Took 45 years but they finally let me in - the Crash Club

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Here is the update. She got a 'verbal warning'
That's pretty lame. Here if you caused an accident, even if you are only 50% of the cause, it's very likely you will get a reckless driving citation, (~$400). (usually one of the two parties involved gets it) Sadly, the pretty women seldom get these. A woman, (young, pretty, new BMW), pulled out from a flashing red stop signal and T-boned me as I entered an intersection on a flashing yellow and I got the reckless driving citation. The judge said "But for you being in the intersection, the accident wouldn't have occured." :dribble: No reduction in fine or change of charges. The other driver got no citation at all. I had to laugh a little when I learned her Ins. Co. denied her claim because they found her to be at fault.

If CT is remotely like most states, it's not possible to get the verbal warning changed to a citation after the fact.

Good luck on the recovery and repairs.

If they are on the phone and not paying attention, there is really not much you can do apart from wearing bright clothing and or helmet. Many times when I look to see someone approaching me from behind at a light I will make some movements to make sure they see me. Arm stretches, twisting around, getting off the bike and doing cart wheels, whatever. Something to jar them out of whatever stupor they are in so they notice me. My Scorpion glow in the dark helmet looks a little corny, but I really do not care if it gets someones attention.



The problem is none of this stuff can stop stupid as we have seen so many times.

Glad you are mostly OK.

It enrages me that she lied, and that she got nothing from the cop. She is probably related to someone somewhere. Sucks.

Get a good lawyer.

.I mean you were not wearing leather and riding a Harley with straight pipes, were you?... :rolleyes:
No way. If he'd had loud pipes, she would have heard him from behind - the only place where the loud pipes CAN be heard. And then the loud pipes would have saved his life. :rolleyes:

Glad you're more-or-less OK, and that the police are aware of what the driver did, and said.

and another chapter in this episode is finished. . .

I picked up the feejer and paid for the repairs yesterday. Left a 'please call me, my patience is at an end' message for the guy at her insurance company who is handling this claim.

He just called back - bottom line he is cutting a check for the bike repairs today. Next week he is going to verify the value of the helmet, headset in it and Cycleport jacket and then send me a check for them. Of course, he is my new best friend, inquirying about my injuries & how I'm feeling :glare:

In passing he tells me his insured - wondergirl who hit me - has filed an ammended accident report. She now claims she didn't tell the cop she hit me. She says only that she "doesnt know whether she hit me or not" :angry:

Again the bottom line is her insurance company is assuming 100% liability

Her insurance guy sounds like a nice enough guy. I think even he can't understand what she is doing?

and another chapter in this episode is finished. . .
I picked up the feejer and paid for the repairs yesterday. Left a 'please call me, my patience is at an end' message for the guy at her insurance company who is handling this claim.

He just called back - bottom line he is cutting a check for the bike repairs today. Next week he is going to verify the value of the helmet, headset in it and Cycleport jacket and then send me a check for them. Of course, he is my new best friend, inquirying about my injuries & how I'm feeling :glare:

In passing he tells me his insured - wondergirl who hit me - has filed an ammended accident report. She now claims she didn't tell the cop she hit me. She says only that she "doesnt know whether she hit me or not" :angry:

Again the bottom line is her insurance company is assuming 100% liability

Her insurance guy sounds like a nice enough guy. I think even he can't understand what she is doing?

Maybe afraid of a lawsuit???? This way she is not admitting guilt? Glad to read that you are doing good.

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Glad the you are unhurt. Same thing happen to me in Miami. Saw the car coming and laid down on the tank. The driver did not hit me too hard and the bike was out of the shop pretty quickly. No injuries. Since that hit I have been very cautious about traffic. I look at my rearview until the car stops. I tap my brakes at in irregular interval even in traffic. Followers may be pissed but they see me.
