To all our Law enforcement officers

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Even tho I'm not LEO, I can appreciate the support. See, tho not exactly LEO, my wife works at our county's sheriff's dept as Victim Advocate. She's the county/dept representative to work with the victims of crimes, house fires, etc.- any traumatic life altering event- to get people and agencies, charities, drs, etc. together. Demanding and draining work, no doubt, but she's been doing it a long time and is really good at it.. But b/c she's viewed as LEO and is constantly traveling/working with LEO, situations like these are constantly weighing on us. She sux at using them but she's seriously considering carrying a firearm again. I keep reminding her that she's kinda clumsy and more than a little slow, "Just sayin' honey..."

Anywho, 'preciate it.

The country is divided into good guys and bad guys. Police and law abiding citizens who support them = good guys. All others = bad guys. Over simplification? Nope, just the facts.

I was at training and my wife was texting me wanting to know the backstory on a couple of shootings that I hadn't even heard about yet. It's like the movie Idiocracy and the Jerry Springer show became real life. I've always been a stickler about not wearing anything that reveals I'm law enforcement when I'm off duty. As a general rule. But these days it's a matter of safety. The gene pool needs a thorough bleaching...

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I was at training and my wife was texting me wanting to know the backstory on a couple of shootings that I hadn't even heard about yet. It's like the movie Idiocracy and the Jerry Springer show became real life. I've always been a stickler about not wearing anything that reveals I'm law enforcement when I'm off duty. As a general rule. But these days it's a matter of safety. The gene pool needs a thorough bleaching...
My thoughts exactly! The wife and I were talking the other day about my car....I drive an unmarked car and wear plain agency lets us use the cars off duty, we can run by the store, pick up the kids at school etc etc but I told her I think we need to lay off that for awhile. I even found myself being super vigilant pumping gas the other day even though my car and clothes are "unmarked". When I started this 24 years ago I never thought it would ever be like this.

ericboutin, that's not a bad idea. Unmarked cop cars may be unmarked, but an experienced eye can ID them pretty consistently.

When I became a detective, I wore my vest every day. People always asked me why. We would always Tac-up for warrants and ****, but that's not when someone's really gonna shoot at us. It'll happen when we have our head up our ass, not paying attention.

I don't drive an unmarked anymore, but that's fine too. I don't like taking my cop car to the store or places I don't need it. Gives people one less thing to bitch about.

Don't leave the house unarmed. Ever.

<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="Pterodactyl" data-cid="1256743" data-time="1441385878"><p>

The country is divided into good guys and bad guys. Police and law abiding citizens who support them = good guys. All others = bad guys. Over simplification? Nope, just the facts. </p></blockquote>

Not that simple. I'm a law abiding citizen and I paid tax. But I don't go out of my way to support police officers. They get paid to do their job and the possibility of being shot or killed was part of the deal. They were not drafted. If they don't like that, they can always quit and go find another line of work.

<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="Pterodactyl" data-cid="1257570" data-time="1441762395"><p>

You sir, are a fuking joke.</p></blockquote>

I think you should go kiss every police officer's ass when you see one...

Have fun.

The Navy was the only small arms training I've ever had. They taught me only three things, but I have not forgotten them in almost 40 years:
1) if you un-holster your weapon, you'd better fire -- because the other guy will see your actions and he damn sure will fire.

2) if you are going to fire, shoot to kill -- because there's no way you're going shoot his gun out of his hand, or put a round into his leg or shoulder.

3) front sight, center mass, and squeeze.

Thank God I am in not in a firearm-carrying line of work. I feel for you guys that are.
Same training I had, along with "halt, halt" that part could come before or after. Just needed to say it so you could swear that you did give warning.

I think you should go kiss every police officer's ass when you see one...Have fun.

Really??? What an

Ever heard of decency and respect for others???

This thread is about, giving respect to those who serve and deal with the trash in our society because others can't stomach doing it themselves.

Although TWN is no longer with us, many of us who have been here a long time would have waited to see what words of wisdom he would have used.

I will attempt, but not even come close to his wit or creativity but I know he would have given you a couple of these****.gif****.gif along with hugs and kisses

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<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="Pterodactyl" data-cid="1256743" data-time="1441385878"><p>
The country is divided into good guys and bad guys. Police and law abiding citizens who support them = good guys. All others = bad guys. Over simplification? Nope, just the facts. </p></blockquote>

Not that simple. I'm a law abiding citizen and I paid tax. But I don't go out of my way to support police officers. They get paid to do their job and the possibility of being shot or killed was part of the deal. They were not drafted. If they don't like that, they can always quit and go find another line of work.
Oh take it easy on idfc. Everything he said is actually true. We do get paid albeit not much, we know there is the possibility of being shot for that little bit of pay. We were not drafted and we have the option to quit and find other work. Many new officers do just that when they realize policing is not for them.

But now to repeat a comment from's not that simple. What about the officers who do stay? What would possess a person to stay in a job that doesn't pay much, and as you stated has the possibility of being shot and killed. Then to top it all off police officers are not even risking their lives for their own causes or agenda.

I think police officers might share a certain mentality with our folks who serve in the military. The officers who stay like the military folks have a desire to serve. I can't speak for the other officers on here but when I first started and was full of spunk and thoughts of hopefully making the world a better would have done it for free! So the reason I think officers stay is because it's not just a job they can just quit, it's a calling, a vocation, you can't quit that no matter how many idfc's are out there dampening your spirit. Granted I now know at the end of my career I'm not going to make the whole world a better place lol but I do hope I made my little county slightly better by having served my whole career here.

I also don't think there are many officers who want their ass kissed as most of us tend to shy away from spotlight, cameras etc, we just want to go out and serve our vocation..our community without being needlessly and senselessly targeted by ignorant individuals who think for whatever reason it's open season on police officers.

So please don't kiss our ass idfc but I would ask that since the majority of officers just really want to serve you and we are limited in numbers compared to the bad guys that you might have our backs just a little and maybe be that extra set of eyes for us in your community. Maybe together we can share a little bit of that rookie ideology of making the whole world a safer place to live. I mean who wouldn't want that?

Well said, ericboutin, but I still think ifdc is a ******* idiot.

Despite the current trend, cops don't get shot at often. When they do, it's often an ambush: somebody completely disconnected from them shoots for no rational reason. As HotRodZilla says, " ... when we have our head up our ass, not paying attention."

That, my friends, is cold blooded murder, pure and simple.

Contrast that with military volunteers. They sign up for combat, and should expect to get assaulted 24-7-365, by uniforms and civilians, with small arms, an IED, RPGs, or daggers. It's very clear: the enemy is out to kill you, and you're out to kill the enemy.

There's a world of difference between those circumstances.

Two last points:

1) If you haven't served (cop or military) you have no idea what you're talking about. Be careful what you say.

2) I don't give a flying **** what you think of my opinion. I'm an honorably discharged US Navy submarine vet, and served for six years when sailors were treated like scumbags rather than heroes. Your opinion, either way, will never change that fact.

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Sadly, in the past few years there have been many service members killed while on duty in the US. Unlike LEOs they are not armed at all times.

Ifdc missed the part of my post that said the good guys support the cops. I believe it is the duty of every citizen to support the police to the extent of their abilities. Ifdc's attitude puts him on the bad guy side of the equation, right in the middle of the fuking idiot/joke sub-category.

Cops are people like anyone else. They have hopes and dreams just like every person in this country. They have families. Some have wives and kids that make their lives really special. My thin connection to LE is my fiance', the lady in my avatar. She is a police widow. The EOW for her husband, Dan, was on 6/12/94 at 38 years of age. Shot point blank chest and groin. No vest. Domestic boyfriend/girlfriend call. BF shows up at restaurant where GF worked looking for trouble with a 9mm in a belly bag. After shooting Dan he killed his GF and then himself. At least Nancy did not have to relive it through a trial with the ensuing news coverage. Dan left behind a son and a daughter aged 8 and 5 at the time. They are both grown and married. Nancy and I have been together almost 15 years and their dad's memory is always present. His son is a police officer now at the same PD his dad worked at. He has almost 8 years of service and will always, as HRZ says, "Tac-up" with his vest. His daughter has a Masters in speech therapy and is doing well. I know their dad would be/is proud. I see Nancy's concern for her son everyday, especially in these times.

You boys with badges be careful...

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Well, I wrote up a good, AJ-style response and deleted it before I posted it, mainly because I got busy at work, but Eric said what I was thinking in a much more diplomatic manner. However, just to add on, I will say this:

The, "If you don't like it, just quit" idea is exactly what separates cops from the people we protect. Oh, I know, you're a big man and can protect yourself, but think what would happen if there were no cops around. Hell, even I have to sleep sometimes. I can let my wife and kids go to the store because there's other cops working, keeping the **** heads sort of in check.

The, "Quit if you don't like it" response is chickenshit to say the least. If we quit every time we got scared, we wouldn't exist. I've been scared plenty of times, but never chicken. A cop who is never scared will get himself and his pals killed. Scared is ok, being a coward is not.

So, if I do quit, what would you suggest I do? Sitting around in an office all day won't work, I'm plenty smart and could go back to school, but it would take a long time to get my current pay back. You see, not being quitters is what makes cops cops. It's also what makes soldiers soldiers, and firefighters firefighters. I don't give a **** how tough someone thinks they are, I will not stop until I've won.

Bad men with guns don't scare me. Why? because I'm a Type-A ******* and I train harder than they do. Fights don't scare me because I've never met anyone yet that I've been afraid of. I'm not stupid, and I know I'm not invincible, but I won't give up, as most cops won't. I mentioned firefighters...we tease each other all the time. They won't enter a scene until we ensure there's no bad guys. Not because they're scared, but because they don't have the tools and training. Same reason I don't go into a burning building. **** that, I'll fight the 4 guys outside and the fire guys can go play with fire, but if they got scared and quit, **** would go downhill fast.

Eric made a very good point. I don't do this for the pay; although, I couldn't do it without it. I do it because I love it and it fits my personality. Will someone shoot me? Maybe, but they better kill me instantly because if I'm still breathing, I'm going to go to work eliminating the threat. Will someone hit me in the face? Yup. It's happened before. Too bad for them they hit like *******, because I don't, and if someone hits me, it's game on.

So, IDFC, do any of us need you to kiss our ass? Nope. Honestly, I don't give a **** what you think. It has only been the last couple of years that people have started saying, "Thank you," on a regular basis. It's actually nice to hear, but even if we don't hear it, it doesn't matter. We've had way more people threaten to kill us, but we still show up for work every day.

If everyone could do it, maybe they would, but most can't. My worst calls don't involve guys trying to hurt us. They involve people hurting in raping and beating 18 month old girls to death. It takes patience and a very strong sense of right and wrong to be face to face with that guy and know I have the means to eliminate him immediately, but instead, make sure he doesn't get hurt getting onto my car so he doesn't have a way to change the focus when we go to court. We scare cadets and new officers off all the time. Not because it's funny, but because it not only saves our lives, it saves theirs. If they don't have the mentality or the ability, they have to go do something else.

Now...back to work.

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