Go Wings!
Yay Hawks!! Go Bruins! Take this to game 7 double overtime!!!
Actually, you may be on to something there. But none of this "We only play on Sundays" ********. Then we'd have some survivalk of the fittest and attrition of the weak at it's finest. If Hockey players can play every other day (or more) all season long, why can't those NFL pansies?The NHL playoffs are just brutal....4 smashmouth, best of seven series to get the cup.
Just brutal.
Just think if the NFL had 4 best of seven playoff series to win the NFL Trophy!
Does anyone else smell sewer gas? Don't light a match!Just as I had predicted. You may all now bask in the glow of my brillance. Next time you want to know anything about hockey don't waste your time on those Bostoncentric fans like FredW & ShinyPartsUp. Come and talk to a true Canadian where it's all hockey all the time....
I am smart enough to know not to bet on any sporting event or play slots. They are both rigged. You cannot win in the long run^^^^As stated in another thread, Bill is now living off of his wondrous life changing bet...since he put his $$ where his mouth/piehole/rye-orifice is located.
Fixed it for you Fred.I amsmart enough to know nottoo cheap a Yank to bet on any sporting event or play slots...
That deserves another posting.
What is with these polite Canadians. Kick the bastard out...