Told off my first cager yesterday

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Very close to my nightmare of a 16 year old pulling out in front of me while taking on the cell phone......of course she's driving a huge SUV that I have no chance of going over when the bike runs into her! And of course, she never even saw me!
been there. Except it was a 17 year old boy. Luckily, no damage to my body. Just about 3k damage to the bike. And he had the nerve to ask me if I'd help him pay for his front fender if he promised to pay for a replacement windshield to keep the the insurance companies out of it....
Sigh. Idiots come in all demographics.


Toe, if you're outside of CA, say in TX or some of the SE states, I'd offer advice you to just leave the guy alone........he could be packin and might not take to your comments too well?

We all just need to realize that all cages are out to kill us, and not take it for granted that they see you cause they can be looking right at you and still pull out in front of you. Always be on the defensive. We all know road rage isn't in our best interests, but it feels good to let it out.

While I'm sure it felt great and I don't blame you, be very careful. There are a lot of idiots out there that might pull a knife or gun on you. Really think about approaching a vehicle like that again. It may end up badly for you.

I've told several cagers off in similar circumstances. Because I don't expect them to give a damn about my life/health, I put it in terms that WILL make an impression- "If you cause an accident that injures me and damages my bike, you'll pay big time. In addition to some very expensive motorcycle repairs, you'll be paying for at least an emergency room visit, possibly more, depending on the extent of injuries. And if your insurance tries to low buck me, I'll sue you directly." When they realize the effect on them, it (sometimes) makes an impression.

Yep - Been there, done that (See avatar pic)

18 year old girl, on the phone, with a friend in the car, headed to the mall. The Perfect Storm of Stupidity.

I learned to ride in L.A. so needless to say I have had a few heated conversations with cagers as well. I try to pick my battles cause a couple have ended with threats of violance against me (somehow if I see someone acting like a jackass and I call them on it, the only resolution they see is to act like a bigger jackass). But my favorite ended with the guy getting out of his car a storming towards me, so I got off the bike and said "Bring it on. You gonna tickle me in the belly while I break your nose with my helmet?" He paused just long enough to take in all of my armored riding gear & full-faced helmet and wisely reassessed his intended course of action. He reassessed so rapidly that he tripped and fell trying to get back to his car. I do love that instant karma.

We all just need to realize that all cages are out to kill us, and not take it for granted that they see you cause they can be looking right at you and still pull out in front of you. Always be on the defensive. We all know road rage isn't in our best interests, but it feels good to let it out.
While I'm sure it felt great and I don't blame you, be very careful. There are a lot of idiots out there that might pull a knife or gun on you. Really think about approaching a vehicle like that again. It may end up badly for you.
<snippage>Well, I guess that'd be a relative term, but I've been riding for 4-1/2 years and a bit over 50,000 miles, pretty much all on public pavement. Been plenty of serenity mantras, TWN salutes, horn blasts, head shaking, face-palming, etc...
I must say that Bob's comments quoted above are my usual response. A shaking head and head slap (Doh!) are my usual comment. So far, I choose to let it go at that while hoping they will eventually pull the same stunt in front of a policeman or violate the travel path of another dull-thinking dimwit like themselves, hopefully driving an SUV.

First, I seriously doubt that any comment I make is going to cause them to rethink their poor driving skills or threat perception. If they had the perceptive and cognitive abilities to form a conclusion about the possible incident that was just avoided by my ability to predict and evade they wouldn't have placed themselves in that situation.

Secondly, there are just too many of them on the roadways for me to believe I can change the odds or the drivers. Yes, I could vent but I doubt the end result will be lasting and prevent the driver from using the same tactics and driving style that has "worked" for them.

Last, if the confrontation was witnessed by a policeman it could be interpreted as road rage and is prosecutable. I don't carry a "get-out-of-jail-free" card and cretainly don't need that conviction on my record.

I tell you we got to make talking on the cell phone and driving at the same time illegal, period.
It IS illegal in California but that law hasn't seemed to make much of a difference in the unsafe driving habits of automobile drivers. They probably think the law is for the OTHER users who are unsafe unlike themselves who can multi-task and believe they are great drivers even while dialing, talking or texting on their cell phones.
