is a special tool to remove and reinstall the guides. Yamaha dealers have it and should know how to use it. It should not need to be sent off to a machine shop unless the technician doesn't know how to ream the guides to size. If that is the case I don't think I'd want him doing the repair in the first place. Maybe its just because the guy that did mine has been working on bikes for 35 years but he said there is no reason to send the head to a machine shop. He did it all in house, installed and reamed guides, lapped the new valves, Etc..... maybe it's just that alot of shops don't have guys with that kind of experience anymore. I'm thankful mine did. No run arounds!

Mine was just done. They replaced all valves, guides and seals. Galling was observed on all valves. The head was done in the dealership. There is a special tool to remove and reinstall the guides. Yamaha dealers have it and should know how to use it. It should not need to be sent off to a machine shop unless the technician doesn't know how to ream the guides to size. If that is the case I don't think I'd want him doing the repair in the first place. Maybe its just because the guy that did mine has been working on bikes for 35 years but he said there is no reason to send the head to a machine shop. He did it all in house, installed and reamed guides, lapped the new valves, Etc..... maybe it's just that alot of shops don't have guys with that kind of experience anymore. I'm thankful mine did. No run arounds!
So, which dealer?

my dealer said they had to heat the head to remove the valves guides and screwed up the seals on intake side also or something I really don't understand especially now with your explanation of the way it could be done. Gee some of us could have a worse situation in the future with these repairs

Anderson Brothers Yamaha in North Carolina.They replaced all valves, guides and seals. Galling was observed on all valves.
All valves, or all exhaust valves? Galling on the intakes as well? They musta put your motor together without any prelube at all. Never heard of intake valves being affected.

motordog1 Posted on Feb 24 2006, 11:37 PM<snip>

For a time it appeared that Yamaha would replace the entire head but not now.
04 FJR Pilot Posted on Feb 26 2006, 10:03 AM<snip>

....he said there is no reason to send the head to a machine shop. He did it all in house, installed and reamed guides, lapped the new valves, Etc.....
fjrvtx1300s Posted on Feb 26 2006, 10:54 AM<snip>

some of us could have a worse situation in the future with these repairs
I don't want to sound like an alarmist -- but, what 'fjrvtx' is worried about is certainly a distinct possibility. The head-work is essentially re-manufacturing and, as such, needs at least the availability of a well equiped, precision machine shop. Sure, guides can be drifted out and and new ones installed? and new holes reamed -- and, heads can be "broached" too (and the incidents of that are legion -- why do you think there are aftermarket over-size guides?). There are different methods -- but, the preferrable (imo) is: the guides need to be removed by cutting them out (till there's so little material left -- and they come out easily) then the whole head has to be heated sufficiently and the guides cooled in dry ice so that they go in with the least interference and become (once the temps stabilize) as much "one piece" (w/the head) as possible. The critical reaming to size; then, of course, seats and faces re-cut and stems trimmed (unless you want all new shims?); in essence, a complete valve-job. Since it is re-man; new parts should be used. Yes, some repair can be performed "in the field" (as indicated by '04 FJR Pilot') -- but this is your new $12K motorcycle! I, for one, would like Mama Yama to (at least) go the route mentioned by 'motordog1': a new cylinder head (complete assembly) -- from the factory.

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Yea me too but that ain't gonna happen. I think cypress it up to their ears in tick repairs, so much so that the parts need to repair the tickers are now backordered til 3/10. Oh well.

For a time it appeared that Yamaha would replace the entire head but not now.
I don't want to sound like an alarmist -- but, what 'fjrvtx' is worried about is certainly a distinct possibility....I, for one, would like Mama Yama to (at least) go the route mentioned by 'motordog1': a new cylinder head (complete assembly) -- from the factory.
It's pretty well accepted that they did that only to harvest some cylinder heads for research purposes, presumably to come up with an economically efficient repair.

Yea me too but that ain't gonna happen. I think cypress is up to their ears in tick repairs, so much so that the parts needed to repair the tickers are now backordered til 3/10. Oh well.

On all of the above.

However, if my repaired bike doesn't make it to the next valve adjustment trouble-free, AND the tick issue doesn't surface on any '06's before that time, I'm going on a mission to get a new cylinder head bolted to my motor. I haven't ridden in almost three weeks due to this, and it will be at least three more before it can be repaired, due to the parts shortage. I didn't sign up for THAT as routine maintenance.

One other thing that I haven't noticed in all the discussions to date- The issue is excessive exhaust valve guide wear, so where did all that metal go? Harmlessly blown out the exhaust? Maybe. Maybe not. Hmmm, <head hamster now in sprint on wheel>

Maybe everyone on this forum who has had his ticker fixed should write a nice letter to the Yamaha VP that signed the R6 letter.
Yeah, but like they said in the article:

This is also a smart move for Yamaha: it mostly mitigates the bad publicity they have received over this issue, and it is unlikely to cost them too much money.
Doing "The right thing" in this case (giving all tickers some head ;) ) would be no inexpensive proposition. I tend to think their decisions are driven more by economics than ethics. JMHO, YMMV :D
