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I like to know how you came to this conclusion?

And to JB point, I never get tired talking about gear and motorcycle stuff specially safety related. :clapping:

People who get tired and do not want to hear or read about it can open another post, it is a free country after all :yahoo:

Hi, guys. Interesting comments. I admit to personally believing that the unexamined life is not worth living. Philosophers historically observed that people are uniquely made up of "mind" and "body," and that that’s what separates us from animals and other lower life forms (like Harley riders :D )—i.e., having thinking, reflecting minds. Animals just do stuff without thinking (reflecting) on what they do.
Well said JB. One of the things I like best about this forum is reading posts that make me think, and question. It would appear that most of us here subscribe to a minimum of MTGMTT (Most of the gear, most of the time) for varying reasons, including all of those that Alex quoted from the MSF handbook. Personally, I enjoy a good excuse to go clothes shopping - it's for safety reasons, you know! Never in my previous life have I been able to justify spending $400 on a jacket, or $200 on footwear.

And then there are those both on, and off the forum who don't buy into this kind of discussion at all. This thread is so far devoid of single, four letter word postings. I'm sure that will change now :rolleyes: .


So philosophers argue that as intelligent human beings (not meaning "smart," but having reasoning powers) we think about stuff. I buy into this point of view. And the more passionate we are about the stuff we do, the more we think about it. It's natural. It's what being human means.
If I spent any time thinking about this, I'd swear he just called the non-thinkers a bunch of monkeys...

Ah, but what some must understand about those that enjoy the philosophical pursuit is that the philosopher can be quite satisfied with the reflection and resolution is not always a requirement. Reasoning evolves.

Oh, and for Jill: Damn!

Ah, but what some must understand about those that enjoy the philosophical pursuit is that the philosopher can be quite satisfied with the reflection and resolution is not always a requirement. Reasoning evolves.
You gotta get up and say this out loud at EOM...

...with a good Southern draaawwwl.

Personally, I enjoy a good excuse to go clothes shopping - it's for safety reasons, you know! Never in my previous life have I been able to justify spending $400 on a jacket, or $200 on footwear. :rolleyes: .


YES! Umm.... I don't want to admit how many boots, jackets, gloves and helmets I have.... :blushsmiley: <BG>

The best thing about a full face helmet.... NO wrinkles! :yahoo:

When I was in Hawaii, I mostly used a carbon fiber half helmet and only that because it had a brim and shaded my eyes.

Ok, unless it was raining, then a ff. or goggles.

But when I moved to the mainland and just wore the ff, the wrinkles disappeared! being old!


name='James Burleigh' date='Jul 12 2008, 09:54 AM' post='451137']Hi, guys. Interesting comments. I admit to personally believing that the unexamined life is not worth living. Philosophers historically observed that people are uniquely made up of "mind" and "body," and that that's what separates us from animals and other lower life forms (like Harley riders biggrin.gif )—i.e., having thinking, reflecting minds. Animals just do stuff without thinking (reflecting) on what they do.

So philosophers argue that as intelligent human beings (not meaning "smart," but having reasoning powers) we think about stuff. I buy into this point of view. And the more passionate we are about the stuff we do, the more we think about it. It's natural. It's what being human means.

I believe that if we don't think about what we do, then we're just experiencing it, and if we're just experiencing stuff, then we're guilty IMHO of spending our lives (killing time) and not living our lives. Oh, and then there's the fact that it's just plain fun to discuss and debate stuff we care about.

I know people get tired of going over the same debates because nothing gets resolved, and so they opt out (sometimes with a comment thrown over the shoulder that it's all a stupid waste of time. That's fine, and that's exactly why I elected not to go on and get a higher degree in philosophy--a big waste of time).

But here I am violating the "don't over-analyze it; just do it" alternate point of view. So I'm guessing this post lost credibility right after "Hi, guys…." tongue.gif Jb
Hey JimmyB, me thinks you're going to have to bring me down to the bay and sophisticate me to this intellectual stuff as I have no idea what you just said. I'll chalk my excuse up to being a hick from NV who has a lot of fun on moto-bikes.

name='cougar8000' date='Jul 12 2008, 09:50 AM' post='451133']
...This bothers the heck out of me hearing it coming from one of the instructors.......

.......... .......And to finish this up. tell your friend to reread the MSF book. ........
...Not bad enough we often get MSF instructors preaching their diatribe to *us* seems (per above) they do it to each other. LOL. No offense meant, but the msf guys I know stack up more than the rest of us an it doesn't keep them from preaching (although it does quiet them down a bit) On rides, they are the ones we consistently wait on though, but that isn't a problem as their tardiness gives them less time to preach. LOL, all in good fun.

name='HuskyRider' date='Jul 12 2008, 10:34 AM' post='451152']We're leaving right now with only helmets and jeans..
Been worried sick about you and your risky behavior, please let me know you made it home OK

name='uctofeej' date='Jul 12 2008, 12:14 PM' post='451181']
name='James Burleigh' post='451137' date='Jul 12 2008, 11:54 AM']So philosophers argue that as intelligent human beings (not meaning "smart," but having reasoning powers) we think about stuff. I buy into this point of view. And the more passionate we are about the stuff we do, the more we think about it. It's natural. It's what being human means.
If I spent any time thinking about this, I'd swear he just called the non-thinkers a bunch of monkeys...
!!!THANKS for the translation -so that a hick (four letter word) can understand. Yep, wonder how many safety nazi's have as much fun
(clicky)(and btw legal in sweden -clicky)

BTW: (and grateful, not bragging) all my accidents on dirt. the street is a much safer environment *if* you're paying attention IMO, but that can certainly be argued.

un-philosophical in reno ....john

- folks who feel that they're 'giving to the motorcycle community' by sharing their feelings of safety (intentions are noble, but personally, I'm tired of hearing it and IMO often personal agendas)
I'm probably in this group. However, I doubt that anyone but your mother, and maybe your significant other, give a rat's ass what you, or for that matter what any experienced rider wears. FWIW I'm not an MSF instructor, and don't have any interest in becoming one.

I do care about what young folks do and would like to encourage them to take an aggressive defensive approach to their riding. The starting point for defensive riding is gear, although some folks (as you imply) see the gear as a way to just be aggressive rather than to be aggressive about being defensive.

Every year we lose one or two young people from our community to motorcycle accidents. Usually ATGATT wouldn't help them much because they die on a crotch rocket while coming out of a rural area at 75 mph into an urban area where the speed limit transitions from 55 mph to maybe 30 mph. A car driven by distracted folks turns left in front of them, oblivious to their trajectory.

Its not that ATGATT will save your ass. Its that ATGATT is a starting point for defensive riding.

By relating our personal stories and our support for defensive tactics, we hope that a young person who has not yet formed habits will choose defensive habits.

Ride your own ride. If an anecdote about the benefit of taking a defensive approach to riding helps a few people along the way, that's good. Its really hard to extrapolate the anecdotes about why ATGATT is something proposed by NAZIs into something that will benefit any young person.

I doubt that anyone but your mother, and maybe your significant other, give a rat's ass what you, or for that matter what any experienced rider wears.
respectfully, I wholeheartedly disagree. I need to look no further than any motorcycle forum to find many who want to tell me and everyone eles what to wear. I need look no further than the many organizations that lobby for laws against motorcycle freedoms and what we can and can't wear. I need look no further than current laws. Now, are all these bad? perhaps not, but to the point: There are many, from every angle preaching, legislating or enforcing what we wear on our bikes.

I do care about what young folks do and would like to encourage them to take an aggressive defensive approach to their riding.
certainly agree, but not limited to young ..especially on this forum where the average age seems to be about 85(?)

although some folks (as you imply) see the gear as a way to just be aggressive rather than to be aggressive about being defensive.
Your characterization of me is completely inaccurate. Please show me where I imply "gear as being a way to just be aggressive". No way Jose. If you can, I'll quickly apologize and change my wording.

Every year we lose one or two young people from our community to motorcycle accidents. Usually ATGATT wouldn't help them much because they die on a crotch rocket while coming out of a rural area at 75 mph into an urban area where the speed limit transitions from 55 mph to maybe 30 mph. A car driven by distracted folks turns left in front of them, oblivious to their trajectory.
much the same here, but different worlds also. Every day (this time of year) our sierra hospitals and morgues are frequented by banged up and dead riders. I get to see this 'live" everyday in our local hospitals. Certainly none of us want this, and any age is the wrong age, but here it is more older folks who are just not riding smart that account for the majority. The young, seem much better equipped for the dangers of our mountain roads than under skilled old guys. (just the way it is). I'm sure it very much varies by region.

By relating our personal stories and our support for defensive tactics, we hope that a young person who has not yet formed habits will choose defensive habits.
Good on ya if you think your successful here. me thinks wasted breath that could be better spent. perhaps i'm cynical as the ATGATT nazis (as I call them) are not the best riders I know. The best riders I know ride smart and set examples by not stacking it up. They, rather than preach, set the example in the saddle. I can't say that for the safety Nazis.Perhaps you feel young folks will learn from reading the mistakes of others on motorcycle forums. Me thinks they learn on the roads and track by following the examples of success, and when it comes to safety, success means not stacking it up. Perhaps I'm wrong, but I doubt it.

Ride your own ride.
...and what if someone's 'ride' is: Hair on fire, no gear, drunk, double yellow with a bad attitude? Do we still say "Ride your own ride"?

Hello no!! and it shows the hypocrisy.

When i hear someone tell me to ride my own ride I cynically think: "They want me to ride like them ..but I don't ride like them, I'm much safer". And this is often validated because usually within a second after they say "Ride your own ride" they start giving a safety lecture on how they ride. LOL

Its really hard to extrapolate the anecdotes about why ATGATT is something proposed by NAZIs into something that will benefit any young person.
I liken the safety nazi's to the soup nazi on Seinfeld. It makes me laugh. Funny in their unwavering personal agenda and IMO a funny parallel, nothing more meant from it than that.
We probably agree more than disagree on much. After years of safety threads, I'm pretty quick to (attempt) to challenge the landslide of dialogue regarding safety gear. Moto-bikes are great fun and IMO those who want to share and expose others to the fun can best do it by setting safe examples on the road/track and in the saddle. Not by insulting, criticizing or even philosophical dialogue.

Respectfully, ridin' his own ride in Reno ...john

I do care about what young folks do and would like to encourage them to take an aggressive defensive approach to their riding.
How dare you try to influence today's youth. Hell, I'm glad there are so many kids who like wearing shorts and flip-flops on their Ninjas. It's one of the best methods for culling the little bastards out, before they can get older and become a nuisance to the rest of us.

Survivors who stay with it, are likely to learn better.

Isn't science wonderful?

name='uctofeej' date='Jul 12 2008, 12:14 PM' post='451181']
name='James Burleigh' post='451137' date='Jul 12 2008, 11:54 AM']So philosophers argue that as intelligent human beings (not meaning "smart," but having reasoning powers) we think about stuff. I buy into this point of view. And the more passionate we are about the stuff we do, the more we think about it. It's natural. It's what being human means.
If I spent any time thinking about this, I'd swear he just called the non-thinkers a bunch of monkeys...
!!!THANKS for the translation -so that a hick (four letter word) can understand. Yep, wonder how many safety nazi's have as much fun
You're most welcome! But I was just repeating what I learned from eight years of college...


......and what if someone's 'ride' is: Hair on fire, no gear, drunk, double yellow with a bad attitude? Do we still say "Ride your own ride"?

Hello no!! and it shows the hypocrisy.
Hair on fire and no gear? No problem. You take yourself out and that's your problem (apart from my tax dollars being spent on you, if you didn't carry sufficient health insurance).

Drunk, double yellow and bad attitude? I have a problem with that because you risk taking other people, such as me and my loved ones, out.

By all means, ride your own ride as long as your choices affect only you. When those choices begin to affect me, then I will have something to say on the subject.

And do you have any heat issues with your FJR while riding nekkid? Or cold issues in inclement weather? None of my business of course, but I'm just curious.


When those choices begin to affect me, then I will have something to say on the subject.
Yep, my point exactly. While they won't admit it, it is usually said with "conditions" and those conditions are the agenda of the person saying it that varies by person. Not a bad thing per say, but we constantly here it being told to folks who's ride stinks ...and often the person saying it can't ride for poop either.
More importantly: I don't have the heat issue on my FJR, probably more due to my climate, I freeze my own ride off more than I get subjected to unbearable heat.

As far as naked on the FJR?, gosh you're testing me here and I hope I don't get caught fibbing via a picture floating around that I don't now about. I don't think ever done it. However, there was that wonderful evening that Kathryn and I went out on the Black Rock Playa to watch the shooting stars -and well, it got kinda romantic. We mighta taken a naked spin around the playa, but I don't think so.

Now, the other bikes have got skid-marks on the Corbin so I'm not so quick to deny it there.

LOL're good fun.

Enjoy your ride RenoJohn. Please ignore our mumbling. We are just trying to make us feel good here. Sorry for the disturbance.
