Today was a hard day

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Feb 14, 2006
Reaction score
Alfred, NY
We had one of those days that only somebody that has experienced winter can appreciate. After a week of brutal temps the sun was out and it was gorgeous, in a northern sense. :) We had a high in the 40's, which is t-shirt weather around here - there was a hint of spring in the air. To top it off, I am coming off from an extremely busy two months at work so there is a lot of stress coming off.

And that's where I made my mistake. I went to the local motorcycle shop. Normally I go there once a year to get my bike inspected, taking care of maintenance myself. But my dad was in town celebrating his 73rd b-day, and although he can't ride anymore he enjoys being around bikes. I have to say that for being in the middle of nowhere the local shop does have a nice collection of machines, including a little museum. I sure would like to try out the BSA they have on display!

We checked out some of the H-D's, the new 'Zooks (the B-King is ugly!, the 'Busa sweet but not my style, and the M-109 still has a honkin' set of meats on it), some dirtbikes, and a Strom. Dad spotted a Goldwing trike that looked good. Not really in his price range, but it's fun to talk about it. Who knows, maybe he will find a way to scrape the money together, with a little help from his boys, and we can get some more riding in.

As dad is talking to the sales guy I strolled around the shop some more. That's when it happened. Strolling by the scooters and the Stars, after the warrior, hanging out with an R6 and an R1 there is an '07 FJR. :eek: What the hell is that doing there?! I guess I've gotten used to walking past FBG in the garage, but the sight of the familiar lines in an unfamiliar setting stirred up some feelings that have been dormant during the cold months, I need to RIDE!

Well that's not going to happen for at least another month. So as a small compensation I came home and read a ride report in Rider magazine about West Virginia, planning a ride for next fall with the teenager helps some. The best part of the day is when my wife made my dad's (and mine) favorite dessert for his B-Day. I like pie, but I miss my FJR. :(

That's a great day for not riding. Hung around bikes, you were with your father, you got some great pie....the only thing that would have made it the best day was riding.

I can only imagine what you go through in the East. On the west coast I ride year round. Ooops sorry did I say that out loud.....

Hmmmmmmmmmm.... let me think...

Rode last Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday was Bike Night at a pub, rode yesterday and all day today.

I really hate winter.


By the way, I whispered all the above................. :ph34r:

While it is nice to ride all yr round. You and others like you get to re-discover the passion every yr. Hopefully the next month will go by quickly.

I kinow your pain. The weather here has been sunny and clear for two weeks . The problem is 3/4 mile of ice from my driveway to the pavement. Last year I trailered to the pavement but this year some "Idiot" loaned out the trailer and it is in Washington instead of here where I need it. :angry:


When I lived in Chicago I always use to say that bad weather made you appreciate nice weather even more. I have since come to my senses and moved south!!

To help lift you spirits, check out our ride report from today: Clicky


Cool you have the experience of sharing motorcycling with your pops. Many can't or haven't, including me. Oh, I got wet the other day too, riding home from work. It was also dark. Pretty impressive, huh? :rolleyes:

Cool you have the experience of sharing motorcycling with your pops. Many can't or haven't, including me. Oh, I got wet the other day too, riding home from work. It was also dark. Pretty impressive, huh? :rolleyes:

Hi guys, I really feel for you, I have not had a decent ride myself in the last few weeks but have had the opportunity to ride 18 miles to and from work, admittedlly the temp has been up to 38 celsius but a ride is still a ride.

I am planning on a short (800klm) trip to Philip Island this weekend and will be thinking about all my motorcycling brethren that cannot ride as I travel south to the Australian round of the world superbikes. Keep your chin up guys, the weather will eventually come good and the black sticky stuff will soon be biting the tarmac..


Cool you have the experience of sharing motorcycling with your pops.
True, never know how long that is going to last. One of the reasons we moved north was to be closer to our family so we could have times like this more often. When retirement time comes around for me (in a million years) I will be working hard on the SO to move someplace with an abbreviated winter.

BTW, my day wasn't bad, overstated the case there. But the moment I saw that Feej real did get the juices flowing.

Alright time to go read jwilly's ride report. :)

I did the same thing, but instead of having my dad in tow (he was invited but had other plans) I had my son with me.

There are a lot of nice bikes! The WeeStrom looks good in flat black. The '08 FJR looks good in black too.

It looks like 2008 is the year for black

V65....nice to see you spend quality time with your Dad. Nice to see he enjoys bikes as well. I feel your pain about not riding. At least I can take that out on my snowmobile and ATV (which I took out today). Spring will be here SOON!


I'm suffering from being limited to riding 2-3 days a week. The three weeks of down time while the bike was in warranty service was painful enough. My heart goes out to you!

Your Dad is still around and that is awesome! Good time to grab a wrench and sit around on shop stools, making little to no progress on something mechanical that will probably never be finished, and finding out some day that finishing it never really mattered.

Or, you could ditch the responsibilities, head south and come ride the Outer Banks with me next weekend.


Or, you could ditch the responsibilities, head south and come ride the Outer Banks with me next weekend.
My wife officially hates you, that is a tempting offer :lol: If it's a weekend I'll be at a swim meet, amazing how much joy you can get out of watching your kids participate in sports. :yahoo: 'Course it doesn't hurt that they are a lot better at it than I was.

Tom, you going to Americade again this year?

Or, you could ditch the responsibilities, head south and come ride the Outer Banks with me next weekend.

Tom, you going to Americade again this year?
I'm not sure yet. If I can hook up with some other FJR riders I might just take a day off form work and head over.


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When ozzie and jwilly get thirsty this summer, y'all come up 'n see us.
