Too Easy

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I have to admit, that when I first (only 2 1/2" weeks ago) bought my FJR I was kind of pissed off about all of the things I WANTED to change on it. Then it hit me:

#1 - I want to change them, I don't NEED to change them.

#2 - My last bike had over $2K of changes made to it before it even rolled away from the dealer.

#3 - I like to modify the bike to make it just the way I want it.

#4 - Holy SHIT is this thing fun to ride!

FWIW, I thought about getting a goldwing, as I have put in a few thousand miles on them. However, I just didn't want anything that big. All bikes are crap if you don't like them, and all bikes are the best thing every to hit the road if you love them.

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Just in case people get the wrong impression I really like the bike and own 2 of them. BUT there are things that are worth bringing to the attention of those master mechanics that inhabit the forum that may have a fix for some of the tiny shortcomings of this magnificent machine. :D

Actually, I like the fact that there are so many different types of riders here. Each with a different style of riding, different backgrounds, and all sorts of views on what to do with this feej thang. It is like cruising the buffet line with a really big plate (the feej). You look at all the goodies offered and pick the ones you want. Now fill your plate and let's eat.

Newsflash, this just in,

Although I've had my FJR for 4 years, my 600 mile check is still due. Actually my 26k valve is also due, but I'll probably skip it, since I've never had a shim under bucket issue with any of the many bikes I've owned.

Yes, I'm 'guilty' of disconnecting the main throttle spring. You see I do have physical issues with my throttle hand from 40+ years of riding and probably a couple of decades of computer work contributed. The throttle disconnect helped considerably. Have I ever had problems with the throttle hand prior to the FJR? Youbetcha!

Needs to be torn apart to do a TBS after a few hundred miles? Think again. I did mine after 5k miles and I suppose there was a difference, but it is optional to us FJR enthusiasts, not required. Have you ever seen an FJR sitting on the side of the road because the owner didn't do a TBS after 'a few hundred miles'? :yahoo:

Yes, I am also guilty of the Barbarian mod :( Sorry. Again, it is only a tweek and not necessary, but I take pleasure in getting down into the bike and digging around to see what makes it go. The Barbarian mod is easy - I didn't have to cut any wires. Just move a wire to another spot and jump a connection. Took all of five minutes. Yamaha isn't guilty of a screw-up to require this mod. One can blame CARB. If you don't know what that is, Google it. Many of the newer bikes with EFI 'hunt' a bit, including your venerable 'Wing (had a recall on that one, due to the whining of owners) and the super fine BMWs, again, lots of whining by owners and a lot of foot dragging by the manufacturer.

In the 4 years that I have owned my FJR, no issues with the kickstand, other than it got a bit stiff going up and down. I didn't complain to Yamaha, I just squirted some 30 weight on it and voila', just like new. Slicker than snot on a doorknob! As far as issues with the sidestand, I just don't understand that at all. I think that is just a numbnuts factor kicking in with people who aren't paying attention to what they're doing. Hope they are more alert when on the road. From what I've read, only way to safely park some Ducatis is to lean them against a tree... :)

A couple of thousand miles to break in the shifter? Have you ever had a new bike that didn't need breaking in a bit? My FJR shifts as smooth as silk (with a bit of the Yamaha 'clunk' - which is standard on Yamahas). Now when I first started riding my GL1800 and shifting I was saying "WTF?" with all the clunking, false neutrals and missed shifts. But it went away as I broke the bike in. One has to make much more determined shifts with the 'Wing than on the FJR, so don't try to sling that shit on us.

One year warrantY? Just about all they need. I'm an original owner of a U.S. vintage FJR and I have yet to hear of an FJR owner being stranded by a factory defect. I did blow out a fork seal. I have the YES extended warranty, but I knew that the fork seal was a wear item, like brake pads or tires, but I told my dealer that I could buy seals and DIY or they could install them and make a few bucks from Yamaha. They called Cypress and Mama Yama agreed to replace the seals under a 'Goodwill Warranty' since the dealer told them I was a good customer. Dealer told me I would be charged for new fork oil, but when I picked up the bike, they just handed me the keys and said I was good to go. That's the only time in 4 years this bike has been in the shop, except for when they took it out of the crate, everyone went oooooohh and aaaaaw and they put it together. So do I have any complaints about the one year warranty? Nope. Would I buy another FJR? Yup, but it's going to be a long time, if ever before this one wears out.

Complacent? Hardly! You just haven't been around very long. Hundreds, maybe thousands of complaints about heat, #1/2 exhaust valves ticking (quite rare and Yamaha always fixed, even out of warranty), wimpy (490 watt) alternator, etc. Far from being complacent of silent on what riders feel is a shortcoming, but then what brand is there that owners don't complain about?

As long as excellent wrenching skills can fix the problem it's all good.
Well, if you call TBS or Bararian Mod 'excellent wrenching skills' you probably have to call a buddy to help change a lightbulb :lol:

You can tell the Goldwing riders in the group. They think that this stuff should not be.
What? Goldwing owners are the biggest group of whiners and bitchers in the universe!

Bottom line: I think you're TROLLING...

:yahoo: :clapping: thank you, Thank You, THANK YOU.

Now I can go to work in a "happier place"...unless ODOT tries to run me over, off the road or give me the one finger count.

Lerdog - just what make and model of bike do YOU currently ride and what have you have before it?

No, you never said the FJR was a POS, you just implied we were idiots because we own one.

I haven't done any of the mods you mentioned and am very happy with the bike. Far easier to work on than any of the Honda, Kawasaki, Suzuki or BMW's that I have owned.

I have to absolutely agree with this - "The FJR is by far the best all around bike (for me) that I have owned."

I have to absolutely agree with this - "The FJR is by far the best all around bike (for me) that I have owned."

In 27 years of riding and almost that many bikes, +1 big time! I feel like I've finally gotten my "it" bike. The ONE. THE bike for me.

(ps... the seat sucks)

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I ride two bikes, the FJR, and a vulcan 750 cuirser, I've noticed on the FJR my armpits tend to get a lot warmer-----anyone got a fix for this?

Here ya go, boss!

