touring gear and accessories??

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May 24, 2007
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Hi, I just bought the FJR and I'm getting geared up for camping touring. all I have is the stock bike. Does anyone knkow where I can find a checklist of touring gear? I 've never toured before, so I need somewhere to start. Maybe some of you experienced riders could give me advice.

Thanks in advance, Jeff B.

Hi, I just bought the FJR and I'm getting geared up for camping touring. all I have is the stock bike. Does anyone knkow where I can find a checklist of touring gear? I 've never toured before, so I need somewhere to start. Maybe some of you experienced riders could give me advice.Thanks in advance, Jeff B.
I think you need to tell us more about where you'll be, what time of year, how minimal you can be, are you stopping to eat......

Details would help for a better answer.

It takes a long time to type all that stuff up. Here is a perhaps overly anal list. Pick and choose what you bring by common sense. If you took all this stuff, you'd be taking an SUV and not a bike :lol:

I always do bring enough for a worst case scenario (which can change drastically based on the ride plan). If I plan on a superslab to a destination, then I have a reasonable expectation of being able to get help if I need it. If I plan on out of the way destinations, I have to consider being able to survive for the number of days necessary to locate help.

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In my younger days, my idea of motorcycle camping included mainly backpacking type gear and a cheap fiberglass poled dome tent.

Now that I've 'matured', I prefer packing a healthy Visa card and reservations at the Hyatt!

There are many books available. One I have is "Adventure Motorcycling Handbook", by Chris Scott. It's aimed at around-the-world touring, but has many good tips on what works and what you don't really need.

By the way, how's your dog? Where's that avatar you started with?

As I have matured (or at least aged) I have gone in the opposite direction from Jack. I used to prefer hotels, but now camp when I can.

My gear is fairly simple. I have a 3 person tent Eureka tent. I like having extra room for gear inside the tent. I have both an air mattress and a Thermarest. I take the air mattress when space isn't as critical. If space is limited, I take the Thermarest.

I generally don't cook meals, but do like coffee when I want it. So I usually carry a Jet Boil with coffee press.

I take a sleeping bag when needed. For the last few trips it was so hot I just took some sheets and no sleeping bag.

Knowing what gear will work best for you is just a matter of trial and error. I picked up a lot of good pointers at rallies.


Check out

You can read until your eyes bleed.


You might want to check out there is a lot of motorcycle camping specific information on that site.

I have found that I need a 3-4 man tent in order to have room to get things inside and off the bike. I've used a 9'x9' Coleman for a few years and just bought a 4-man Eureka Timberline to try this year. I have used one of the "self inflating" type air mattress/pads. I wasn't too happy. I need more comfort. I now use a Coleman twin size air bed and "4d quick pump". I have a Woods brand sleeping bag and a thin fleece bag to go over or in it if I get cold. I bought a small camp stool, a GCI outdoor packseat, from I put all this in a duffel bag and strap it to the passenger seat. I pack clothes in the side bags, odds and ends in the tail and tank bags.. I'll be the first to say it. I over pack, but I have cut way back from the Goldwing and Bushtec trailer mode.


Try these.

oh, and MRE's make handy meals if you aren't anywhere near a diner and need a quick meal. Of course some nights after setting up camp it may be pouring outside and you won't feel like going out in the rain for a bite. All you need is an MRE bag and a bit of water and presto- you've got a hot meal right inside your tent.

If you want to try a few, let me know. I've got plenty from last hunting season that I found for the right price on Flea-Bay. I've got enough current production MRE's to last me 3 more hunting seasons..... Hey the price was right so I just HAD to buy them.

Thanks guys, you are great and I've been able to learn a lot. I've got a few days till I leave for WFO, so I can take a couple of short trips for a shakedown, I'll be camping for the most part. I'm a minimalist camper, but unfamiliar with the unique needs of motortouring.

You guys have given me a great head start!


and see you on the road,

Jeff in Boulder,Co
