Today is a special day around here...

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Isabella is Lazarus
Dec 2, 2008
Reaction score
Metairie, LA suburb of Ole Nawlins'
I was married to the AIW on Saturday, January 31, 1987 at 7:39 pm (1939hrs)

Best gift from God I ever received, but first before my 2 daughters.

Can say the same for my parents who were great people IMHO.

So 5 great and unworthy gifts directly from God, just for me.

I'm am humbled, yet grateful beyond words.


edit: I hope this doesn't diminish anyone's feelings as I'm sensitive to the plight of marriage these days

but I hope the shock of "that other" thread is tempered by my glass half full, very very fortunate big picture in the scheme of things...I wouldn't change a thing (think of you Carver) and it's all good. When I get to that big library in the sky, I have a few questions and a few things to look up not quite knowing the truth behind it (gonna head to the historical section and find out what's the story on Nov 23, 1963 for instance). I'm where I suppossed to be and I coudn't be more looking forward to what tomorrow brings.

I don't deserve the good things in my life, but I'm grateful.

I've learned a few other insights in the journey and can define what I'm receiving on a daily basis from above:

lotsa Grace - goodness received without deserving it

and Mercy - not receiving what I do deserve

oh, BTW, ya'll did go bowling after ya wedding...didn't ya???


While you're in the "historic area", would you also research and find the answer asked many times on the forum:

Why do sweet and lovely ladies marry such trolls?

[SIZE=8pt]Er..thank God they do or none of us would have progeny![/SIZE]

:clapping: Congratulations to both of you. :clapping:

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While you're in the "historic area", would you also research and find the answer asked many times on the forum:
Why do sweet and lovely ladies marry such trolls?

[SIZE=8pt]Er..thank God they do or none of us would have progeny![/SIZE]

:clapping: Congratulations to both of you. :clapping:
1) they were drunk at the time

2) they have no taste

3) they are desparate to leave home

4) they believe they can change the troll in their image

Well Mike, despite what you posted in "that other thread" it is my considered opinion that you are one lucky SOB. :clapping:

Many congratulations to you both. We're knocking on the door of our thirtieth anniversary but that can't really be true because then we'd be a lot older than we pretend to be.

Damn! she was (and I assume still is) pretty!!!

wish I could say the same about your mug Mike. :clown2:

Any chance you sang Tiptoe through the tulips on Johnny Carson once? You look a lot like that guy.

Congratulations. I never made it past 11 years the first time around, but working on it again. I hope you two hit your Golden Anniversary. :clapping:

Patriot, my sincere congratulations to You and Your wife for a long and happy marriage! I truly wish you many more years of wedded bliss and much happiness!

FOOTNOTE TO SHINYPARTSUP: Dios mio, hombre: Patriot - Mike does have an uncanny resemblance to Tiny Tim in his wedding picture, did Bust photo shop this pic!

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Was her maiden name Nadine Briones? I was in love with her in 5th grade, and that's *exactly* what she would like in the same time era. You, my friend, are a very lucky amigo...
